Title Implementacija koncepta ljekarničke skrbi u ambulantno liječenje
Title (english) Implementation of the pharmaceutical care concept in the ambulatory setting
Author Ljubica Rotim
Mentor Živka Juričić (mentor)
Committee member Živka Juričić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lidija Bach-Rojecky (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Šegvić Klarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-05-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Ljekarnička skrb predstavlja novi modus operandi ljekarnikovog djelovanja koje u svom središtu ima pacijenta i njegove specifične terapijske potrebe i probleme. Kao zdravstveni profesionalac koji ima najveće znanje o lijekovima (kemijski sastav, farmakokinetika, farmakodinamika, nuspojave, interakcije itd.), potrebno je da ljekarnik aktivno sudjeluje u otkrivanju, rješavanju i preveniranju terapijskih problema. Zbog povećanog broja lijekova u medicinskoj uporabi i njihovog sve češćeg propisivanja i neprimjerenog korištenja, potreba za implementacijom ljekarničke skrbi se imperativno nameće. No implementacija ljekarničke skrbi ni na jednoj razini sustava zdravstvene zaštite još uvijek nije zadovoljavajuća, ne samo u Republici Hrvatskoj nego i u zemljama koje su s tom praksom počele mnogo ranije. U Republici Hrvatskoj implementacija ljekarničke skrbi se zasada dijelom odvija u ljekarnama i u bolnicama. Iskustvo drugih zemalja pokazuje, međutim, da je implementacija ljekarničke skrbi od najveće koristi u ordinacijama obiteljske medicine gdje se i najveći broj lijekova propisuje. Ljekarnikovom pravodobnom intervencijom u terapiju može se u značajnoj mjeri smanjiti morbiditet i mortalitet prouzrokovani neprimjerenom uporabom lijekova i koji kao takvi danas predstavljaju ne samo zdravstveno-zaštitni, već i ekonomski problem.
Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio ukazati na potencijal koji ljekarnička skrb ima u pružanju zdravstvene zaštite. U radu je pružen detaljan uvid u praksu implementacije ljekarničke skrbi u ambulantno liječenje u nekoliko zemalja. U izradi rada su korišteni znanstveni radovi iz časopisa dostupnih u bazama podataka Medline, PubMed i Mendeley, te udžbenici i ostala dostupna relevantna literatura. Spoznaje o načinima na koje se ljekarnik može uspješno integrirati u tim primarne zdravstvene zaštite mogu biti model njihove implementacije i u naš zdravstveni sustav. Integracija ljekarnika u zdravstveni tim pretpostavlja, međutim, potpuno odvajanje ljekarničke skrbi od procesa pukog izdavanja lijekova. Taj model se sastoji od četiri istodobno zastupljene mjere: ljekarnikova procjena pacijentove terapije; edukacija svih zdravstvenih djelatnika uključenih u zdravstveni tim; unaprjeđivanje suradnje zdravstvenog tima; proširenje opsega ljekarnikovih usluga. U brojnim studijama je dokazano da provođenje ljekarničke skrbi osigurava prikladnu, učinkovitu i sigurnu uporabu lijekova te pridonosi povećanju adherencije pacijenata i poboljšanju njegove sveukupne kvalitete života. Na taj način ljekarnička skrb iskazuje svoj puni potencijal od kojeg korist imaju ne samo pacijenti, već zdravstveno-zaštitni sustav u cjelini.
Abstract (english) Pharmaceutical care is a new modus operandi of pharmacists' work centered on the patient and his specific therapeutic needs and problems. As a health care professional who has the greatest knowledge about drugs (chemical composition, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, side effects, interactions, etc.), it is necessary that the pharmacist actively participates in detecting, preventing and solving therapeutic problems. Due to increased number of drugs in medical use and their more frequent prescribing and inappropriate use, a need for the implementation of pharmaceutical care is imperatively imposed. Nevertheless, implementation of pharmaceutical care at all levels of health care system is still not satisfactory, not only in Croatia but also in the countries that began with this practice much earlier. At the moment, the implementation of pharmaceutical care in Croatia is partly taking place in pharmacies and hospitals. However, experience suggests that the implementation of pharmaceutical care shows the greatest benefit in general practice, where the largest number of drugs is prescribed. The pharmacist's timely therapy intervention can significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality caused by the inappropriate use of drugs, which nowadays represent not only a health problem but also an economic problem. Therefore, the aim of this study was to point out the potential that pharmaceutical care has in the providing health care. The paper provide a detailed insight into the practice of implementing pharmaceutical care in outpatient treatment in several countries. The research for this work have been conducted through academic research papers published in professional journals and available for review through the following databases: Medline, PubMed and Mendeley, textbooks and other available relevant literature. Understanding the way pharmacist can successfully integrate into the team of primary health care can be a model for their implementation in our health care system. However, the integration of pharmacists into the health care team assumes the complete separation of the pharmaceutical care from the process of mere drug dispensing. This model consists of four simultaneously represented measures: the pharmacist's assessment of the patient's drug therapy; education of all health professionals in the health care team; improving cooperation of the health care team; expanding the range of pharmacy services. It has been shown in many studies that the implementation of pharmaceutical care ensures appropriate, effective and safe use of drugs, and contributes to increasing adherence of patients and improving their overall quality of life. In this way pharmaceutical care expresses it's full potential, which benefits not only the patients, but the whole health care system.
ljekarnička skrb
primarna zdravstvena zaštita
liječnička ordinacija obiteljske medicine
integrirana zdravstvena skrb
provoditelj ljekarničke skrbi
ljekarnikove uloge
zdravstveni ishodi
Keywords (english)
pharmaceutical care
primary health care
general practice
integrated care
pharmaceutical practitioner
pharmacist's role
health outcomes
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:488540
Study programme Title: Pharmacy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra farmacije (magistar/magistra farmacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry University of Zagreb
Created on 2018-12-04 09:38:24