Title Retinoidi u terapiji kožnih oboljenja
Title (english) Retinoids in the treatment of skin diseases
Author Ivana Vološćuk
Mentor Petra Turčić (mentor)
Committee member Petra Turčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lidija Bach-Rojecky (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Hafner (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Department of pharmacology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-06-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Retinoidi su prirodni i sintetski analozi vitamina A, esencijalnog nutrijenta ljudskog organizma. Retinoidi se obzirom
na strukturne značajke dijele u četri generacije, no biološka aktivnost unutar generacija je ista. Retinoidi uglavnom svoje
djelovanje ostvaruju vežući se za nuklearne receptore steroidne/tiroidne superporodice. Dvije su vrste receptora na koje
djeluju – RAR te RXR. Prilikom ulaska u stanicu i jezgru, retinoidi potiču biološke učinke nakon vezanja za određenu
izoformu receptora što potiče konformacijske promjene genoma i dovodi do pojačane ekspresije ili inhibicije
transkripcije gena. Svoj negenomski učinak mogu ispoljavati i aktivacijom kaskade kinaza što dovodi do
posttrasnalcijskih promjena na unutarstaničnim proteinima. Genomskim učinkom na transkripciju dovode do raznih
učinaka na organizam, a posebno utječu na keratinocite i hiperpigmentacije. Zbog ovog učinka indicirani su za liječenje
hiperkeratoznih dermatoloških promjena na koži i poremećaja hiperpigmetacije. Koriste se za liječenje akni, psorijaze,
ihtioze, promjena povezanih sa fotostarenjem (bore, melazma, posinflamatorne hiperpigmentacije), Darierove bolesti i
kutanog limfoma T stanica. Fiziološki učinak retinoida dovodi do normalizacije diferencijacije keratinizacije i
epitelizacije epidermisa, normaliziraju povećanu proliferaciju keratinocita te djeluju antiinflamatorno, antimikrobno i
protuupalno. Dodatno, u određenim stanjima mogu djelovati i antitumorski potičući apoptozu prokancerogenih
keratinocita. Najčešće sistemske nuspojave oralno primijenjenih retinoida obuhvaćaju teratogenost, hiperlipidemiju,
hiperkolesterolemiju i suhoću sluzokože. Žene reproduktivne dobi treba informirati o teratogenom djelovanju sistemski
primijenjenog retinoida. Nužno je primijeniti odgovarajući režim kontracepcije za vrijeme terapije. Topikalna primjena
može izazvati pruritis, svrbež, crvenilo, eritrem te perutanje kože na mjestu primjene. Pacijentima se preporuča pravilna
uporaba krema sa SPF faktorom tokom korištenja terapije kako bi se umanjile neželjene reacije.
Abstract (english) Retinoids are natural and synthetic analogues of vitamin A, an essential nutrient of the human body. Retinoids are
divided into four generations due to their structural features, but the biological activity within the generations is the
same. Retinoids spend most of their effect binding to steroid / thyroid superfamily nuclear receptors. There are two
types of receptors they act on - RAR and RXR. Upon entering the cell and nucleus, retinoids promote biological effects
upon binding to a particular receptor isoform which induces conformational changes in the genome and leads to
enhanced expression or inhibition of gene transcription. They can also exert their non-genomic effect by activating the
kinase cascade, which leads to posttransnal changes in intracellular proteins. The genomic effect on transcription leads
to various effects on the organism, and in particular affects keratinocytes and hyperpigmentation. Due to this effect, they
are indicated for the treatment of hyperkeratotic dermatological changes in the skin and hyperpigmentation disorders.
They are used to treat acne, psoriasis, ichthyosis, changes associated with photoaging (wrinkles, melasma, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation), Darier's disease and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. The physiological effect of
retinoids leads to the normalization of the differentiation of keratinization and epithelialization of the epidermis,
normalize the increased proliferation of keratinocytes and have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory
effects. In addition, in certain conditions, they may have antitumor activity by stimulating the apoptosis of
procarcinogenic keratinocytes. The most common systemic side effects of orally administered retinoids include
teratogenicity, hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, and mucosal dryness. Women of childbearing potential should be
informed of the teratogenic effects of systemically administered retinoids. It is necessary to apply an appropriate
contraceptive regimen during therapy. Topical application may cause pruritus, redness, erythema and flaking of the skin
at the site of application. Patients are recommended to use SPF factor creams correctly during the use of therapy in order
to reduce side effects.
topikalni retinoidi
sistemski retinoidi
akne vulgaris
kutani limfom stanica
Darierova bolest
Keywords (english)
topical retinoids
systemic retinoids
acne vulgaris
cutaneus T cell skin lymphoma
Darier disease
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:108607
Study programme Title: Pharmacy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra farmacije (magistar/magistra farmacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry University of Zagreb
Created on 2022-07-14 14:16:38