Title Ured za davanje pravnog savjeta i stalni odvjetnici
Title (english) Legal Advice Bureau and Permanent Attorneys
Author Antonija Kaulić
Mentor Klara Ćavar (mentor)
Mentor Zdenko Dundović (komentor)
Committee member Zdenko Dundović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Klara Ćavar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Mohorić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Departement of Religious Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology
Abstract Rad se bavi Uredima za davanje pravnog savjeta i stalnim odvjetnicima. Objašnjen je pravni tijek njegovog osnivanja, od Dignitas connubi pa sve do MIDI. Prvi dio rada objašnjava što je to Ured za davanje pravnog savjeta i koja je njegova svrha. Nadalje, opisana je njegova pastoralna i pravna fukcija, od provođenja pastoralne istrage u svrhu otkrivanja kanonskog razloga ništavosti ženibe do pružanja pomoći vjernicima koji se nalaze u „neregularnoj situaciji“. Također, pojašnjena je uloga stalnog odvjetnika, pri čemu je dodatno pojašnjena pravna regulativa koja određuje uvjete koji se moraju ispuniti kako bi se mogla obnašati ta služba. Za potrebe rada provedeno je istraživanje putem anketnog upitnika koje se bavi primjerima prakse crkvenih sudova Hrvatskoj. Pokazalo se da su četiri od pet sudova prvoga stupnja implementirali članak 113. DC-a u svoju sudsku praksu, a Đakovo trenutno radi na realizaciji. Na sudovima prvoga stupnja u Hrvatskoj je prisutno ukupno deset stalnih odvjetnika, od čega su tri laika, a pozitivna činjenica koju vrijedi istaknuti je da sedam od deset odvjetnika ima magisterij ili doktorat iz kanonskog prava. Ustanovljeno je da je na crkvenim sudovima prvoga stupnja, u razdoblju od 2016. do 2020. godine, sveukupno proglašeno 1357 ništavih ženidbi, od čega je najviše provedenih parnica na Sudu u Splitu. Redoviti ženidbeni postupak je i dalje najučestaliji način postupanja u ženidbenim parnicama, a Kraći ženidbeni postupak pred biskupom, jedna od novina reforme, proveden je samo četiri puta u crkvenoj sudskoj praksi u Hrvatskoj. Informiranje vjernika je aspekt na kojem je ostalo prostora za daljnje istraživanje jer se pokazalo da vjernici dolaze neinformirani o svojoj situaciji, ali i o procesu ženidbenih parnica općenito.
Abstract (english) This paper deals with Legal Advice Bureau and Permanent Attorneys. The legal course of its establishment is explained from Dignitas connubia to MIDI. The first part of the paper explains what the Legal Advice Bureau and its purpose are. Furthermore, its pastoral and legal function is described, from conducting a pastoral investigation of discovering the canonical reason for the nullity of marriage to assisting believers who are in an "irregular situation." Also, the role of the permanent attorney has been explained and the legal regulation determining conditions for obtaining the mentioned service is clarified. A survey questionnaire regarding examples of the practice of church courts in Croatia was conducted. The results have shown that four of the five Courts of First Instance have implemented Article 113 of the DC in their case law, and Đakovo is currently working on its implementation. A total of ten permanent attorneys are present in the Courts of the First Instance in Croatia and the three of them are laypeople. A positive fact worth noting is that seven out of ten attorneys in question have a master's degree or a doctorate in canon law. Furthermore, it was established that in the Ecclesiastical Courts of the First Instance, in the period from 2016 to 2020, a total of 1357 marriages were declared null, and most lawsuits were conducted at the Court of Split. Regular Marriage Proceedings are still the most common way of dealing with marriage lawsuits, and the Short Marriage Proceedings before the Bishop, one of the novelties of the reform, has been conducted only four times in church court practice in Croatia. Informing the believers is an aspect of further research because it has been shown that believers come uninformed about their situation, but also about the marriage litigation process in general.
stalni odvjetnici
ženidbena parnica
pastoralna istraga
Keywords (english)
permanent attorney
marriage litigation
pastoral investigation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:559061
Study programme Title: Graduate university theological and catechetical study program (double-major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra katehetike (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra katehetike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2021-11-29 10:57:19