Title Adjectifs et pronoms relatifs
Title (croatian) Odnosni pridjevi i odnosne zamjenice
Title (english) Relative adjectives and pronouns
Author Ivana Špika
Mentor Tomislav Frleta (mentor)
Committee member Vanda Mikšić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Frleta (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Larisa Grčić Simeunović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Francophone Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Dans la première partie du mémoire, nous avons analysé différentes théories sur les adjectifs et les pronoms relatifs. Nous avons vu comment les adjectifs relatifs et les pronoms relatifs sont définis en français et en croate et nous avons vu les différences et les similitudes. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons analysé les pronoms relatifs anglais et nous avons vu comment les traducteurs français et croates les ont traduits dans les deux premières parties de la série de romans Harry Potter. L'analyse montre à quel point les traductions sont différentes et quelles langues ont le plus de similitudes. La troisième et dernière partie du mémoire est composée de la traduction croate d'une partie de la bande dessinée française Ad Romam et de l’analyse de la traduction. D'après l'analyse de la traduction, nous voyons qu'il y a un certain nombre d'éléments auxquels il faut faire attention lors de la traduction de bandes dessinées, tels que : la langue familière, les onomatopées, les références culturelles et les références de la culture populaire, et les éléments historiques. Le mémoire donne un aperçu des définitions des adjectifs et des pronoms relatifs en croate et en français, et comment nous pouvons traduire les pronoms relatifs anglais et, enfin, quels sont les difficultés que nous rencontrons lors de la traduction de bandes dessinées.
Abstract (croatian) U prvom dijelu diplomskog rada smo analizirali različite teorije o odnosnim pridjevima i zamjenicama. Vidjeli smo kako odnosni pridjevi i odnosne zamjenice definirani u francuskom i hrvatskom jeziku te smo vidjeli u čemu se pojmovi razlikuju i u čemu su slični. U drugom dijelu rada smo analizirali odnosne zamjenice u engleskom jeziku te smo vidjeli kako su ih francuski i hrvatski prevoditelji preveli u prva dva dijela serije Harry Potter romana. Iz analize se vidi koliko se prijevodi razlikuju i među kojim jezicima postoji najviše sličnosti i podudaranja. Treći i posljednji dio rada se sastoji od hrvatskog prijevoda jednog dijela francuskog stripa Ad Romam i analize prijevoda. Iz analize prijevoda vidimo da postoje brojni elementi na koje treba paziti pri prevođenju stripa, kao što su: razgovorni jezik, onomatopeja, kulturološke reference i reference iz popularne kulture i povijesni elementi. Rad u cijelosti daje pregled definicija odnosnih pridjeva i zamjenica u hrvatskom i francuskom jeziku, te na koji način možemo prevoditi engleske odnosne zamjenice i naposlijetku, koji su izazovi na koje nailazimo tijekom prevođenja stripova.
Abstract (english) In the first part of the thesis, we analyzed different theories and seen how relative adjectives and relative pronouns are defined in French and Croatian and we have seen what are the differences and similarities between the languages. In the second part, we have analyzed the relative pronouns in English and seen how French and Croatian translators translated them in the first two parts of the Harry Potter novel series. The analysis shows how different the translations are and which languages have the most similarities between them. The third and last part of the paper consists of a Croatian translation of a part of the French comic Ad Romam and an analysis of the translation. From the analysis of the translation, we see that there are a number of elements to look out for when translating comics, such as: colloquial language, onomatopoeia, cultural references and references from popular culture, and historical elements. The paper provides an overview of the definitions of relative adjectives and pronouns in Croatian and French, and how we can translate English relative pronouns and, finally, what are the challenges we encounter when translating comics.
adjectifs relatifs
pronoms relatifs
Harry Potter
bande dessinée
Keywords (croatian)
odnosni pridjevi
odnosne zamjenica
Harry Potter
Language french
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:908588
Study programme Title: French Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Translation Course: Translation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra francuskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra francuskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-03-29 12:09:34