Title Potrošačko društvo
Title (english) Consumer society
Author Nina Buljan
Mentor Ratko Čorić (mentor)
Committee member Jadranka Čačić-Kumpes (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sven Marcelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ratko Čorić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Sociology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Specific Sociologies
Abstract Temeljna svrha ovog rada jest predočiti složenost pojma potrošačkog društva. Rad se osvrće na analizu temeljnih aspekata potrošačkog društva, te razumijevanju posljedica njegova postojanja. S obzirom da potrošačko društvo predstavlja društveno - gospodarski prostor u kojem živi većina društava, u radu su prikazana obilježja povijesnog procesa nastanka ovakvog tipa društva, ekonomski i politički aspekti konzumerizma, te sociokulturni aspekti potrošnje i potrošačke kulture. Pojedinci kao potrošači čine pokretačku snagu neoliberalnog kapitalističkog sustava, stoga je istaknuta njihova društvena uloga. Zatim, ideologija produkcije i promocija kulture potrošačke želje uspostavljaju potrošnju kao razonodu, te potiču korištenje slobodnog vremena na pasivan način, kroz razgledavanje trgovina i konzumaciju medijskih sadržaja. Čin potrošnje istovremeno potiče pretjerani individualizam, izgradnju identiteta, te potrebu za bijegom iz svakodnevnog života u beznačajne aktivnosti. Prema tome, rad prikazuje značenje reklamno-potrošačke industrije koja upotrebnu vrijednost robe zamjenjuje sustavima kodova, znakova i mitova, čime ostvaruje uspješno apsorbiranje simulacija medija kod ljudi. Na taj način, potrošačko društvo formira se kao oblik uspotavljanja društvenih vrijednosti. Doista, ljudi u velikoj mjeri nisu svjesni manipulacija marketinškog stroja, te hiperrealizma simulacije. Naglasak rada je na objašnjenju navedenih pojmova, ali i na ukazivanju kulturnog utjecaja zapadne civilizacije zbog koje je došlo do širenja potrošačkog duha i uspostavljanja potrošačke kulture kao postmoderne kulture, koja promovira zamjenu radne etike potrošačkim hedonizmom.
Abstract (english) The fundamental purpose of this paper is to point out the complexity of the concept of consumer society. The paper focuses on the analysis of fundamental aspects of consumer society, and understanding the consequences of its existence. Given that the consumer society is a socio - economic space in which most societies live, the paper presents the characteristics of the historical process of this type of society, economic and political aspects of consumerism, and socio-cultural aspects of consumption and consumer culture. Individuals as consumers constitute driving force of the neoliberal capitalist system, hence their social role is emphasized. Then, the ideology of production and the promotion of a culture of consumer desire establish consumption as entertainment, and encourage the use of free time in a passive way, through sightseeing shops and consumption of media content. The act of consumption simultaneously encourages excessive individualism, identity building, and the need to escape from everyday life into meaningless activities. Therefore, the paper shows the significance of the advertising and consumer industry, which replaces the use value of goods with systems of codes, signs and myths, thus achieving the successful absorption of media simulations in humans. In this way, the consumer society is formed as a form of establishing social values. Indeed, people are largely unaware of the manipulation of the marketing machine, and the hyperrealism of simulation. The emphasis of the paper is on explaining these terms, but also on pointing out cultural influence of Western civilization which led to the spread of consumer spirit and the establishment of consumer culture as a postmodern culture, which promotes replacing work ethic with consumer hedonism.
neoliberalna ideologija
potrošačka kultura
potrošačka želja
Keywords (english)
neoliberal ideology
consumer culture
consumer desire
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:948365
Study programme Title: Sociology (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sociologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2021-07-02 12:06:55