Title Utjecaj reflektirajuće folije na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva plodova jabuke
Title (english) Influence of reflective foil on the physico-chemical properties of apple fruits
Author Janja Keškić
Mentor Martina Skendrović Babojelić (mentor)
Committee member Martina Skendrović Babojelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jana Šic Žlabur (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Lazarević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Pomology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-12-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract U intenzivnoj voćarskoj proizvodnji teži se primjeni novijih tehnologija u cilju poboljšanja
kvalitete i fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava plodova. Pojedine sorte i njihovi klonovi imaju
problem s razvojem boje plodova, a posebno u godinama s nepovoljnim vremenskim
prilikama što se onda loše odražava na njihovu kvalitetu i tržišnu vrijednost. Danas postoje
posebne folije koje se određeno vrijeme prije berbe postavljaju između redova u nasadu sa
svrhom pospješivanja fotosinteze i poboljšanja refleksije svjetla u krošnju stabla. Cilj ovog
rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj reflektirajuće folije 'Lumilys™' na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva
plodova triju sorata jabuka: 'Wilton's ®Red Jonaprince', 'Jonagold Novajo®' i 'Fuji Kiku 8'. Za
svaku se istraživanu sortu između redova postavila reflektirajuća folija 4 do 6 tjedana prije
berbe. Plodovi su ubrani u optimalnom roku berbe, te su odvojeni isključivo zdravi plodovi
(40 plodova sa svake sorte pokus i 40 plodova kontrole). Analizirana su slijedeća fizikalnokemijska
svojstva plodova jabuka standardnim laboratorijskim metodama: boja, masa i
dimnezije ploda, tvrdoća, indeks zrelosti, sadržaj ukupnih kiselina i topljive suhe tvari.
Također, 20 plodova navedenih sorti čuvani su u periodu od 18 tjedana u hladionici
(normalna atmosfera, 1 °C, 85 % r.v.z.). Analizom kromatskih vrijednosti prema CIE L*a*b
sustavu boja utvrđeno je da su plodovi ubrani sa stabala gdje je unutar redova bila
postavljena reflektirajuća folija imali veći intenzitet crvene boje, a manji intenzitet zelene
boje. Pokus s folijom rezultirao je značajno većom masom, visinom i širinom plodova kod
sorte 'Wilton's ®Red Jonaprince'. Plodovi u pokusu sorte 'Jonagold Novajo®' imali su najveći
sadržaj ukupnih kiselina. Osim toga, značajno veći sadržaj topljive suhe tvari i indeksa zrelosti
utvrđen je na plodovima pokusa sorte 'Fuji Kiku 8'. Također, plodovi sorte 'Fuji Kiku 8' iz
pokusa nakon čuvanja imali su najveću tvrdoću i sadržaj topljive suhe tvari. Dobiveni rezultati
istraživanja upućuju na veliki potencijal reflektirajuće folije u dostizanju, odnosno povećanju
dopunske boje i interne kvalitete plodova. Upotreba ove mjere predstavlja vrlo kvalitetno
rješenje tijekom prevladavanja nepovoljnih klimatskih trendova tijekom dozrijevanja jabuke.
Abstract (english) In intensive apple production, new technologies are being applied to improve the quality
and physico- chemical characteristics of the fruit. Certain varieties and their clones have a
problem with the development of fruit colors, especially in years with adverse weather
conditions, which is than badly reflected in their quality and market value. Today there are
special foils that lay before the harvest time between rows in the plant with the aim of
improving photosynthesis and improving the reflection of light in the crown of the tree. The
aim of this work was to determine influence of the reflective 'Lumilys™' foil on physicochemical
characteristics of apple fruits 'Wilton's ®Red Jonaprince' ,'Jonagold Novajo®' and
'Fuji Kiku 8'. For each of the investigated species, reflecting foil was placed between the rows
4 to 6 weeks before harvest. The fruits were harvested in the optimal harvesting time, and
only the healthy fruits are separated (40 fruits from each variety-experiment and 40 control
fruits). The following physico-chemical characteristics of apple fruit that are analyzed by
standard laboratory methods: color, mass and size of fruits, firmness, maturity index, total
acids and the proportion of soluble dry content. Also, 20 fruits of the mentioned varieties
were kept in the refrigerator for 18 weeks (normal atmosphere, 1 °C, 85 % r.a.h.). By analysis
of chromatic values it was found that the products of trees where reflective foil was placed
within rows, had a higher intensity of red color and lower intensity of green color by the CIE
L*a*b color system. The experiment with the foil resulted in significantly greater mass,
height and width of the fruits of the 'Wilton's ®Red Jonaprince'. The fruits in experiment of
the cultivar 'Jonagold Novajo®' had the highest total acidic content. In addition, significantly
higher soluble dry content and maturity index were determined on the products of
experiment of the cultivar 'Fuji Kiku 8'. Also, the fruits of the 'Fuji Kiku 8' variety from
experiment after the storage had the highest firmness and soluble dry content. Obtained
research results suggest great potential of reflective foil in achieving or increasing the
additional color and internal quality of the fruit. The use of this measure presents a very
good solution for overcoming the unfavorable climatic trends during maturation of apple.
reflektirajuća folija Lumilys™
kvaliteta ploda
Keywords (english)
reflective groundcover Lumilys™
quality of fruit
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:827821
Study programme Title: Horticulture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka hortikulture (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka hortikulture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
Created on 2018-12-12 09:35:07