Title Analiza konkurentnosti hrvatskog turizma u odnosu na zemlje Mediterana
Title (english) Analysis of the competitiveness of Croatian tourism in relation to the Mediterranean countries
Author Karmen Klobučar
Mentor Jurica Bosna (mentor)
Committee member Mladen Rajko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jurica Bosna (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Krajnović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Economics) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-10-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Na današnjem sve otvorenijem i integriranom turističkom tržištu, konkurentnost zauzima središnje mjesto svih zemalja uključenih u razvoj turizma. Konkurentnost, strategije za postizanje konkurentske prednosti i mjerenje konkurentnosti turističke destinacije najčešće su korištene sintagme. Ključ popularnosti je dostupnost svih sastavnica turističkog proizvoda na turističkom tržištu i snažna diferencijacija u natjecanju s glavnim i ostalim konkurentima. Dugo su se turistički poslovni subjekti, kako pravni tako i fizički, borili s ponovnom uspostavom konkurentnosti zbog želje za brzim prosperitetom i kratkoročnom ekspanzijom. Danas se turistička ponuda, s jedne strane, bori s visokom razinom konkurentnosti i brzo promjenjivom potražnjom s tržišta. S druge strane, životni ciklus turističkih proizvoda postao je kraći zbog brzih tehnoloških promjena i moralne obveze zadovoljenja turističke potražnje koja postaje sve sofisticiranija. Kako bi se ostvario bolji položaj na turističkom tržištu, turistička ponuda mora se približiti potražnji osluškujući potrebe turista i brzo reagirati na njihove zahtjeve, poštujući konkurente i istodobno uzimajući u obzir sve prednosti i mogućnosti. Globalna konkurentnost prisilila je sve poslovne subjekte, bez obzira na njihovu veličinu i opseg poslovanja, na reorganizaciju i restrukturiranje, ne samo da se natječu, već i da opstanu na turističkom tržištu. Danas se turistička ponuda, s jedne strane, bori s visokom razinom konkurentnosti i brzo promjenjivom potražnjom s tržišta. S druge strane, životni ciklus turističkih proizvoda postao je kraći zbog brzih tehnoloških promjena i moralne obveze zadovoljenja turističke potražnje koja postaje sve sofisticiranija. Kako bi se ostvario bolji položaj na turističkom tržištu (kako bi se ostvarila konkurentnost), turistička ponuda mora se približiti potražnji osluškujući potrebe turista i brzo reagirati na njihove zahtjeve, poštujući konkurente i istodobno uzimajući u obzir sve prednosti i mogućnosti. Hrvatska treba imati jasan koncept održivog turizma budućnosti u smislu da se ne "forsira" masovnost iz jednostavnog razloga što masovnost ne vodi prema održivosti. Resursi su ograničeni i treba ih koristiti na održiv način, a država mora osigurati poticajno okruženje u kojem će turistički sektor sa svim svojim dionicima moći funkcionirati na konkurentniji način naglašavajući sve posebnosti koje Hrvatska kao destinacija može pružiti svojim gostima.
Abstract (english) On today's increasingly open and integrated tourism market, competitiveness is important for all countries involved in tourism development. Competitiveness, strategies for achieving competitive advantage and measuring the competitiveness of a tourist destination are the most commonly used phrases. The key to popularity is the availability of all components of the tourism product in the tourism market and strong differentiation in competition with the main and other competitors. For a long time, tourism businesses, both legal and physical, have struggled to re-establish competitiveness for the desire for rapid prosperity and short-term expansion. Today, the tourist offer, on the one hand, is struggling with a high level of competitiveness and rapidly changing market demand. On the other hand, the life cycle of tourism products has become shorter due to rapid technological changes and the moral obligation to meet tourism demand that is becoming increasingly sophisticated. In order to achieve a better position in the tourism market, the tourist offer must approach demand by listening to the needs of tourists and respond quickly to their requests, respecting competitors and at the same time taking into account all advantages and opportunities. Global competitiveness has forced all businesses, regardless of their size and scope of business, to reorganize and restructure, not only to compete, but also to survive in the tourism market. Today, the tourist offer, on the one hand, is struggling with a high level of competitiveness and rapidly changing market demand. On the other hand, the life cycle of tourism products has become shorter due to rapid technological changes and the moral obligation to meet tourism demand that is becoming increasingly sophisticated. In order to achieve a better position in the tourism market (in order to achieve competitiveness), the tourist offer must approach demand by listening to the needs of tourists and respond quickly to their demands, respecting competitors and at the same time taking into account all advantages and opportunities. Croatia should have a clear concept of sustainable tourism of the future in the sense that mass is not "forced" for the simple reason that mass does not lead to sustainability. Resources are limited and should be used in a sustainable way, and the state must provide a stimulating environment in which the tourism sector with all its stakeholders will be able to function in a more competitive way, emphasizing all the specialties that Croatia as a destination can provide to its guests.
turistička destinacija
turizam Mediterana
turizam RH
Keywords (english)
tourist destination
Mediterranean tourism
Croatian tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:711074
Study programme Title: Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-11-12 09:51:28