Title Votivni spomenici Silvanova kulta u fundusu Arheološkog muzeja Zadar
Title (english) Votive monuments of the Silvanus cult in the collection of Archaeological Museum Zadar
Author Slavko Šarčević
Mentor Miroslav Glavičić (mentor)
Committee member Dražen Maršić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Miletić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miroslav Glavičić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Archaeology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Archeology Ancient Archeology
Abstract Diplomski rad obuhvaća i detaljno obrađuje sedamnaest spomenika koji se čuvaju unutar fundusa arheološkog muzeja u Zadru, a posvećeni su bogu Silvanu. Spomenuta građa pronađena je na području rimskodobne Liburnije, odnosno prostoru omeđenom rijekama Rašom na sjeveru te Krkom na jugu. Bog Silvan zaštitnik je šuma, stada, granica i međa. Porijeklo njegova kulta nije u potpunosti razjašnjeno, ali evidentno je kako se na prostoru rimske provincije Dalmacije sinkretizirao s grčkim Panom te epihornim božanstvom nepoznata imena. Spomenici posvećeni Silvanu, a koji se čuvaju unutar Muzeja, potječu s prostora Bribira, Galovca, Ivoševaca, Nina, Podgrađa, Privlake, Zadra te s nepoznatih nalazišta. Spomenici iz Podgrađa i Zadra sadrže reljef, dok reljefi iz Privlake i s nepoznatog liburnskog nalazišta uz reljef imaju i epigrafski sadržaj. Na reljefnoj građi unutar muzeja dominira delmatski tip prikazivanja, tj., Silvan se najčešće prikazuje kao Aegipan, odnosno s kozjim nogama, ušima i rogovima, u pratnji životinja: jarca i psa. Ovakvo prikazivanje ima i nekoliko iznimki. Spomenik iz Privlake prikazuje boga kozoliko, ali s petasom na glavi i srpom u ruci, dvije odlike koje su karakteristične za italskog Silvana. Atipičan prikaz nalazi se na reljefu iz Asserije gdje se Silvan prikazuje sa psom koji je po svemu sudeći u lovu na vepra. Osobe koje posvećuju spomenike Silvanu raznolikog su porijekla pa tako bilježimo autohtone dedikante, Italike, a vrlo vjerojatno i romanizirano lokalno stanovništvo. Obradom spomenika postavlja se pitanje štuje li se na svim spomenicima isto božanstvo, obzirom da postoji sasvim realna mogućnost kako italski doseljenici nastavljaju sa štovanjem italskog božanstva kojeg su prethodno štovali na matičnom prostoru, a koji može i ne mora biti u doticaju s lokalnim božanstvom. Isto tako autohtona populacija od Silvana možda preuzima samo ime u želji da iskaže posvetu epihornom božanstvu kojeg je štovala i prije dolaska Rimljana, a moguće je i kako se posvete vrše sinkretiziranom božanstvu koje dijeli italske, grčke i epihorne odlike. Obrađena građa predstavlja važan doprinos ka boljem razumijevanju Silvana i njegove naravi na području Liburnije, ali istovremeno ukazuje na potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima koja bi dodatno razjasnila prakticiranje Silvanova kulta na području Liburnije.
Abstract (english) Diploma thesis covers and elaborates seventeen monuments that are preserved within the funds of the Archaeological museum in Zadar and are dedicated to the god Silvanus. Material was found in the area of Roman-era Liburnia, wich is bounded by the rivers Raša in the north and Krka in the south. God Silvan is the protector of forests, herds and borders. The origin of cult has not been fully clarified, but it is evident that in the area of the Roman province of Dalmatia Silvan is syncretized with the Greek Pan and local deity whose name is still unknown. The monuments dedicated to Silvan, which are kept inside the Museum, come from the areas of Bribir, Galovac, Ivoševac, Nin, Podgrađe, Privlaka, Zadar and from unknown sites. The monuments from Podgrađe and Zadar contain only relief, while the reliefs from Privlaka and from the unknown Liburnian site have epigraphical content in addition to the relief. The Delmatic type of representation dominates the reliefs inside the museum, i.e. Silvanus is most often depicted as Aegipan, i.e. with goat's legs, ears and horns, accompanied by animals: a goat and a dog. There are a few exceptions to this presentation. The monument from Privlaka depicts the god in the form of a goat, but with petas on his head and a sickle in his hand, two features that are characteristic of the Italian Silvanus. An atypical representation can be found on a relief from Asseria, where Silvanus is shown with a dog that is apparently hunting a boar. People who dedicate the monuments to Silvanus are of various origin. Question is whether the same deity is worshiped on all monuments, given that there is a very real possibility that Italian settlers continue to worship an Italian deity that they previously worshiped in their native area, and who may or may not be in contact with the local deity. Likewise, the autochthonous population may take the very name from Silvanus in the desire to show dedication to the local deity whom they worshiped even before the arrival of the Romans, and it is also possible that dedications are made to a syncretized deity that shares Italic, Greek, and local characteristics. The processed material represents an important contribution to a better understanding of Silvanus and his nature in the area of Liburnia, but at the same time it indicates the need for further research that would further clarify the practice of Silvanus' cult in the area of Liburnia.
Arheološki muzej Zadar
Keywords (english)
Archaeological Museum Zadar
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:784079
Study programme Title: Archaeology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra arheologije (magistar/magistra arheologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-10-17 12:22:22