Title Brojalice u radu s djecom predškolske dobi
Title (english) Counters in work with preschool children
Author Ana Lokas
Mentor Ivica Vigato (mentor)
Committee member Katarina Ivon (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Vigato (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavica Vrsaljko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Preschool Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-10-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Govor je vrlo značajna odrednica u životu čovjeka koja se konstantno razvija kroz cijeli njegov život. Međutim, početak razvoja govora odvija se u najranijoj ljudskoj dobi, a potom ga kroz život čovjek samo nadograđuje i proširuje. Najvažnije razdoblje razvijanja govora kod čovjeka je u predškolskoj dobi kada odgojitelji imaju značajnu ulogu poticanja tog razvoja. Poticanje govora može se odvijati kroz mnogobrojne aktivnosti kao što su igra, dječji rad, učenje te razne ostale aktivnosti kroz koje djeca iskazuju svoje interese i želje te razvijaju svoje sposobnosti. Na taj način djeca pokazuju svoju sreću, radost i ljubav, a istovremeno i uče. Veliku ulogu u razvoju govora kod djeteta imaju brojalice, tj. kratke pjesmice koje su ritmične i njima se izražavaju ritam, šala i melodičnost. Kombinacija šale i ritma pokazala se vrlo zabavnom zbog čega djeca vole brojalice i često ih koriste u svojoj igri. Brojalica je pristupačna svakome djetetu jer je lako pamtljiva, ritmična i melodična. Svaku brojalicu karakteriziraju: lako izgovaranje slogova, kratki slogovi koji su često sastavljeni od jednog samoglasnika i dva suglasnika, sredstvo i poticaj za igru te izvor novih ideja. Upravo bi zbog toga odgojitelji, kao vrlo važne osobe u odrastanju svakog djeteta, trebali koristiti brojalice u svojemu radu i time poboljšati razvoj djeteta i njegovih sposobnosti. Svrha ovoga diplomskoga rada bio je teorijski prikazati brojalice i njihovu važnost te, potom, provesti istraživanje o znanju odgojitelja o brojalicama kao i učestalosti njihova korištenja u dječjim vrtićima.
Abstract (english) Speech is a very important determinant in a person's life that is constantly evolving throughout his life. However, the beginning of the development of speech takes place at the earliest human age, and then through life man only upgrades and expands it. The most important period of speech development in humans is in preschool age when educators have a significant role to encourage this development. Encouraging speech can take place through many activities, such as play, child labor, learning and various other activities through which children develop their abilities and express their interests and desires. In this way, children show their happiness, joy and love, and at the same time learn. A large role in the development of speech in a child is played by counters, ie short songs that are rhythmic and express rhythm, melody and jokes. The combination of rhythm and jokes proved to be a lot of fun which is why kids love counters and often use them in their game. The counter is accessible to every child because it is easy to remember, has a rhythm and is melodic. Each counter is characterized by: easy pronunciation of syllables, short syllables that are often composed of one vowel and two consonants, a means and stimulus for play, and a source of new ideas. That is why educators, as very important people in the growth of every child, should use counters in their work and thus improve the development of the child and his abilities. The purpose of the thesis was to theoretically explain counters, their importance and, then, to conduct research on educators' knowledge of counters as well as the frequency of their use in kindergartens.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:919166
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study Program of Early and Pre-school Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
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Created on 2021-12-09 08:04:41