Abstract | U novije doba sve više se koriste ostatci iz poljoprivrede i raznih prehrambenih industrija kao hrana za životinje na farmama. Takav oblik hranidbe može pružiti odličan izvor svih potrebnih nutrijenata ili se koristiti kao dopuna osnovnoj hrani koja se daje životinjama. Ostatci kiselog kupusa koji ostaju nakon procesa njegove fermentacije također se mogu koristiti u hranidbi životinja. Kiseli kupus izvor je probiotika, vitamina i ostalih korisnih tvari koje pospješuju zdravlje životinje i pozitivno utječu na otpornost na bolesti. Za potrebe istraživanja ostatci kiselog kupusa prikupljeni su u proizvodnom pogonu AML AGRO j.d.o.o., Zablatje. Procjena hranjive vrijednosti i kemijski sastav kiselog kupusa utvrđen su kemijskim analizama, te je određena suha tvar, pepeo, sirovi protein, sirove masti, vodotopivi šećeri, sirova vlakna, kisela detergent vlakna, neutralna detergent vlakna te minerali kalcij, fosfor, natrij i kalij. Zdravstvena ispravnost ostataka kiselog kupusa utvrđena je brojem bakterija Staphylococcus aureus, sulfidreducirajućih bakterija, Enterobacteriaceae, te brojem kvasaca i plijesni koji je uspoređen sa Zakonski dopuštenim vrijednostima. Ostatci kiselog kupusa po svom kemijskom sastavu mogu se koristiti kao hrana za životinje, međutim potrebno je i obratiti pažnju na količinu soli koju ostatci sadržavaju kako višak natrija ne bi naškodio životinji i njenom zdravlju. Iz mikrobiološke analize utvrđeno je da neki uzorci imaju veće količine patogenih bakterija od dopuštenog prema dokumentu Vodič za mikrobiološke kriterije za hranu. Samim time prije korištenja ostataka za hranidbu životinja potrebno je provesti mikrobiološku analizu kako bi se utvrdila njihova zdravstvena ispravnost. Ostatci kiselog kupusa ne samo da su hranjivo povoljni za životinju već njihovo korištenje u svrhu hranidbe rješava problem njihovog zbrinjavanja, a nabavkom istih može se uštedjeti u odnosu na cijenu krmiva i druge hrane za životinje. |
Abstract (english) | Nowadays, residues from agriculture and various food industries are used more and more as feed for animals on farms. This form of feeding can provide an excellent source of all the necessary nutrients or be used as a supplement to the basic feed given to animals. The remains of sauerkraut that remain after the fermentation process can also be used in animal feed. Sauerkraut is a source of probiotics, vitamins and other useful substances that improve animal health and have a positive effect on disease resistance. The remains of sauerkraut used for this research were collected in the production facility of AML AGRO j.d.o.o., Zablatje. The assessment of the nutritional value and chemical composition of sauerkraut was determined by chemical analysis; dry matter, ash, crude protein, crude fat, water-soluble sugars, crude fiber, acidic detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber and the minerals calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium were determined. The health suitability of sauerkraut remains was determined by the number of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, Sulfide-reducing bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae and the number of yeasts and molds, which was compared with legally permitted values. Due to its chemical composition, the remains of sauerkraut can be used as animal feed, however, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of salt that the remains contain, so that excess sodium does not harm the animal and its health. From the microbiological analysis, it was determined that some samples have larger amounts of pathogenic bacteria than allowed according to the document Guide for microbiological criteria for food, therefore, before using the remains for feeding animals it is necessary to carry out a microbiological analysis in order to determine their healthiness. The remains of sauerkraut are not only nutritionally favorable for the animal, but their use for the purpose of feeding solves the problem of their disposal, and by purchasing them, you can save money in relation to the price of fodder and other animal feed. |