@mastersthesis{biotechri:895, author = {{Kršanac, Matea}}, title = {{Rare codon differences affect expression of the neurodevelopmental protein paralogs NDE1 and NDEL1}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:913, author = {{Ukić, Ema}}, title = {{The EH domain of EHD3 is required, but not sufficient, to cause its aggregation}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:899, author = {{Miseta, Lucija}}, title = {{Cellular parabiosis}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:931, author = {{Liker, Klaudia}}, title = {{Učinak farmakološke inhibicije PI4KIIa i PI4KIIIb na citoskelet trombocita}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:929, author = {{Strehovec, Ivona}}, title = {{Dopamine and its interaction with DISC1 in animal models}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:793, author = {{Bilaver, Laura}}, title = {{Regulation of the expression of somatic H1 subtypes in human lines}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:790, author = {{Fartek, Tina}}, title = {{EHD3 aggregation depends on more than one critical region}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:794, author = {{Piagnani, Elena}}, title = {{Respiratory syncytial virus replication: Inhibition by influenza A virus defective interfering particles}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:803, author = {{Bergman, Mihaela}}, title = {{Stress as a factor affecting aggregation of NPAS3 and other proteins related to mental illness}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:797, author = {{Echeta, Justina Oluchi}}, title = {{Analysis of ADAR protein during productive HSV-1 Infection}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:661, author = {{Ivaničić, Matea}}, title = {{Silencing of ATF3 in primary cortical cultures derived from neonatal opossum Monodelphis domestica}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:520, author = {{Fartek, Tina}}, title = {{Investigating co-aggregation of EHD3 and its potential role in chronic mental illnesses}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:392, author = {{Mikašinović, Sanja}}, title = {{Expression of stem cell markers in primary cell cultures and fresh-fixed tissue preparations deriving from nervous tissue of postnatal opossums}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:425, author = {{Šiljeg, Perina}}, title = {{GENETIC OVERLAP BETWEEN SCHIZOPHRENIA AND BIPOLAR DISORDER}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:415, author = {{Gvoić, Ines}}, title = {{Konvergencija agregiranih proteina prisutnih kod mentalnih bolesti i neurodegenerativnih poremećaja}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:409, author = {{Marion, Carla}}, title = {{DISC1 as an important protein involved in the process of neurodevelopment}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:321, author = {{Odorčić, Maja}}, title = {{Defining the aggregation-critical region of the schizophrenia-related protein TRIOBP-1}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:283, author = {{Zaharija, Beti}}, title = {{In vitro SUMOilacija proteina povezanih sa mentalnim poremećajima}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:281, author = {{Horvat, Veronika}}, title = {{Karakterizacija globalnih proteomskih profila stanica raka debelog crijeva čovjeka u ovisnosti o statusu gena BRAF}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:279, author = {{Camlić, Luana}}, title = {{Istraživanje veznih mjesta za natrij u transporterima: NLS1 paradigma}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:234, author = {{Rodin, Barbara}}, title = {{Ispitivanje uloge L-tipa Kriptokoroma na cirkalunarno i svjetlom uvjetovano ponašanje u morskom kolutićavom crvu Platynereis dumerilii}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:240, author = {{Rob, Matea}}, title = {{Karakterizacija uloge optineurina u regulaciji upalnih signala u mikroglijalnim i neuronalnim staničnim linijama}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:259, author = {{Ostojić, Lucija}}, title = {{Molekularna dinamika u analizi koraka u katalitičkom ciklusu gama-sekretaze: potraga za novim strategijama za dizajn lijekova za Alzheimerovu bolest}}, }