Title Sustavi kvalitete za izradu lijekova u ljekarničkim zdravstvenim ustanovama
Author Hrvoje Knežević
Mentor Renata Jurišić Grubešić (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Pepić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Jurišić Grubešić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Lusina Kregar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Department of pharmaceutical analysis) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-03-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Velikim proizvođačima lijekova financijski je teško zadovoljiti specifične potrebe manjeg
broja pacijenata za koje bi trebalo osigurati individualnu proizvodnju tek nekoliko pakiranja
lijeka u skupom i sofisticiranom sustavu dobre proizvođačke prakse (GMP). Stoga za manje
laboratorije privatnih i javnih zdravstvenih ljekarničkih ustanova postoji specifična niša
pacijenata čije potrebe mogu zadovoljiti s relativno malim financijskim ulaganjima izvan
samog troška otvaranja prakse. No, problem pritom predstavlja nepotpuna definiranost i
pravna neobveznost uvjeta za izradu lijekova u zdravstvenim ustanovama, što je već dugo
tema rasprave brojnih stručnih i regulatornih tijela. Kroz detaljan pregled relevantne literature,
ovaj specijalistički rad problematizira temu razvoja i uvođenja sustava kvalitete u manje
laboratorije zdravstvenih ljekarničkih ustanova. Uvođenjem sustava kvalitete točno bi se
definirale vezane obveze spomenutih zdravstvenih ustanova, potom uloga ljekarnika kao
ključnog zdravstvenog djelatnika u procesu izrade lijekova, kao i odgovarajuća primjena i
dokumentiranje svih postupaka tijekom izrade pripravaka u ljekarničkim zdravstvenim
ustanovama. Na taj bi se način osigurala izrada visokokvalitetnih i učinkovitih lijekova za
specifične individualne potrebe pojedinačnih pacijenata.
Cilj specijalističkog rada je detaljan pregled relevantne stručne i pravne literature te
sažimanje odgovarajuće regulative i smjernica koje se odnose na izradu lijekova u
ljekarničkim zdravstvenim ustanovama (galenskih i magistralnih pripravaka), kao i
obrazloženje potrebe uspostave sustava kvalitete u njihovoj izradi, s konačnim ciljem
minimizacije rizika i povećanja dobrobiti za pacijente zdravstvene ustanove.
Istraživanja u okviru ovog specijalističkog rada teorijskog su karaktera. Rad je prvenstveno
usmjeren na pregled, razvoj i međuovisnosti propisa pravne i stručne tematike trenutno
važećih u Republici Hrvatskoj, zapadnim zemljama Europske unije i Sjedinjenim Američkim
Državama. Kroz pregled relevantne literature problematizira se tema sustava kvalitete manjih
laboratorija, počevši od koncepta upravljanja rizicima u životnom ciklusu ljekarničkog
pripravka, preko pregleda stanja njihove regulative u pojedinim državama, do nastanka
smjernica iz Rezolucije vijeća ministara Vijeća Europe CM/Res iz 2016. te Vodiča dobre
preparativne prakse PIC/S-a. Navedene međunarodne smjernice uspoređuju se sa stručnim
smjernicama za izradu ljekarničkih pripravaka u laboratorijima ljekarničkih zdravstvenih
ustanova RH.
Trenutačni propisi RH relativno slabo definiraju uvjete u kojima bi se odvijala izrada malih
serija galenskih i pojedinačnih magistralnih pripravaka. Detaljan pregled razvoja zakona i
smjernica za izradu ljekarničkih pripravaka u ustanovama zdravstvene skrbi omogućit će
zdravstvenim djelatnicima u tom području pregledniji uvid u strukturu sustava kvalitete i
slične prakse drugih zemalja te im ukazati na potrebe i načine uvođenja sustava kvalitete s
ciljem ispoštivanja suvremenih tendencija u proizvodnji takvih pripravaka. Na taj će način
zdravstveni djelatnici moći bolje shvatiti ključne koncepte, poput kontrole rizika i životnog
ciklusa pripravka, kao i uvjete koje moraju ispuniti kako bi izrađivali ljekarničke pripravke
zadovoljavajuće kakvoće i očekivanog terapijskog ishoda za specifične pojedinačne potrebe
S ciljem uspostavljanja sustava kvalitete u ljekarničkim zdravstvenim ustanovama u svrhu
izrade lijekova, svi djelatnici zdravstvenih ustanova moraju pridonijeti nastanku i razvitku
potrebnih elemenata takvog sveobuhvatnog sustava kvalitete. Radom su predstavljeni i
obrazloženi primjeri struktura sustava osiguranja kvalitete koje zdravstvene ustanove mogu
uvesti ovisno o svojim ciljevima, kao i konkretan plan uvođenja sustava kvalitete u
ljekarničke zdravstvene ustanove kroz faze pripreme, planiranja i implementacije.
Abstract (english) Big medicine manufacturers find meeting the specific needs of a small number of patients
unprofitable because they imply the production of only a few packages of medicines in an
expensive and sophisticated system of Good manufacturing practice (GMP). Therefore, there
is a specific niche for such patients in smaller laboratories of both private and public
healthcare pharmacy establishments, and their needs can be met with relatively small financial
investments beyond the cost of starting a business. However, there are problems with this
because of the incomplete and legally non-binding nature of conditions for the preparation of
medicines in healthcare establishments. This topic has been the subject of discussion by
numerous professional and regulatory authorities. Following a detailed review of the relevant
literature, this paper introduces the topic of development and introduction of quality systems
in smaller laboratories of pharmacy healthcare establishments. The introduction of a quality
system would precisely define the obligations of the establishments, the role of pharmacists as
key health professionals in pharmaceutical preparation, as well as the appropriate
implementation and documentation of all procedures included. It would ensure the
preparation of effective and high-quality preparations for the specific needs of individual
The objective of the thesis is to explain the need of establishing a quality system for
pharmaceutical preparations. It will be achieved by studying relevant literature and guidelines
and summarizing regulations related to the pharmaceutical preparations (galenic and
magistral/stock and extemporaneous preparations) prepared in pharmacy healthcare
Research within this paper is of theoretical nature. The paper is primarily focused on the
review, development and interdependence of relevant legal and professional regulations in the
Republic of Croatia, other countries of the European Union and the United States. The paper
handles the topic of the quality system of smaller laboratories from the concept of risk
management in the life cycle of a pharmaceutical preparation through the review of their
regulations in individual countries. The thesis comprises what has been discussed at events
relative to the adoption of guidelines of the Council of Europe's Resolution CM / Res from
2016 and PIC/C's Guide to good practices for the preparation of medicinal products in
healthcare establishments. These international guidelines are compared with professional
guidelines in the laboratories of pharmaceutical healthcare establishments in the Republic of
The current regulations of the Republic of Croatia poorly define the conditions in which the
preparation of a small series of galenic and individual magistral preparations should take
place. Elaboration and development of laws and guidelines will provide health professionals
in this area a clearer insight into the structure of quality systems and practices of
pharmaceutical preparation in other countries. In this way, healthcare professionals will be
able to better understand key concepts, such as risk control and product life cycle, as well as
the requirements they must fulfill in order to produce pharmaceutical preparations of
satisfactory quality and expected therapeutic outcome for specific individual patient needs.
In order for pharmacy healthcare establishments to introduce a quality system for the purpose
of medicine preparation, all healthcare establishment's management and staff must contribute
to the development of the necessary quality system elements. The paper presents and
explaines examples of quality assurance system structures that healthcare establishments can
use depending on their strategic planning, as well as a specific plan for introducing a quality
system in pharmacy healthcare institutions through phases of preparation, planning, and
ljekarničke zdravstvene ustanove
izrada lijekova
sustav kvalitete
galenski pripravci
magistralni pripravci
Keywords (english)
healthcare pharmacy establishments
pharmaceutical preparation
quality system
galenic preparations
magistral preparations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:937042
Study programme Title: Drug development Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/sveučilišna magistra razvoja lijekova (sveučilišni magistar/sveučilišna magistra razvoja lijekova)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry University of Zagreb
Created on 2021-05-14 13:41:42