Title Antički nadgrobni spomenici sa salonitanskih nekropola
Title (english) Ancient Tombstones from Salonitan Necropolises
Author Nina Čolić
Mentor Silvia Bekavac (mentor)
Committee member Meri Zornija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Silvia Bekavac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Josipović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of History of Art) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art
Abstract Kako je Salona bila centar rimske provincije Dalmacije, sasvim je logično zaključiti da je bila iznimno razvijen i napučen grad. Tijekom vremena, slijedeći rimske trendove, a sukladno promjenama u načinu života, mijenjao se i ritual ukapanja, što se pak odrazilo na različite vrste nadgrobnih spomenika. Na početku su to stele, nešto kasnije are te na koncu sarkofazi koji su se za ritual inhumacije pokazali najpraktičnijim. Od kraja drugog stoljeća, sve rjeđe su se ljudski ostatci palili, a pepeo stavljao u urne. Taj ritual incineracije potiskuje kosturno ukapanje pokojnika koji su se polagali u sarkofage uglavnom u ležećem položaju. Prateći razvoj različitih kategorija nadgrobnih spomenika, mogu se grupirati i tipični motivi kojima se oni dekoriraju. Riječ je uglavnom o pogrebnim motivima poput erota s bakljama koji vode u podzemni svijet ili predstavljanje časti koji je pokojnik stekao u životu kao npr. vojničko postignuće, magistarsku funkciju, itd. Na stelama su uglavnom prikazani portreti pokojnika s pripadajućim nadgrobnim natpisom, dok su na arama, uz obvezno natpisno polje, uklesani figuralni i ornamentalni motivi vitica i akantusovog lišća. Na sarkofazima su scene razigranije i dinamičnije jer su oni površinski veći pa samim time ima više mjesta za obradu. Tako su prikazi na arama jednostavniji jer se tu pojavljuju samo pojedine figure u različitim pozama dok su na sarkofazima prikazane figure udružene u veće i razvijenije grupe. Sarkofazi su bili smatrani luksuznim proizvodima koje su sebi mogli priuštiti samo bogati pojedinci salonitanske zajednice.
Abstract (english) As Salona was the center of the Roman province of Dalmatia, it is quite logical to conclude that it was an extremely developed and popular city. Over time, following Roman trends, and in accordance with changes in lifestyle, the burial ritual also changed, which in turn was reflected in various types of tombstones. At the beginning they were stelae, a little later ares and finally sarcophagi, which proved to be the most practical for the ritual of inhumation. Since the end of the second century, human remains have been burned less and less, and ashes placed in urns. This ritual of incineration suppresses the skeletal burial of the deceased who were laid in sarcophagi mostly in a supine position. Following the development of different categories of tombstones, typical motifs can be grouped with them. These are mainly funeral motifs such as eros with torches that lead to the underworld or the representation of the honor that the deceased gained in life, such as military achievement, master's position, etc. The stelae mostly depict portraits of the deceased with the accompanying tombstone inscription, while the ares, along with the obligatory inscription field, feature carved figural and ornamental motifs of tendrils and acanthus leaves. On the sarcophagi, the scenes are more playful and dynamic because they are larger on the surface, so there is more room for processing. Thus, the depictions on the aras are simpler because only individual figures in different poses appear there, while the sarcophagi depict figures grouped into larger and more developed groups. Sarcophagi were considered luxury products that only wealthy individuals of the Salonitan community could afford.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:597322
Study programme Title: History of Art Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/aprvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea)povijesti umjetnosti (sveučilišni/aprvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea)povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2021-11-15 13:18:25