Title Kvaliteta travnjaka nogometnih terena
Title (english) The quality of the football field turfs
Author Andrej Samarđić
Mentor Krešimir Bošnjak (mentor)
Committee member Krešimir Bošnjak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Vranić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Vitasović Kosić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Field Crops, Forage and Grassland) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract U uvodnom dijelu ovog diplomskog rada istražuju se umjetni (antropogenizirani) sportski
travnjaci nogometnih terena, s posebnim naglaskom na njihovu kvalitetu, pokazatelje kvalitete i
čimbenike koji na njih utječu. Opisane su sve operacije i tehnike održavanja travnjaka te način
njihove provedbe. Također, obrađeni su postupci postavljanja travnjaka na nogometnim terenima,
s posebnim naglaskom na biljne vrste koje čine nogometni travnjak i njihove ekološke
karakteristike, poput visoke otpornosti na gaženje i brzih sposobnosti regeneracije.
U radu su prikazani rezultati ankete provedene među profesionalnim, poluprofesionalnim
i amaterskim igračima, koji se odnose na utjecaj terena na njihovu sposobnost rada s loptom,
kretanja bez lopte i općenito na čimbenike koji su im važni tijekom igre na terenu. Drugi dio ankete
odnosi se na perspektivu gledatelja, odnosno na čimbenike koji su važni za praćenje nogometne
utakmice iz njihove perspektive. Osim ankete, proveden je i upitnik među tehnolozima -
voditeljima održavanja stadiona i nogometnih igrališta u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu (s navedenim
državama uključenima u istraživanje). Tehnolozi su odgovarali na pitanja o načinu održavanja
travnjaka te tehnologijama koje im omogućuju uspješno upravljanje travnjacima u klubovima.
Od švicarskih prvoligaša anketirani su FC Luzern i FC Saint Gallen, dok su od hrvatskih
prvoligaša anketirani HNK Hajduk i HNK Gorica. Također, anketiran je i amaterski klub NK
Kuzmica iz Požeško-slavonske županije. Uspoređeni su sezonski zahvati na prirodnim i hibridnim
nogometnim igralištima. Na kraju rada istražene su neke od najsuvremenijih tehnologija za
održavanje nogometnih igrališta, kao i njihova primjena u krajobraznoj arhitekturi.
Anketa provedena među igračima potvrdila je da profesionalni nogometni travnjaci u
Švicarskoj, zahvaljujući naprednoj tehnologiji i boljim uvjetima održavanja, dobivaju više ocjene
u pogledu ravnine i tvrdoće terena, što su ključni faktori za optimalnu igru. Istraživanje također
naglašava razlike u razini obrazovanja i stručnosti između švicarskih i hrvatskih stručnjaka za
održavanje travnjaka, što se odražava na kvalitetu i sigurnost nogometnih terena.
Abstract (english) In the introductory part of this thesis, artificial (anthropogenic) sports lawns of soccer fields
are investigated, with special emphasis on their quality, quality indicators and factors that influence
them. All lawn maintenance operations and techniques are described, as well as how they are
implemented. Also, the procedures for laying turf on soccer fields are covered, with special
emphasis on the plant species that make up the soccer turf and their ecological characteristics, such
as high resistance to trampling and fast regeneration capabilities.
The paper presents the results of a survey conducted among professional, semi-professional
and amateur players, which relate to the influence of the field on their ability to work with the ball,
move without the ball and in general on the factors that are important to them during the game on
the field. The second part of the survey refers to the perspective of the spectators, that is, to the
factors that are important for following a football match from their perspective. In addition to the
survey, a questionnaire was also conducted among technologists - managers of the maintenance of
stadiums and football fields in Croatia and abroad (with the mentioned countries included in the
research). Technologists answered questions about how to maintain lawns and the technologies
that enable them to successfully manage lawns in clubs.
From the Swiss first division, FC Luzern and FC Saint Gallen were surveyed, while from
the Croatian first division, HNK Hajduk and HNK Gorica were surveyed. Also, the amateur club
NK Kuzmica from Požega-Slavonia County was also surveyed. Seasonal operations on natural
and hybrid football pitches were compared. At the end of the work, some of the most modern
technologies for the maintenance of football fields were investigated, as well as their application
in landscape architecture.
The survey conducted among players confirmed that professional football pitches in
Switzerland, thanks to advanced technology and better maintenance conditions, receive higher
ratings in terms of field evenness and hardness, which are key factors for optimal play. The
research also highlights the differences in the level of education and expertise between Swiss and
Croatian turf maintenance specialists, which affects the quality and safety of football fields.
nogometni travnjak
održavanje nogometnog travnjaka
vrste trava za nogometne travnjake
anketa za nogometaše
primjena nogometnih travnjaka i krajobraznoj arhitekturi
Keywords (english)
soccer turf
soccer turf maintenance
types of grass for soccer turf
survey for soccer players
application of soccer turf to landscape architecture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:111143
Study programme Title: Landscape Architecture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka krajobrazne arhitekture (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka krajobrazne arhitekture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Repository Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
Created on 2024-09-11 09:04:47