Title Fizioterapijski pristup kod sindroma prenaprezanja u laktu
Title (english) Physiotherapy approach in elbow overstrain syndrome
Author Ilarija Premužić
Mentor Nikolina Zaplatić Degač (mentor)
Committee member Mateja Znika (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikolina Zaplatić Degač (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Hodić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Physiotherapy) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2024-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract Lakat predstavlja složeni zglob u ljudskome tijela koji služi kao poveznica između ramena i šake, te kao takav funkcionalno sudjeluje u većini pokreta gornjih ekstremiteta. Sindromi prenaprezanja označuju skup simptoma nastalih zbog velikog broja repetitivnih pokreta koji oštećuju mioentezijski aparat na mikrorazini. Imajući na umu ulogu lakta u svakodnevnom životu, nije iznenađenje da su sindromi prenaprezanja u području lakta česta pojava. Najčešći iz te skupine su lateralni i medijalni epikondilitis koji najčešće zahvaćaju radno sposobnu populaciju stariju od 40 godina (uredski poslovi, radnici na traci, električari...). Ova oštećenja, zbog struktura koje zahvaćaju, stvaraju velike probleme pojedincu u normalnom funkcioniranju zbog čega je vrlo važno pravovremeno postaviti dijagnozu na temelju anamneze, kliničkih testova i pomoćnih dijagnostičkih metoda. Liječenje navedenih oštećenja je u prvom planu neoperativno, a uključuje poštedu i primjenu individualnog programa fizikalne terapije. U fizikalnoj terapiji veliku ulogu ima fizioterapeut, a ono podrazumijeva temeljitu fizioterapijsku procjenu, izradu plana terapije i primjenu indiciranih fizioterapijskih intervencija. Često primjenjivane fizioterapijske intervencije uključuju terapijske vježbe, terapijski ultrazvuk, TENS, manualne tehnike (Kaltenborn, Cyriax), a u novije vrijeme Dry needling, Kinesio taping i udarni val. Osim fizikalne terapije, rehabilitacija uključuje i specifičnu edukaciju bolesnika o mogućim ergonomskim prilagodbama radnog prostora. U slučaju sportaša, fokus se stavlja na metode prevencije oštećenja i moguće modifikacije trenažnog procesa, a sve s ciljem smanjenja broja ozljeda.
Abstract (english) The elbow represents a complex joint that serves as a link between the shoulder and the hand, and as such functionally participates in the vast majority of upper limb movements. Stress syndrome indicates a set of symptoms due to a large number of repetitive movements that damage the micro-level myoenthesia machine. Bearing in mind the role of elbows in everyday life, it is not surprising that stress syndrome in the elbow area is common. The most common in this group are lateral and medial epicondylitis, handball elbow, and posterior impingement elbow syndrome. Lateral and medial epicondylitis most often affect the working age population over 40 years of age (office jobs, belt workers, electricians...), while handball elbow and posterior impingement elbow syndrome are more often associated with professional and recreational athletes due to the specificity of individual sports. This damage, due to the structures involved, causes major problems for the individual in normal functioning, which makes it very important to make a timely diagnosis based on the history, clinical tests and auxiliary diagnostic methods. The treatment of these defects is primarily non-operative, including sparing and the application of an individual physical therapy program. Physical therapy implies thorough physiotherapeutic evaluation, drafting of a therapy plan and the use of indicated physiotherapeutic interventions. Frequently used physiotherapeutic interventions include therapeutic exercises, therapeutic ultrasound, TENS, manual techniques (Kaltenborn, Cyriax), and more recently dry needling, kinesio taping and shock wave. In addition to physical therapy, rehabilitation includes specific education of patients on possible ergonomic adaptations of the workspace. In the case of athletes, focus is placed on methods of prevention of damage and possible modification of the training process, all with the aim of reducing the number of injuries.
sindrom prenaprezanja
fizikalna terapija
Keywords (english)
stress syndrome
physical therapy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:379973
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository University North Digital Repository
Created on 2024-10-03 17:14:37