Title Inventarizacija invazivnih biljnih vrsta park-šume Kraljevec i Dubravkin put (Zagreb)
Title (english) Inventory of invasive plant species in Kraljevec and Dubravkin put forest parks (Zagreb)
Author Dora Krajc
Mentor Ivana Vitasović Kosić (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Vitasović Kosić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Šestak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Skendrović Babojelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Agricultural Botany) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Invazivne biljne vrste predstavljaju značajan problem u urbanim ekosustavima zbog svoje sposobnosti brzog širenja i negativnog utjecaja na autohtone biljne zajednice. Ovaj rad istražuje ekološke karakteristike i rasprostranjenost invazivnih biljnih vrsta u dvije park-šume u Zagrebu, Kraljevec i Dubravkin put. Cilj istraživanja bio je identificirati invazivne vrste prisutne u ovim šumama, analizirati njihove ekološke preferencije i distribuciju, te procijeniti njihov utjecaj na lokalni ekosustav.
Istraživanje je provedeno u dvije faze. Prva faza uključivala je terensko prikupljanje podataka o prisutnosti invazivnih vrsta uz pomoć GPS uređaja. Druga faza uključivala je analizu ekoloških faktora, kao što su svjetlost, temperatura, vlažnost tla, reakcija tla (pH), hranjivost tla i salinitet, koristeći Ellenbergove indikatorske vrijednosti (EIV) za procjenu preferencija staništa identificiranih biljnih vrsta.
Inventarizirano je ukupno 17 invazivnih vrsta u park-šumi Kraljevec, dok je u park-šumi Dubrakin put zabilježeno znatno manje, ukupno 9 vrsta. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na visoku prisutnost i širenje invazivnih vrsta u obje park-šume. Drvenaste vrste poput Robinia pseudoacacia i Ailanthus altissima posebno se ističu svojim invazivnim potencijalom.
U park-šumi Dubravkin put, analizirani ekološki parametri pokazali su srednju (umjerenu) sklonost biljaka prema svjetlosti (L= 7,33) i umjereno toplim uvjetima (T= 6,89). Prosječna vrijednost kontinentalnosti (K= 4,22) ukazuje na suboceanske karakteristike. Vlažnost tla (F= 5.11) bila je umjerena, dok je reakcija tla pokazala kiselost (R= 3,83). Tla su bila siromašna hranjivim tvarima (N =4.22) i vrste su bile netolerantne na salinitet (S= 0). Najčešće invazivne vrste uključivale su Ailanthus altissima (pajasen), Reynoutria japonica (japanska rejnutrija) i Robinia pseudoacacia (bagrem).
U park-šumi Kraljevec, ekološke karakteristike bile su slične. Biljne vrste također su pokazivale srednju vrijednost sklonost prema svjetlosti (L= 7.33) i umjereno topla područja (T= 6.73). Prosječna vrijednost kontinentalnosti (K= 4.27) s kiselim tlima (R= 3.37) i niskom hranjivosti (N= 2.60) te vlažnosti tla (F= 5.53). Invazivne vrste poput Acer negundo (američki javor) i Ailanthus altissima (pajasen) bile su najprisutnije u sjeverozapadnim dijelovima šume.
Održavanje biološke raznolikosti i funkcionalnosti ovih urbanih šumskih ekosustava zahtijeva kontinuirano praćenje i provedbu strategija za kontrolu invazivnih vrsta. Usporedba ekoloških karakteristika i distribucije invazivnih biljaka u park-šumi Dubravkin put i Kraljevec pruža važan uvid za buduće upravljanje ovim urbanim šumskim područjima.
Abstract (english) Invasive plant species pose a significant challenge in urban ecosystems due to their ability to rapidly spread and adversely affect native plant communities. This study explores the ecological characteristics and distribution of invasive plant species in two prominent urban forests parks in Zagreb: Dubravkin Put and Kraljevec. The research aims to identify the invasive species present in these forests, analyze their ecological preferences and distribution patterns, and assess their impact on the local ecosystem.
The research was conducted in two phases. The first phase involved field data collection on the presence of invasive species using GPS devices. The second phase involved analyzing ecological factors such as light, temperature, soil moisture, soil reaction (pH), soil nutrient content, and salinity using Ellenberg indicator values (EIV) to evaluate the habitat preferences of the identified plant species.
A total of 17 invasive species have been inventoried, with 17 species recorded in the Kraljevec park-forest, while significantly fewer, only 9 species, were found in the Dubrakin put park-forest. These results indicate a high presence and spread of invasive species in both park-forests. Woody species such as Robinia pseudoacacia and Ailanthus altissima stand out particularly for their invasive potential.
In Dubravkin Put, the analyzed ecological parameters showed a moderate preference for light (L= 6.78) and moderately warm conditions (T= 6.89). The average continentality value (K= 4.22) indicated suboceanic characteristics. Soil moisture (F= 5.11) was moderate, while soil reaction indicated acidity (R= 5.44). The soils were nutrient-poor (N= 4.22), and the species were intolerant to salinity (S= 0). The most common invasive species included Ailanthus altissima (Tree of Heaven), Reynoutria japonica (Japanese Knotweed), and Robinia pseudoacacia (Black Locust).
In the Kraljevec park-forest, the ecological characteristics were similar. The plant species also exhibited a medium preference for light (L=7.33) and moderately warm areas (T= 6.73). The average value of continentality was (K= 4.27) with acidic soils (R= 3.37), low nutrient availability (N=2.60), and moderate soil moisture (F= 5.53). Invasive species like Acer negundo (box elder) and Ailanthus altissima (tree of heaven) were most prevalent in the northwestern parts of the forest.
The results indicate a high presence and spread of invasive species in both urban forests parks. Woody species such as Robinia pseudoacacia and Ailanthus altissima particularly stand out due to their invasive potential. Maintaining the biodiversity and functionality of these urban forest ecosystems requires continuous monitoring and implementation of strategies to control invasive species. Comparing the ecological characteristics and distribution of invasive plants in Dubravkin Put and Kraljevec provides valuable insights for the future management of these urban forest areas.
alohtone biljne vrste
ekološke karakteristike
Dubravkin put
urbani ekosustavi
distribucija biljaka
Keywords (english)
Allochthonous plant species
urban forests
ecological characteristics
Dubravkin Put
urban ecosystems
plant distribution
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:744555
Study programme Title: Agroecology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka agroekologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka agroekologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
Created on 2024-11-25 07:35:01