Title Brodogradilište Uljanik u Puli: mogućnosti preobrazbe i revitalizacije industrijskog brownfielda
Title (english) Uljanik Shipyard in Pula: possibilities of redevelopment and revitalization of an industrial brownfield
Author Teodor Macan
Mentor Vedran Prelogović (mentor)
Committee member Vedran Prelogović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Jakovčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Zupanc (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Geography) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Geography
Abstract Brodogradilište Uljanik, okosnica gospodarstva i čimbenik razvoja Pule od osnutka sredinom 19. stoljeća, slijedom negativnih okolnosti u posljednjim desetljećima dovedeno je pred gašenje svojih pogona, s obzirom na ekonomsku neodrživost poslovanja. Osim svog gospodarskog značaja, brodogradilište Uljanik predstavlja i vrijedan prostorni potencijal grada, budući da zauzima razmjerno veliko područje smješteno na obali Pulskog zaljeva, u neposrednoj blizini centra grada koje je danas zapušteno i nedovoljno iskorišteno, a njegova bi eventualna prenamjena otvorila nove mogućnosti za razvoj grada u budućnosti. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživačkog rada bio je proučiti različite mogućnosti prenamjene prostora kojeg zauzima brodogradilište Uljanik u Puli u svrhu njegove potencijalne revitalizacije i oblikovanja novog značaja tog prostora za grad u vidu razvoja novih funkcija i sadržaja. Prostor istraživanja razmatran je u ovom radu u kontekstu urbanog industrijskog brownfielda, nedovoljno iskorištenog i zapuštenog područja u urbanom prostoru koje je u današnje vrijeme izgubilo svoju prvotnu industrijsku, u ovom slučaju brodogradilišnu funkciju, a njegova bi prenamjena potencijalno mogla otvoriti mnogobrojne mogućnosti za razvoj grada i šire gradske regije u budućnosti. Osim razvojnog potencijala, proces revitalizacije nekog brownfield područja može odigrati značajnu ulogu u suočavanju grada sa svojim prostornim, društvenim, gospodarskim i drugim problemima, što je prepoznato u ovom istraživačkom radu. Cilj istraživanja bio je, stoga, i oblikovati nekoliko konkretnih idejnih rješenja i prijedloga prenamjene postojeće ili izgradnje nove infrastrukture unutar brodogradilišta u svrhu razvoja novih sadržaja i funkcija na tom prostoru, koje bi za krajnji cilj imale rješavanje različitih gradskih problema te usmjeravanje razvoja Pule u novom smjeru. Oblikovanje idejnih rješenja i prijedloga za revitalizaciju provedeno je na temelju saznanja prikupljenih anketnim istraživanjem (lokalna zajednica) te intervjuom s gradonačelnikom Pule Filipom Zoričićem (gradska vlast), kao i na temelju iskustava iz drugih gradova Europe u vidu revitalizacije brownfield područja te analizom geografskih značajki Pule i područja brodogradilišta Uljanik. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja, razrađen je prijedlog prenamjene odabranih građevinskih objekata na kopnenom dijelu brodogradilišta Uljanik (Arsenal) u parkirališnu garažu, muzej brodogradnje i objekt ugostiteljsko-zabavnog sadržaja, povezivanja priobalnog dijela Arsenala i pulske Rive u jedinstvenu pješačko-biciklističku stazu kojom bi prometovao i novi oblik javnog gradskog prijevoza (tramvaj) te otvaranja poslovno-poduzetničke zone za smještaj malih poduzetnika i startup tvrtki u južnom dijelu Arsenala.
Abstract (english) The Uljanik shipyard, the backbone of the urban economy and a factor of the development of Pula since its foundation in the mid-19th century, has been brought to the point of shutting down due to the economic unsustainability of its business as a consequence of negative circumstances in recent decades. Besides its economic significance, the Uljanik shipyard represents a valuable spatial potential for the city as it occupies a relatively large strip of land located along the coastline of the Pula Bay, in the immediate proximity of the city center, which is today being underutilized and neglected and its potential redevelopment would open up new opportunities for the future development of the city The main goal of this research was to examine different possibilities of redevelopment of the land occupied by the Uljanik shipyard in Pula in the light of its potential revitalization and the shaping of a new purpose of this area for the city in the form of developing new function and contents. The research area was put in the context of an urban industrial brownfield, an area in the urban space which is being neglected and underutilized as it lost its original industrial function and its redevelopment could potentially open up numerous opportunities for the development of the city and the wider urban region in the future. In addition to the development potential, the process of revitalization of a brownfield location can play a significant role in confronting the city with its spatial, social, economic nad other problems, which is recognized in this paper. Therefore, the goal of this research was also to model several conceptual solutions and proposal for the redevelopment of existing or the development of new infrastructure within the shipyard, which would serve the ultimate goal of tackling various problems in the city and to redirect the development of Pula in a new direction. The solutions and proposals for revitalization were built based on the knowledge gathered through a survey on the local community and an interview conducted with the mayor of Pula (Filip Zoričić) as a representative from the local government, as well as revitalization experiences from other European cities and the analysis of geographical features of Pula and the Uljanik shipyard. Based on the result of this research, a number of proposals was put forward on the mainland part of the shipyard (Arsenal) including the transformation of a few selected buildings into a parking garage, a shipbuilding museum and an entertainment facility, the binding of the Arsenal waterfront area with Pula’s Riva into a unique pedestrian and bicycle path which would be used by a newly-introduced form of urban public transport (tram) and the establishing of a zone for business and entrepreneurship in the southern part of the Arsenal for the accommodation of small entrepreneurs and startup companies.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:730192
Study programme Title: Geography; specializations in: Physical Geography with Geoecology, Spatial Planning and Regional Development, Heritage and Tourism, Geographic Information Systems, Course research Course: Physical Geography with Geoecology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra geografije (magistar/magistra geografije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the Faculty of Science
Created on 2022-11-03 10:20:49