Abstract | Završni rad bavi se pojmom multikulturalizma, njegovim razvojem te aktualnim prijeporima koji se oko njega vode. Na samome početku priča se o ovom vrlo važnom segmentu svakoga društva, o njegovoj sastavnici – kulturi te se analizira pristup današnjega svijeta prema pojmu multikulturalizma. Govori se o tome kako se multikulturalizam razvijao od samoga početka, koji su se analitičari i povjesničari njime bavili te koji se najčešći pojmovi još vežu uz ovaj pojam. Rad se dotiče i aktualnih razmišljanja u zadnjem desetljeću nekih od najvećih i najvažnijih lidera svijeta o ovome pojmu, njihovim politikama i odgovorima na krize. Tu se svakako misli na izbjeglice i migrante koji se uvijek spominju u kontekstu multikulturalizma. Također, analizira se ova 2024. godina u smislu izbjegličke krize i broja nelegalnih prelazaka granica. Postavljaju se primjeri zemalja koji obiluju multikulturalizmom, a tu se analizira i Hrvatska kao takva. Kroz religiju i sport, u ovome slučaju nogomet, prolazi se kroz multikulturalizam koji je svakako u ove dvije sastavnice itekako prisutan. Danas se vode brojne debate, je li multikulturalizam uspio u svome naumu ili je ovaj veliki projekt, kao što neki svjetski lideri kažu, propao. Može li ovaj projekt biti pozitivan ili negativan, odgovori će se naći u ovome radu. |
Abstract (english) | The final paper deals with the concept of multiculturalism, its development, and the current controversies surrounding it. At the very beginning, we talk about this very important segment of every society, about its component - culture, and analyze the approach of today's world to the concept of multiculturalism. It talks about how multiculturalism developed from the very beginning, which analysts and historians dealt with it, and which most common terms are still associated with this term. The paper also touches on the current thoughts of some of the world's biggest and most important leaders about this concept, their policies and responses to crises in the last decade. This is certainly referring to refugees and migrants, who are always mentioned in the context of multiculturalism. The year 2024 is also analyzed in terms of the refugee crisis and the number of illegal border crossings. Examples of countries that abound in multiculturalism are presented, and Croatia as such is also analyzed here. Through religion and sports, in this case football, one goes through multiculturalism, which is definitely present in these two components. Today, there are many debates, whether multiculturalism succeeded in its intention or whether this great project, as some world leaders say, failed. Whether this project can be positive or negative, the answers will be found in this paper. |