Title Ground-state Fidelity in frustrated and unfrustrated models
Title (croatian) Vjernost osnovnog stanja u frustriranim i nefrustriranim kvantnim modelima
Author Daria Brtan
Mentor Salvatore Marco Giampaolo (mentor)
Mentor Davor Horvatić (komentor)
Committee member Davor Horvatić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Salvatore Marco Giampaolo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Matko Milin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Buljan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Emil Tafra (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Physics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Physics
Abstract A system with frustrated boundary conditions, which consist of an odd number of spins enclosed in a antiferromagnetic ring (or have periodic boundary conditions), is frustrated. In recent years it has been shown that boundary conditions can affect the system’s characteristics. In this work, we compute the properties of the ground state geometry for the XY chain by means of calculating the fidelity and its susceptibility to compare the unfrustrated and frustrated models and observe the effects of frustration on it. The 1D XY model is chosen for its exact analytical solution. Fidelity is used because, as a measure of the states overlap, it is supposed to show (almost) discontinuous drops upon reaching critical points in slow variation of the parameters of the Hamiltonian. Moreover, the quantum metric tensor, describing the ground state manifold of the system, can be constructed by calculating fidelity susceptibility. We start by comprehensively solving the XY chain and classifying its ground states according to J coupling, the parity of the number of spins and different regions of the parameter space. Special care was taken of the peculiar behaviour due to frustration. Next, we compute the overlaps for all ground states and discuss the results based on regions. The fidelity drops at the expected critical lines h = 1 and γ = 0, but also shows exact discontinuity in the frustrated region h < 1 - γ2. These correspond to level-crossings generated by change of excitation in the ground state which is dependent on the parameters h and γ. This hindered efforts to calculate the associated susceptibility, so a new measure was used reduced fidelity to "soften" the orthogonality and facilitate the calculation of susceptibility. We discover these level-crossings vanish in the thermodynamic limit and do not constitute phase transitions, which is, to our knowledge, the first counter example to the widely accepted assumption that the fidelity approach can be used to characterise systems without any a priori knowledge of the system.
Abstract (croatian) Sustav koji ima frustrirane rubne uvjete, tj. neparan broj spinova spojenih u prsten ili periodičke rubne uvjete, uz antiferomagnetično uređenje, nazivamo frustriranim. Posljednjih godina pokazano je da rubni uvjeti mogu utjecati na svojstva sustava. U ovom radu određuju se svojstva geometrije osnovnog stanja XY lanca računanjem vjernosti (engl. fidelity) i pripadajuće susceptibilnosti kako bi se usporedili frustrirani i nefrustrirani sustav te na taj način proučio utjecaj frustracije na spomenuta svojstva i veličine sustava. Kao sustav izabran je 1D XY model jer je egzaktno rješiv. Korištena je vjernost budući da mjeri udaljenost tj. sličnost dvaju stanja, te bi kao takva, pri nailasku na kritičnu točku tijekom variranja parametara hamiltonijana, trebala imati (gotovo) diskontinuirani pad. Nadalje, računajući susceptibilnost vjernosti u regijama gdje ga je moguće definirati, određen je kvantni metrički tenzor koji opisuje geometriju osnovnog stanja sustava. Najprije je riješen XY model te je klasificirano njegovo osnovno stanje ovisno o parametru vezanja J, paritetu broja spinova i sektora te s obzirom na poziciju u parametarskom prostoru. Posebno pomno praćeno je osebujno ponašanje uzrokovano frustracijama. Nakon toga, izračunata je vjernost svih osnovnih stanja te diskutiran rezultat u ovisnosti o regiji parametarskog prostora kojoj sustav pripada. Vjernost je pokazala padove na očekivanim kritičnim linijama h=1, γ=0, no također i mnoštvo egzaktnih diskontinuiteta u frustriranoj regiji parametarskog prostora. Spomenuti diskontinuiteti potječu od promjene energetskih nivoa uzrokovanih promjenom ekscitacije u osnovnom stanju koje ovisi o parametrima h i . Kako je vjernost identički nula, susceptibilnosti vjernosti ne može se niti definirati u frustriranoj regiji. Stoga je uvedena nova mjera, reducirana vjernost kako bi se "omekšala" ortogonalnost i omogućio izračun susceptibilnosti. Pomoću navedene mjere pokazano je da navedeni pomaci energetskih nivoa nestaju u termodinamičkom limesu te nisu znak faznog prijelaza, što je prvi, nama poznat, protuprimjer široko priznatoj pretpostavci da se vjernost može koristiti za karakterizaciju sustava bez a priori znanja o sustavu.
fidelity susceptibility
1D XY model
Keywords (english)
susceptibilnost vjernosti
1D XY model
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:032156
Study programme Title: Physics; specializations in: Research Course: Research Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizike (magistar/magistra fizike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2021-11-20
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the Faculty of Science
Created on 2021-11-11 09:00:27