Abstract | Matične stanice istražuju se već desetljećima zbog svoje sposobnosti da se diferenciraju u različite tipove stanica. Mogu se podijeliti s obzirom na potentnost, koja predstavlja sposobnost stanica da se diferenciraju u različite fenotipske oblike u skladu s lokalnim mikrookruženjem i potrebama organizma, te podrijetlo, odnosno tip tkiva iz kojega se izoliraju. Živčani sustav omogućava percepciju okoliša, odgovor na podražaje, kontrolu tjelesnih funkcija, kretanje, učenje i razmišljanje, a sastoji se od neurona, koji provode živčane impulse, i glija stanica, koje podupiru funkciju neurona. Neurodegeneracijom nazivamo patološka stanja koja zahvaćaju neurone. Posljedično se razvijaju neurodegenerativni poremećaji koje karakterizira spora progesija bolesti i ireverzibilni rast stupnja disfunkcionalnosti neurona i sinapsi u pojedinim dijelovima živčanog sustava. Neurodegenerativne bolesti u posljednih nekoliko desetljeća zahvaćaju sve veći postotak populacije zbog čega je pronalazak trajnog rješenja i kvalitetne terapije od najveće važnosti. Terapija matičnim stanicama nudi potencijal za liječenje neuralnih bolesti i poremećaja kao što su Parkinsonova bolest, multipla skleroza, Huntingtonova bolest i Alzheimerova bolest. Iako pred znanstvenom zajednicom stoje još brojni izazovi i dileme, uključujući etička pitanja i potencijalne nuspojave terapija, liječenje poremećaja centralnog živčanog sustava matičnim stanicama predstavlja jedno od najperspektivnijih područja moderne medicine s ciljem poboljšanja kvalitete života pacijenata te dugoročnog smanjenja posljedica neurodegeneracije. |
Abstract (english) | Stem cells have been researched for decades for their ability to differentiate into different cell types. They can be divided into subtypes using the two criteria: potency, the ability of cells to differentiate into different phenotypic forms in accordance with the local microenvironment and the needs of the organism, and origin, i.e. the type of tissue from which they are isolated. The nervous system enables perception of the environment, response to stimuli, control of bodily functions, movement, learning and thinking, and consists of neurons, which conduct nerve impulses, and glial cells, which support the function of neurons. Pathological conditions affecting neurons are called neurodegeneration. It may lead to neurodegenerative disorders, which are characterized by a slow progression of the disease and an irreversible increase in the degree of dysfunction of neurons and synapses in certain parts of the nervous system. In the last few decades, neurodegenerative diseases have affected an increasing percentage of the population, which is why finding a permanent solution and quality therapy is of utmost importance. Stem cell therapy offers the potential to treat neural diseases and disorders such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, Huntington's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Although the scientific community still faces many challenges and dilemmas, including ethical issues and potential side effects of therapies, treatment of disorders of the central nervous system with stem cells represents one of the most promising areas of modern medicine with the aim of improving the quality of life of patients and reducing the long-term consequences of neurodegeneration. |