Title Participacija roditelja pri ublažavanju posljedica specifičnih teškoća u učenju
Title (english) Parents' involvement in consequence mitigation of specific learning difficulties
Author Melita Kos
Mentor Smiljana Zrilić (mentor)
Mentor Diana Nenadić-Bilan (komentor)
Mentor Tamara Kisovar-Ivanda (komentor)
Committee member Tamara Kisovar Ivanda (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Nenadić Bilan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Smiljana Zrilić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Elementary School Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Primarne aktivnosti u ranom školskom obrazovanju su govorenje, čitanje, pisanje i računanje. U situaciji kada se kod nekih učenika primjećuju odstupanja i zaostajanja u savladavanju tih aktivnosti može se posumnjati na specifičnu teškoću u učenju. U tom slučaju važno je intervenirati s ciljem otklanjanja uzroka zaostajanja ili ublažavanja posljedica određenih teškoća te uputiti učenika logopedu/defektologu. Uloga učitelja je prepoznati specifičnu teškoću u učenju, individualizirati pristup učenicima s teškoćama; prilagoditi nastavne metode, materijale, način ispitivanja znanja i obavijestiti roditelje i školskog logopeda o situaciji. Specifične teškoće u učenju ne mogu se izliječiti, no važno je znati da su to djeca urednog razvoja i inteligencije te da su sposobni postići izuzetne rezultate u zadovoljavajućem, motivirajućem i inkluzivnom okruženju. U ovom diplomskom radu posebno će se istaknuti uloga roditelja u participaciji obrazovanja djece sa disleksijom, disgrafijom i/ili diskalkulijom. Naime, kako bi dijete bilo uspješno, roditelji moraju iskazati spremnost na rad sa svojim djetetom, informirati se i educirati o teškoćama te svakodnevno pomagati u savladavanju gradiva. Nužna je konstantna podrška, razumijevnje i strpljenje. Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada je definirati specifične teškoće u učenju, objasniti na koji način utječu na učenika, njegov školski uspjeh i emocionalni razvoj te naglasiti važnost participacije roditelja u ublažavanju negativnih posljedica koje mogu uzrokovati. U sklopu rada provedeno je istraživanje u svrhu saznanja koliko i na koji način roditelji participiraju u obrazovanju svoje djece koja imaju specifične teškoće u učenju. U anketnom upitniku koji je ispunilo 73 roditelja djece sa specifičnim teškoćama u učenju osim tog osnovnog cilja ispitalo se i o problemima s kojima se susreću pri pomaganju djeci u učenju i obavljanju školskih obaveza te koliko su zadovoljni pristupom učitelja djetetu s teškoćom. Roditelji su podijelili svoja iskustva, stavove, mišljenja i savjete za djecu s teškoćama, njihove roditelje i učitelje.
Abstract (english) Primary activities in early education are speaking, reading, writing and calculating. In situations when some students show divergence and lag behind in mastering those skills teachers may suspect the possibilty of a child having specific learning difficulties. In those cases it is important to intervene with a goal of removing the cause of lagging or mitigation of consequences that specific learning difficulties carry and to direct a child to a speech therapist. The teacher's role is to recognize the specific learning difficulty and individualize the approach to the student facing difficulties. Specific learning difficulties can't be cured as they are not considered diseases and it is important to be aware that those children have regular cognitive development and intelligence. Furthermore, they are capable of achieving extraordinary results in a motivational and inclusive environment. The highlight of this graduate thesis is put on the parents' role in participation in education of children with dyslexia, dysgraphia and/or dyscalculia. Parents are obligated to help their children daily with the goal of mastering the studying material. Parents' constant support, patience and understanding are crucial. The main purpose of this graduate thesis is to define special learning difficulties, explain the influence they have on students, their achievement in school, emotional development and self perception and to highlight the importance of parents' participation in reduction of negative repercussions they might cause. A survey questionnaire was made as part of this thesis. It questioned and researched how much and in what ways parents participate in their childrens' education. The questionnaire was answered by 73 parents of children with special learning difficulties. The main subject of research was to discover the problems parents face while helping their children study, read and do homework as well as how they percieved the teachers' approach to their children. All parents that participated in this research shared their honest opinions, experiences, thoughts, worries and advice for children with special learning difficulties, their parents and teachers.
specifične teškoće u učenju
participacija roditelja
suradnja roditelja i učitelja
Keywords (english)
special learning difficulties
parent's involvment in school
school and parents collaboration
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:884987
Study programme Title: Primary education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2021-07-22 13:34:53