Title Utjecaj rezidbe korijena na rast, rodnost i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva ploda jabuke 'Cripps Pink'
Title (english) Influence of root pruning on growth, yield and physico-chemical properties of 'Cripps Pink' apple
Author Stipo Šuman
Mentor Martina Skendrović Babojelić (mentor)
Committee member Martina Skendrović Babojelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Fruk (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stjepan Sito (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Pomology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj rezidbe korijena u različitim tretmanima reza na rast, rodnost i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva ploda jabuke 'Cripps Pink'. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2019. godine u visokointenzivnom nasadu jabuke sorte 'Cripps Pink' u dolini rijeke Neretve. Rezidba korijena izvršena je u 4 tretmana s 3 repeticije, a u svakoj repeticiji je uključeno 5 stabala jabuka. Različiti tretmani označeni su slovima A, B, C i D, gdje je tretman D kontrolni tretman (bez rezidbe korijena), dok se ostali tretmani razlikuju ovisno o udaljenosti reza od debla jabuke. Rezidba korijena obavljena je strojno, rezačem za korijen u stadiju mirovanja jabuke. Praćenjem pokazatelja rasta i rodnosti jabuke utvrđeno je značajno smanjenje vegetativnog rasta u tretmanima rezidbe korijena u odnosu na kontrolu. Kod tretmana B utvrđen je najveći utjecaj na smanjenje vegetativne aktivnosti u vidu smanjene duljine izbojaka te prirasta debla. Najviše vrijednosti priroda po stablu, broja plodova po stablu te efikasnosti rodnosti također su utvrđene kod tretmana B, a najniže kod tretmana D. Nakon berbe te temeljem provedenih fizikalno-kemijskih analiza plodova utvrđeno je da je rezidba korijena značajno utjecala na smanjenje mase plodova u odnosu na kontrolni tretman. Značajan utjecaj različitih tretmana rezidbe korijena na smanjenu visinu ploda utvrđen je kod tretmana A, B i C u odnosu na tretman D, dok je značajno manja širina ploda utvrđena kod kontrolnog tretmana D. Tvrdoća ploda bila je značajno veća kod plodova iz tretmana A, B i C u odnosu na kontrolni tretman D. Viši udio topljive suhe tvari utvrđen je kod plodova iz tretmana B i D u odnosu na plodove iz tretmana A i C. Najviši indeks razgradnje škroba utvrđen kod plodova iz tretmana D. Rezidba korijena u različitim tretmanima nije imala značajan utjecaj na udio ukupnih kiselina te na odnos topljive suhe tvari i ukupnih kiselina Fizikalno-kemijskim analizama ploda utvrđeno je da su plodovi iz tretmana D bili značajno zreliji u odnosu na plodove iz tretmana gdje je obavljena rezidba korijena te sukladno tome imaju značajno kraću skladišnu sposobnost. Najviše dopunske (crvene) boje ploda imali su plodovi jabuka iz tretmana B, dok je najmanje dopunskog crvenog obojenja utvrđeno kod plodova iz tretmana A. Rezidba korijena pozitivno je utjecala na smanjenje vegetativnog rasta, povećanje rodnosti te je utvrđen pozitivan učinak na pojedina fizikalno-kemijska svojstva ploda jabuke 'Cripps Pink'.
Abstract (english) The aim of this thesis was to determine the influence of root pruning in different cutting treatments on the growth, yield and physicochemical properties of the 'Cripps Pink' apple fruit. The research was conducted during 2019 in a high-intensity apple orchard of the 'Cripps Pink' variety in the Neretva River Valley. Root pruning was performed in 4 treatments with 3 repetitions, and 5 apple trees were included in each repetition. Different treatments are denoted by the letters A, B, C and D, where treatment D is the control treatment (without root pruning), while other treatments differ depending on the distance of the cut from the apple trunk. Root pruning was done mechanically, with a root pruner in the dormant stage. Monitoring of the apple growth and yield indicators revealed a significant reduction in vegetative growth in root pruning treatments compared to control. In treatment B, the greatest influence was found on the reduction of vegetative activity in the form of a reduction in shoot length and trunk growth. The highest values of yield per tree, the number of fruit per tree and yield efficiency was also found in treatment B, and the lowest in treatment D. After harvesting and based on physicochemical analysis of the fruit, it was found that root pruning significantly reduced fruit weight in relation to the control treatment. A significant effect of different root pruning treatments on reduced fruit height was found in treatment A, B and C compared to treatment D, while a significantly smaller fruit width was found in the control treatment. Fruit firmness was significantly higher in the fruit from treatments A, B and C compared to control treatment D. A higher proportion of soluble dry matter was found in the fruit from treatments B and D compared to the fruit from treatments A and C. The highest starch degradation index was found in the fruit from the treatment D. Root pruning in different treatments did not have a significant effect on the proportion of total acids and the ratio of soluble dry matter and total acids. Physicochemical analysis of the fruit showed that from treatment D was significantly more mature than fruit from the treatments where root pruning has been performed and accordingly have a significantly shorter storage capacity. The most complementary (red) colour of the fruit was found in fruit from the treatment B, while the lowest intensity of complementary red coloration was found in the treatment A. Root pruning had a positive effect on reducing vegetative growth, increasing yield and a positive effect on some physicochemical properties of the 'Cripps Pink' apple fruit.
rezidba korijena
fizikalno-kemijska svojstva ploda
Keywords (english)
root pruning
physicochemical properties
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:004066
Study programme Title: Horticulture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka hortikulture (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka hortikulture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
Created on 2020-10-09 06:18:58