Title Utjecaj atmosferskih pojava na ljudski kardiovaskularni sustav
Title (english) Influence of atmospheric conditions on human cardiovascular system
Author Lara Šegić
Mentor Dijana Dominis Prester (mentor)
Committee member Marin Karuza (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dijana Dominis Prester (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Mance (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Saša Mićanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Physics) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-11-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Physics
Abstract U ovom radu istraživalo se postoji li korelacija između srčanih problema i atmosferskih
paramatera, te korelacija izmedu srčanih problema i grmljavina. Istraživanje je provedeno
u suradnji s Kliničkim bolničkim centrom Rijeka (KBC Rijeka). Razdoblje za
koje su uzeti podaci su siječanj, travanj, srpanj i listopad 2014.g., te listopad 2019.g.,
na području Primorsko-goranske i Istarske županije. Podaci o atmosferskim parametrima
dobiveni su iz baze podataka Državnog hidrometeorološkog zavoda (DHMZ-a),
a podaci o srčanim problemima uzeti su iz baze podataka KBC-a Rijeka. Promatrale
su se ovisnosti dnevnog broja pojava aritmija, plućnog edema i akutnog koronarnog
sindroma, o srednjem dnevnom tlaku, srednjoj dnevnoj relativnoj vlažnosti i srednjoj
dnevnoj temperaturi, te o vremenu trajanja grmljavina, u istom danu, i sa pomakom
od jednog i dva dana. Promatrala se i ovisnost dnevne pojave aritmija, plućnog edema
i akutnog koronarnog sindroma o apsolutnoj vrijednosti promjene srednjeg dnevnog
tlaka, srednje dnevne temperature i srednje dnevne relativne vlažnosti, u realnom vremenu,
te s pomakom od jednog i dva dana. Za neke od istraživanih ovisnosti dobivene
su relativno male p vrijednosti (<0.05), te Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije od skoro
0.2. S obzirom na mali broj podataka korišten u istraživanju (5 mjeseci), nije se odredila
p vrijednost po kojoj bi se odredila statistička značajnost svake od izračunatih
korelacija. Jedino sto se zasad može reci je da ako efekt postoji da je mali, te da u nekim
od slučajeva postoje naznake moguće korelacije. Ono sto je potrebno za preciznije
donošenje zaključaka, je ponoviti ovo istraživanje ali sa puno većim brojem podataka.
Abstract (english) This paper investigated whether there is a correlation between heart problems and
the atmosphere parameters and the correlation between heart problems and thunderstorms.
Research is carried out in cooperation with the Rijeka Clinical Hospital Center
(KBC Rijeka). Period for which the data were taken are January, April, July and October
2014, and October 2019, in the area of Primorje-Gorski Kotar and Istria counties.
Atmospheric data parameters were obtained from the database of the State Hydrometeorological
Institute (DHMZ), and the data on heart problems were taken from the
database of KBC Rijeka. In this research the dependencies of arrhythmia, pulmonary
edema and acute coronary syndrome were observed about mean daily pressure, mean
daily relative humidity and mean daily temperature, and the duration of thunderstorms,
in the same day, and with a shift of one and two days. Also, the dependence of
the daily occurrence of arrhythmia's, pulmonary edema and acute coronary syndrome
was also observed about the absolute value of the change in mean daily pressure, mean
daily temperature and mean daily relative humidity, in real time, and with a shift of
one and two days. From the conducted analysis some relatively small p values (<0.05)
were obtained from the investigated dependencies, and Spearman's correlation coecient
of almost 0.2. Considering the small amount of data (5 months), p value by which
the statistical signicance of each of the calculated correlations would be determined,
wasn't determined. The only thing that can be said so far is that if there is an eect,
it is small, and that in some cases there are indications of a possible correlation. What
is needed to make more precise conclusions is to repeat this research but with a much
larger number of data.
atmosferski parametri
tlak zraka
relativna vlažznost zraka
temperatura zraka
Schumannove rezonance
kardiovaskularni sustav čovjeka
plućni edem
akutni koronarni sindrom
Keywords (english)
atmospheric parameters
air pressure
relative air humidity
air temperature
Schumann resonances
human cardiovascular system
pulmonary edema
acute coronary syndrome
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:194:821753
Study programme Title: physics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizike (magistar/magistra fizike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Physics
Created on 2023-01-23 09:42:04