Title Dinamika populacije najznačajnijih ekonomskih štetnika masline na području Šibensko-kninske županije
Title (english) Population dynamics of the most important economic pests on the olives trees in the area of Šibenik-Knin county
Author Ivanka Kartelo
Mentor Tanja Gotlin Čuljak (mentor)
Committee member Tanja Gotlin Čuljak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Božena Barić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đani Benčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Juran (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Agricultural Zoology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-02-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Maslinarstvo na našoj obali ima dugu tradiciju o čemu svjedoče mnogobrojni pisani dokumenti. Poznato je 20-tak vrsta kukaca koji čine štete na maslini, a samo se dio njih redovito javlja i ubraja u ekonomski značajne štetnike. Najvažniji štetnici na uzgojnom području masline u Hrvatskoj jesu: maslinina muha (Bactrocera oleae Rossi, 1790), maslinin moljac (Prays oleae Bernard, 1788) i maslinin svrdlaš (Rhynchites cribripennis Desbrocher, 1869). U pojedinim godinama mogu uzrokovati značajne gospodarske štete koje se očituju u smanjenju prinosa te slabijoj kakvoći ploda i ulja kod uljnih sorti masline. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi dinamiku pojave odraslih oblika maslinina svrdlaša te prve i druge generacije maslinina moljca i maslinine muhe radi određivanja optimalnog roka tretiranja. Praćenje dinamike populacije navedenih štetnika provedeno je tijekom 2016. u dva nasada maslina na lokalitetima Pirovac i Grabovci. Tijekom istraživanja pratila se dinamika populacije maslinine muhe korištenjem žutih ljepljivih ploča ˝Rebell Amarilo˝ u kombinaciji sa feromonom tvrtke ˝Witasek˝. Uzorkovani su plodovi i pregledavani pod bionokularnom lupom na prisutnost jaja, ličinki i kukuljica maslinine muhe. Dinamika populacije odraslih oblika maslinina moljca pratila se pomoću feromonskog mamaca tvrtke ˝Witasek˝. Uzorkovane su rese na prisutnost gusjenica maslininog moljca, a pomoću drvenog okvira veličine 1 m² zabilježen je broj otpalih plodova. Brojnost odraslih oblika svrdlaša pratila se metodom otresanja grana. Uzorkovani su plodovi masline i očitavan je broj uboda te je pomoću drvenog okvira veličine 1 m² zabilježen broj otpalih plodova. Na oba lokaliteta tijekom srpnja zabilježen je slabiji intenzitet leta maslinine muhe. Brojnost se povećala u zadnjoj dekadi kolovoza, a u prvoj dekadi rujna zabilježen je maksimum leta maslinine muhe i signalizirana je potreba tretiranja maslinika u Pirovcu protiv navedenog štetnika. U lokalitetu Pirovac zabilježena je veća brojnost leptira maslininog moljca u odnosu na maslinik u Grabovcima, dok je kasnije tijekom očitavanja brojnost maslininog moljca bila veća u Grabovcima sve do kraja duge dekade svibnja. Maksimum leta za oba je lokaliteta zabilježen u trećoj dekadi lipnja. Pregledom resa tijekom svibnja nije uočena zaraza gusjenicama maslininog moljca, dok je u lipnju utvrđena samo po jedna gusjenica na svakom lokalitetu na 100 pregledanih resa. Tijekom tri otresanja grana na lokalitetu Pirovac nije utvrđena prisutnost maslinina svrdlaša, dok je u lokalitetu Grabovcima, ovisno o sorti masline, zabilježena prisutnost štetnika od 0,11 do 0,5 odraslih oblika svrdlaša po grani. Tijekom srpnja prisutnost štetnika nije zabilježena. Pregledom plodova masline utvrđena je razlika u napadu maslinina svrdlaša između sorata. Najmanje štete zabilježene su na sorti Oblica (3 %), a najveće na sorti Chempresino (18 %).
Abstract (english) Olive growing has got a long tradition on the coast, as written in numerous documents. There are about 20 known species of insects which can damage the olive tree and only some of them occur regularly and are considered economically important pests. The most important pests in the olive growing in Croatia are: the olive fuit fly (Bactrocera oleae Rossi), the olive moth (Prays oleae Bernard) and the olive curculio (Rhynchites cribripennis Desbrocheres). Somethimes they can cause significant economic damage, as yield reduction and poorer quality of the fruit and oil.
The aim of this study was to determine the appearance dynamics of the olive curculio in his adult form and the appearance of the first and second generation of the olive moth and olive fruit fly. Based on the results, the optimal treatment will be determined. Monitoring of the population dynamics of these pests took place during 2016 in two olive groves in Pirovac and Grabovac. During the study, the population dynamics of the olive fruit fly was monitored by using yellow sticky boards "Rebell Amarillo" in combination with pheromone bait by "Witasek" company. The sampled fruits were examined under binocular magnifier to identify the presence of eggs, larvae and pupae of the olive fruit fly. Population dynamics of the olive moth was monitored by using pheromone traps by "Witasek " company. The sampled tassels were tested on the presence of olive moth caterpillars and by using 1m² wooden frame the number of the fallen fruits was recorded. The number of adult forms of the olive curculio was identified using the method of shedding branches. Olives were sampled and number of stabs was identified as well as the number of fallen fruits using 1 m² wooden frame. Weaker flight intensity of the olive fruit fly was recorded in July in both sites. The number has increased in the last decade of August, and in the first decade of September there was a maximum flight of the olive fruit fly which signalized the need for treatment against this pest in Pirovac olive groves. Related to what was said before, higher number of adult forms of the olive moth was recorded in Pirovac than in the olive grove in Grabovac. Later readings showed higher number of the olive moth in Grabovac and it lasted until the end of a second decade of May. The maximum flight for both sites was recorded in the third decade of June. The review of fringe in May showed that there was no infection of olive moth caterpillars, while in June there was only one caterpillar found at each localation while reviwing 100 fringes. During the three shedding of tree branches, Pirovac site did not contain the olive curculio, while in the groves of Grabovci, depending on the variety of olives, the presence of pests from 0.11 to 0.5 adult forms of olive curculio per branch was recorded. In July, the presence of pests was not noticed. While checking the fruits of the olives it was noticed that different sorts of olives were attacked diferently by the olive curculio.The smallest damage was noticed on sort Oblica (3%), and the largest damage on sort Chempresino (18%).
maslinina muha
maslinin moljac
maslinin svrdlaš
Keywords (english)
the olive fuit fly
the olive moth
the olive curculio
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:021802
Study programme Title: Phytomedicine Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
Created on 2017-07-18 06:43:03