Title Zdravstvena njega bolesnika s hepatitisom C
Title (english) Nursing care of patients with hepatitis C
Author Marta Vidas
Mentor Ivo Klarin (mentor)
Committee member Ines Leto (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivo Klarin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Bačkov (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-09-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Uvod: Hepatitis C možemo još nazvati i infekcijom jetre. HCV je jednolančani RNK virus s ovojnicom. Prateći glavno filogenetsko stablo danas razlikujemo šest genotipova HCV-a ( HCV1, HCV2, HCV3...). Najzastupljeniji genotip kako u svijetu pa tako i u Hrvatskoj je genotip 1. Genotip 1 čini gotovo 49,1 % infekcija. Hepatitis C se prenosi s osobe na osobu zaraženom krvlju. Najčešći put prijenosa je parenteralni (transfuzija, uporaba kontaminiranog pribora pri iv. aplikaciji droga, kirurški zahvati, tetoviranje), osim toga može se prenositi spolnim putem te vertikalnim- s majke na čedo. Vrijeme inkubacije traje 6 do 7 tjedana. Hepatitis C je važan javnozdravstveni problem jer čak 80% infekcija ostaje klinički neprepoznatljivo. Ciroza jetre je najčešća posljedica tihog utjecaja hepatitisa C i razvija se u 20% oboljelih. Manji broj osoba, 1-5% razvije hepatocelularni karcinom. 2011. godine na tržištu se pojavljuju prvi direktno djelujući antivirusni lijekovi. Istraživanja su pokazala da je DAA terapijom izlječenje prepoznato u 95% slučajeva.
CILJ RADA: Prikazati ulogu prvostupnice sestrinstva u provedbi zdravstvene njege kod bolesnika oboljelog od virusnog hepatitisa C.
RASPRAVA: U procesu zdravstvene njege koji se provodi kod pacijenta koji boluje od akutne infekcije hepatitisa C naglasak je stavljen na promatranje njegove aktivnosti, kardiovaskularnog sustava, metabolizma, izgleda kože i vidljivih sluznica. U zdravstvenoj njezi bolesnika s kroničnim virusom hepatitisa sestrinske intervencije su usmjerene na edukaciju i potporni rad s bolesnikom.
ZAKLJUČAK: Prvostupnica sestrinstva procjenjuje stanje bolesnika i utvrđuje njegove potrebe. Prikupljanje podataka i procjena stanja je baza koja pomaže medicinskoj sestri za utvrđivanje prisutnih sestrinskih dijagnoza. Nakon postavljenih sestrinskih dijagnoza prvostupnica sestrinstva planira i provodi intervencije koje će ostvariti željeni cilj. Traženi cilj uvijek je usmjeren prvenstveno poboljšanju općeg stanja i kvalitete života svakog pacijenta.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Hepatitis C can also be called a liver infection. HCV is a single-stranded envelope RNA virus. Following the main phylogenetic tree today, we distinguish six HCV genotypes (HCV1, HCV2, HCV3...). The most common genotype in the world and in Croatia is genotype 1. Genotype 1 accounts for almost 49.1% of infections. Hepatitis C is transmitted from person to person by infected blood. The most common route of transmission is parenteral (transfusion, use of contaminated equipment during IV drug use, surgery, tattooing), in addition, it can be transmitted sexually and vertically - from mother to child. The incubation time lasts 6 to 7 weeks. Hepatitis C is an important public health problem because as many as 80% of infections remain clinically unrecognizable. Cirrhosis of the liver is the most common consequence of the silent impact of hepatitis C and develops in 20% of patients. A small number of people, 1-5% develop hepatocellular carcinoma. In 2011, the first direct-acting antiviral drugs were introduced. Studies have shown that with DAA therapy, cure is recognized in 95% of cases.
Purpose: To show nurses rolein care for patients with hepatitis C Discussion: In the process of health care carried out in a patient suffering from an acute hepatitis C infection, emphasis is placed on the observation of his activity, cardiovascular system, metabolism, appearance of the skin and visible mucous membranes. In the health care of patients with chronic hepatitis virus, nursing interventions are focused on education and supportive work with the patient.
Conclusion: The nursing bachelor assesses the patient's condition and determines his needs. Data collection and condition assessment is a database that assists the nurse in determining the nursing diagnoses present. After the nursing diagnoses are set, the bachelor of nursing plans and implements interventions that will achieve the desired goal. The desired goal is always aimed primarily at improving the general condition and quality of life of each patient.
hepatitis C
uloga prvostupnice sestrinstva
Keywords (english)
hepatitis C
the role of the nurse
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:590150
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2021-10-25 09:23:15