Title Uporaba blockchain tehnologije u svrhu provjerljivosti podataka
Title (english) Use of blockchain technology for data verifiability
Author Mirna Imrović
Mentor Ognjen Orel (mentor)
Committee member Ognjen Orel (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tina Bosner (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Pavle Goldstein (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Jurak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Abstract U ovom radu bavimo se temom korištenja blockchain-a u sustavima javne uprave. Razmatramo ideju da bi blockchain tehnologija mogla omogućiti transparentnost izdavanja i manipulacije javnih dokumenata te provjerljivost osobnih dokumenata. Kako bismo, prije svega, mogli razumjeti što je blockchain tehnologija, u prvom poglavlju dajemo pregled osnovnih koncepata matematike i računarstva koji su neophodni za razvoj sustava temeljenog na blockchain-u. Objašnjavamo što su kriptografske hash funkcije i prezentiramo algoritam za računanje jedne od najraširenijih kriptografskih hash funkcija, SHA-256. Potom proučavamo matematički koncept digitalnog potpisa, odnosno kriptografije javnog ključa; konkretno, predstavljamo algoritam za digitalni potpis koji koristi eliptičke krivulje, ECDSA, koji je ujedno i najzastupljeniji u sustavima temeljenim na blockchain-u. Proučavamo i računarski koncept distribuiranog konsenzusa, kao i otpornosti računalnog sustava na razne vrste grešaka, budući da ideje iza sustava temeljenih na blockchain-u sežu i dublje od pukog korištenja nove strukture podataka. U drugom poglavlju definiramo blockchain kao strukturu podataka, kao i neke druge strukture koje su pritom potrebne. Objašnjavamo zašto se sustavi temeljeni na blockchainu dizajniraju u modelu ravnopravnih partnera (odnosno, kao peer-to-peer sustavi). Potom promatramo konvencije za daljnje modeliranje sustava temeljenih na blockchain-u, objašnjavajući pritom najpoznatije protokole za postizanje distribuiranog konsenzusa i biranje vode. Uvodimo koncept pametnih ugovora, koji su često predstavljeni kao inovacija donešena s blockchain-om. Diskutiramo zašto se blockchain-u nerijetko dodaje apozicija tehnologija. Navodimo mogućnosti primjene blockchain-a i sustava koji se vode ranije navedenim konvencijama pri korištenju te strukture podataka. Temu mogućnosti primjene blockchain-a, i to u svrhu unapredenja digitalnog poslovanja u javnoj upravi, produbljujemo u posljednjem poglavlju. Posebno komentiramo paralelno korištenje blockchain-a i uvriježenih relacijskih baza podataka, te objašnjavamo zašto bi se moglo smatrati da je takva kombinacija tehnologija optimalna, kako za javne organizacije tako i za gradane. Dajemo pregled jednostavnog sustava za izradu i manipulaciju fakultetskih diploma, koji je implementiran u sklopu ovog rada. Navedeni sustav ilustrira kako bi se moglo upravljati jednom vrstom dokumenata koji su privatni, a trebaju biti dostupni za javni pregled, koristeći blockchain. Za implementaciju sustava korišten je programski okvir Hyperledger Fabric pa ukratko predstavljamo i njega i njegove mogućnosti. Potanko navodimo detalje o implementaciji i korištenju klijentskih aplikacija koje se vežu na implementirani sustav temeljen na blockchain-u.
Abstract (english) This paper deals with the use of blockchain in public administration systems. We are considering the idea that blockchain technology could enable transparency of issuing and manipulating public documents and the verifiability of personal documents. First of all, in order to understand what blockchain technology is, in the first chapter we give an overview of the basic concepts of mathematics and computer science that are necessary for the development of a blockchain-based system. We explain what cryptographic hash functions are and present an algorithm for calculating one of the most widespread cryptographic hash functions, SHA-256. Then we study the mathematical concept of digital signature, i.e. public key cryptography; in particular, we present an algorithm for digital signature that uses elliptic curves, ECDSA, which is utilized in most blockchain-based systems. We also study the concept of distributed consensus, as well as types of fault tolerance in computer systems, since the ideas behind blockchain-based systems go deeper than simply using a new data structure. In the second chapter, we define the blockchain as a data structure, as well as some other structures that are needed therein. We explain why blockchain-based systems are designed as peer-to-peer systems. Then we look at conventions to further model blockchain-based systems, explaining the most famous protocols for reaching distributed consensus and electing the leader of a peer-to-peer system. We introduce the concept of smart contracts, which are often presented as an innovation brought with blockchain. Since blockchain is often described as a technology, we look into the reasons why that is. Some possible use-cases of blockchain and blockchain-based systems following the abovementioned conventions are listed at the end of the chapter. The topic of the possibility of using blockchain, especially in order to improve digital business in public administration, is deepened in the last chapter. We particularly comment on the parallel use of blockchain and the already established relational databases, and explain why such a combination of technologies could be considered optimal for both public organisations and citizens. We give an overview of a simple system for the creation and manipulation of university degrees, which has been implemented as part of this paper. This system illustrates how one type of documents that is private and should be publicly verifiable can be managed using blockchain. The Hyperledger Fabric framework was used to implement the system, so we briefly present it and its capabilities. We detail the implementation and use of client applications that connect to the implemented blockchain based system.
sustavi javne uprave
provjerljivost osobnih dokumenata
kriptografske hash funkcije
Keywords (english)
public administration systems
verifiability of personal documents
cryptographic hash functions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:744264
Study programme Title: Computer Science and Mathematics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar računarstva i matematike (sveučilišni magistar računarstva i matematike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the Faculty of Science
Created on 2024-02-01 12:51:48