Title Dubrovačko-osmanski odnosi od 1667. do 1721. godine
Title (english) Dubrovnik-Ottoman relations from 1667 to 1721
Author Maja Raguž
Mentor Kristijan Juran (mentor)
Committee member Milorad Pavić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristijan Juran (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mateo Bratanić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of History) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-06-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Early Croatian and World History
Abstract U ovom se diplomskom radu obrađuju odnosi između Dubrovačke Republike i Osmanskog Carstva u razdoblju od velikog potresa koji je zadesio Dubrovnik pa sve do konačne uspostave granica između Dubrovačke Republike, Porte i Mletačke Republike 1721. godine. S obzirom na brojne ratne sukobe na europskom tlu tijekom 17. stoljeća, rad započinje prikazom političke situacije unutar koje se razvija odnos Republike i Porte. Kao glavna okosnica njihovog odnosa istaknulo se gospodarstvo, odnosno njegova najistaknutija grana- trgovina. Posrednička uloga koju je imao Dubrovnik u odnosu zapada i istoka omogućila mu je 'slobodu' sve do početka 19. stoljeća. Takvu uvjetnu slobodu Dubrovčani su plaćali sultanu svake godine i to u obliku harača. S obzirom da je 1667. godina bila presudna za ekonomiju i gospodarstvo Dubrovačke Republike, u radu su posebno bile istaknute gospodarske veze sa Portom prije te nakon potresa. Razdoblje od 1667. do 1721. godine obilježeno je brojnim vojnim sukobima Porte i Mletačke Republike, a posljedice je osjetila i Dubrovačka Republika. Teritorijalna prekrajanja koja su bila jedna od tema mirovnih sporazuma u Srijemskim Karlovcima 1699. godine i u Požarevcu 1718. godine, pokazala su svu moć dubrovače diplomacije. Uz to, rad obrađuje i svakodnevni život stanovništva na razmeđu Dubrovačke Republike i Osmanskog Carstva, a poseban se naglasak stavlja na međuvjerske odnose. S obzirom na izuzetno važan geostrateški položaj Dubrovačke Republike, njezin odnos sa Portom bio je pažljivo promatran od strane zapadnih europskih zemalja. Tako se u radu daje pogled na dubrovačko-osmanske odnose iz perspektive Papinske Države, Franuske i Mletačke Republike budući da je svaka od ovih država na svojstven način povezana sa Dubrovačkom Republikom. Kao okosnica cjelokupnog rada ističe se vrlo poznata dubrovačka diplomacija koja je činila jedan od temelja dubrovačko-osmanskih odnosa.
Abstract (english) This thesis deals with the relations between the Republic of Dubrovnik and the Ottoman Empire in the period from the great earthquake that hit Dubrovnik until the final establishment of the borders between the Republic of Dubrovnik, Porte and the Venetian Republic in 1721. Given the numerous war conflicts on European soil during the 17th century, the work begins with an account of the political situation within which the relationship between the Republic and the Porte developed. The staple of their relationship was the economy, i.e., its most prominent branch - trade. The mediating role that Dubrovnik played in the relationship between the West and the East enabled him 'freedom' until the beginning of the 19th century. Such parole was paid to the sultan by the people of Dubrovnik every year in the form of a tribute. Considering that the year 1667 was crucial for the economy of the Republic of Dubrovnik, the paper especially emphasizes the economic ties with Porto before and after the earthquake. The period from 1667 to 1721 was marked by numerous military conflicts between the Porte and the Venetian Republic, consequences of which the Republic of Dubrovnik felt as well. Territorial redrawing, which was one of the topics of the peace agreements in Srijemski Karlovci in 1699 and in Požarevac in 1718, showed all the power of Dubrovnik diplomacy. In addition, the paper deals with the everyday life of the population at the crossroads of the Republic of Dubrovnik and the Ottoman Empire, and special emphasis is placed on interfaith relations. Given the extremely important geostrategic position of the Republic of Dubrovnik, its relationship with the Port was carefully observed by Western European countries. Thus, the paper gives a view of the Dubrovnik-Ottoman relations from the perspective of the Papal State, the French, and the Venetian Republic, since each of these states was in its own way connected with the Republic of Dubrovnik. The well-known Dubrovnik diplomacy, which was one of the foundations of Dubrovnik-Ottoman relations, stands out as the backbone of the entire work.
Dubrovačka Republika
Osmansko Carstvo
teritorijalna prekrajanja
Keywords (english)
Dubrovnik Republic
Ottoman Empire
territorial cuts
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:160892
Study programme Title: History; specializations in: History - Teacher's Education (double major) Course: History - Teacher's Education (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti (magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-06-10 11:36:39