Abstract | Naše misli, strahovi, tuga, ljutnja i osjećaj bespomoćnosti stvaraju stres, a sposobnost suočavanja s njim određuje njegov utjecaj na naše zdravlje i dobrobit. Iz stanovišta psihologije, djeca i adolescenti posebno su osjetljivi na stres, što može rezultirati dugoročnim psihološkim problemima, uključujući neprilagođenost i poremećaje mentalnog zdravlja. Kreativnost, posebno kroz umjetničko izražavanje, može biti pozitivan odgovor na stres, pružajući način za transformaciju emocionalnih izazova.
Umjetnici poput Louise Bourgeois i Edvarda Muncha, kroz svoje radove, uspješno prikazuju kako umjetnost može biti odgovor na unutarnje konflikte, koristeći vizualne metafore kako bi istražili i izrazili kompleksnost ljudskih emocija.
U procesu stvaranja keramičke skulpture, koristim glinu i metal kao glavne materijale koji omogućavaju izražavanje kompleksnih emocija vezanih uz stres. Prvi korak uključuje izradu skica koje definiraju smjer umjetničkog rada. Slijedi modeliranje gline, a nakon sušenja, glineni model pažljivo se peče na zadanoj temperaturi.
Metalne komponente, poput šipki za ruke i noge, zavarene su i pričvršćene na glineni model, što omogućava stabilnost i izražava krhkost pojedinca pod stresom. Završna skulptura vizualno prenosi poruku stresa i pritiska, što, uz tehnički, predstavlja i simbolički aspekt rada.
Stres je neizostavan dio života koji može imati i pozitivne i negativne aspekte. Do određene granice, stres može biti poticajan, dok njegov negativan učinak ovisi o individualnim razlikama u percepciji i reakciji na stresne situacije. |
Abstract (english) | Our thoughts, fears, sadness, anger, and feelings of helplessness create stress, and our ability to cope with it determines its impact on our health and well-being. From a psychological perspective, children and adolescents are particularly sensitive to stress, which can result in long-term psychological issues, including maladjustment and mental health disorders. Creativity, especially through artistic expression, can be a positive response to stress, providing a means to transform emotional challenges.
Artists like Louise Bourgeois and Edvard Munch, through their works, successfully illustrate how art can be a response to inner conflicts, using visual metaphors to explore and express the complexity of human emotions.
In the process of creating ceramic sculptures, I use clay and metal as the primary materials, which allow for the expression of complex emotions related to stress. The first step involves creating sketches that define the direction of the artistic work. This is followed by modeling the clay, and after it dries, the clay model is carefully fired at a specified temperature.
Metal components, such as rods for arms and legs, are welded and attached to the clay model, providing stability and expressing the fragility of an individual under stress. The finished sculpture visually conveys the message of stress and pressure, representing both a technical and symbolic aspect of the work.
Stress is an inevitable part of life that can have both positive and negative aspects. To a certain extent, stress can be motivating, while its negative impact depends on individual differences in the perception and reaction to stressful situations. |