Title Odabir vrsta za uređenje interijera OŠ J.J.Strossmayera u Zagrebu
Title (english) Selection of type for interior development ES J.J.Strossmayer in Zagreb
Author Stella Hriberski
Mentor Vesna Židovec (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Židovec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravka Dujmović Purgar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miroslav Poje (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Ornamental Plants, Landscape Architecture and Garden Art) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Osnovna škola Josipa Jurja Strossmayera već više od 150 godina nalazi se u strogom centru Zagreba, a u istoj je zgradi od 1890. godine. Usprkos smještaju, nositeljica je eko zastave, a pojedini nastavnici trude se s učenicima urediti interijer i eksterijer škole. Školski vrtovi imaju važnu ulogu u nastavnom procesu, kao i u zelenoj strukturi grada. Bilje u interijeru također ima arhitektonsku, tehničku, zdravstvenu, psihološku i estetsku ulogu.
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je provesti inventarizaciju biljnih vrsta u interijeru i eksterijeru škole, procijeniti interes učiteljica razredne nastave i profesora biologije za vrtlarske aktivnosti s djecom, procijeniti stanje ukrasnog bilja s obzirom na uvjete rasta, dati prijedlog vrsta s obzirom na prostor i uvjete okoliša.
U razdoblju od studenog 2018. do svibnja 2019. godine provedeno je terensko istraživanje i popisane su biljne vrste u eksterijeru i interijeru. Određena je taksonomska pripadnost, životni oblik, porijeklo i invazivnost. Na temelju svih prikupljenih podataka ponuđen je prijedlog vrsta za uređenje okoliša i interijera škole.
Mjerenjem okolišnih čimbenika u interijeru škole ustanovljeno je da je najveća izmjerena vrijednost svjetlosti 2360 lux-a, najveća izmjerena vrijednost temperature je 23,9°C, najveća izmjerena vrijednost relativne vlage zraka je 39,9%. Nakon provedene inventarizacije eksterijera i obrade podataka utvrđeno je da je po broju biljaka najzastupljenija vrsta Prunus laurocerasus, a najveći broj inventariziranih vrsta pripada porodici Lamiaceae. U interijeru škole nakon inventarizacije i obrade podataka ustanovljeno je da je najzastupljenija vrsta Sansevieria trifasciata, a najveći broj različitih vrsta pripada porodici Araceae. Sveukupno je determinirano 28 porodica i 42 biljne vrste. Također je ustanovljeno da se u školi nalazi 8 otrovnih i 1 alergena biljna vrsta. Rezultati intervjua pokazali su da je škola s razlogom nositeljica eko zastave, te da se učiteljice i nastavnice zajedno s učenicima trude produbiti ekološku svijest i što više toga naučiti u okolišu škole na otvorenom. Ideja je da se što više nastavnog materijala iz prirode i društva, te iz biologije odrađuje na zelenim površinama kako bi učenici neke stvari vidjeli i na živom primjeru.
Abstract (english) Josip Juraj Strossmayer´s Elementary School has been in the center of Zagreb for over 150 years and has been in the same building since 1890. Despite the accommodation, the bearer is eco-flag, and same teachers are trying to arrange the interior and exterior of the school. School gardens have an important role in the teaching process as well as in the green structure of the city. Plants in the interior also have architectural, technical, health, psychological and aesthetic role.
The aim of this graduate thesis was to inventory the plant species in the interior and exterior of the school, to assess the interest of the class teacher and the professor of biology for gardening activities with children, to evaluate the condition of the ornamental plant in term of the conditions of growth, to give the species proposal with respect to the environment and the environment.
In the period from November to May, field research was carried out and herbal varieties were listed in the exterior and interior. Taxonomic affiliation, life form, origin and invasiveness have been defined. Based on all the collected data, a proposal was made for the environment for schools and the interior.
By measuring environmental factors in the school's interior, it was found that the highest measured value of light is 2360 lux, the highest measured temperature value being 23.9 ° C, the highest measured relative humidity value is 39.9%. After the exterior inventory and data processing, it was found that by the number of plants the most common species is Prunus laurocerasus, and the largest number of inventoried species belongs to the Lamiaceae family. In the school interior after inventory and data processing it was established that the most common species is Sansevieria trifasciata, and the largest number of different species belongs to the Araceae family. Overall, 28 families and 42 plat species were determined. It has also been established that there are 8 poisonous and 1 allergenic plat species in the school. The results of the interviews showed that the school was reason behind the eco flagship and that teachers and professor together with the students, tried to deepen ecological awareness and learn more about it in the air school environment. The idea is to get as much teaching material from nature and society as possible, and from biology to green areas so that students can cee something in a live example.
školski vrt
ukrasno bilje
Keywords (english)
school garden
ornamental plants
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:697588
Study programme Title: Horticulture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka hortikulture (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka hortikulture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Repository Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
Created on 2019-10-21 12:35:33