Title Uloga roditelja u prilagodbi djeteta na vrtić
Title (english) Parents' Roles in the Process of Adaptation of their Child to Kindergarten
Author Marija-Lana Šojat
Mentor Rozana Petani (mentor)
Committee member Jasmina Vrkić Dimić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Buterin Mičić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rozana Petani (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Pedagogy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-09-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Ovaj se diplomski rad bavi ulogom roditelja u procesu prilagodbe djeteta na polazak u vrtić. Cilj rada bio je objasniti, opisati te na kraju i razumjeti razne uloge koje roditelji imaju u procesu rasta i razvoja djeteta te prilikom polaska u vrtić. Unutar ovog konteksta fokus se stavlja na nekoliko različitih elemenata. Prvo, važno je objasniti kako promjene u suvremenom društvu uzrokuju promjene u obiteljskim odnosima i oblicima roditeljstva i odgoja. Osim toga, roditelji imaju izuzetno važnu ulogu u odlučivanju i procjeni jesu li njihova djeca dovoljno zrela kako bi krenula u vrtić u kojem se od njih očekuje poznavanje određenih vještina i sposobnosti. Naglasak je, također, stavljen i na problematična ponašanja i krizne situacije koje mogu nastati u procesu odvajanja djeteta i polaska u vrtić, te na koje sve načine roditelji mogu pomoći djetetu u snalaženju u novoj okolini. Partnerstvo i suradnja s odgojno-obrazovnim djelatnicima također je jedan čimbenik koji dodatno olakšava proces tranzicije. Ovdje je, stoga, provedeno istraživanje koje se nastojalo fokusirati na sve navedene stavke. Metoda polustrukturiranog intervjua zbog svoje je fleksibilnosti znatno olakšala prikupljanje različitih odgovora, mišljenja i iskustava od strane roditelja koji su sudjelovali u istraživanju. Rezultati intervjua, odnosno dobiveni odgovori, raznoliki su prema brojnim stavkama, no ono što valja naglasiti je činjenica da su svi roditelji imali vrlo značajnu ulogu u prilagodbi svoje djece. Unatoč problemima koji su se javljali, na primjer negativne reakcije djece, teškoće u prilagodbi i nedovoljan broj prilika za uključenjem u rad vrtića, putem istraživanja možemo vidjeti u kakvim su uvjetima roditelji najbolje funkcionirali i na koje su načine pokušavali biti uključeni u ovako jednu značajnu, ali i vrlo stresnu, fazu djetetovog života.
Abstract (english) This graduate thesis deals with the role of parents in the process of their child's adaptation to kindergarten. The aim of this paper was to explain, describe and finally understand the various roles that parents play in the process of a child's growth and development, as well as the moment when they start kindergarten. Within this context, the focus is placed on several different elements. First, it is important to explain how changes in modern society cause changes in family relationships and ways of parenting, and education. In addition, parents have an extremely important role in deciding and assessing whether their children are mature enough to start kindergarten where they are expected to know certain skills and abilities. Emphasis is also placed on problematic behaviors and crisis situations that may arise in the process of separating the child and starting kindergarten, and on all the ways parents can help the child navigate the new environment. Partnership and cooperation with educational staff is also a factor that further facilitates the transition process. Here, therefore, a research was conducted as its goal was to focus on all the listed issues. Due to its flexibility, the semistructured interview method made it much easier to collect different answers, opinions and experiences from the parents who participated in the research. The results of the interviews, i.e. the answers received, vary according to numerous concepts, but what should be emphasized is the fact that all parents had a very significant role in the adjustment of their children. Despite the problems that arose, for example negative reactions of children, difficulties in adaptation and insufficient number of opportunities to be involved in the work of the kindergarten, through the conducted research in this paper, we can see in what conditions parents functioned best and in what ways they tried to be involved in such a significant, but also a very stressful phase of a child's life.
uloga roditelja
problemi u ponašanju
Keywords (english)
role ofparents
behavior problems
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:017419
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2022-09-22 12:17:30