Title Zdravstvena njega bolesnika nakon kolecistektomije
Title (english) Health care of patients after cholecystectomy
Author Ana Mastelić
Mentor Ivo Klarin (mentor)
Committee member Dario Nakić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivo Klarin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Bačkov (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Najčešće bolesti žučnog sustava su kolelitijaza te koledokolitijaza. Kolelitijaza predstavlja bolesti žučnog mjehura, koja pogađa osobito ženski spol. Pojavljuje se u 10-20% svjetske populacije nakon četrdesete godine života. Žuč služi kao zgušnjivač za masti i vitamine koji su topljivi u uljima u probavnom sustavu. Nakon prestanaka lučenja žuči može doći do poteškoća prilikom njihove apsorpcije. Ovo stanje nastaje uslijed genetske predispozicije ili nepravilne prehrane. Žučni kamenci dijele se na kolesterolske (80%) te pigmentne kamence (20%). Dok su kamenci mali ne predstavljaju veliki problem, čak se mogu putem žučovoda i crijeva izlučiti iz organizma. Ukoliko kamenac previše poraste može zaglaviti u žučovodu te bolesnik dobije napadaj jake boli popraćen mučninom i povraćanjem. Najpopularnija je tehnika kod dijagnosticiranja žučnih kamenaca ultrazvuk, iako postoji i niz drugih pretraga. Prilikom liječenja kolelitijaze postoji više mogućnosti : ekspektativni stav, kirurški pristup i nekirurška terapija. Laparoskopska kolecistektomija se smatra zlatnim standardom u liječenju žučnih kamenaca te nosi veći broj vrlina od klasične kolecistektomije, dok se nekirurški pristup uglavnom primjenjuje kod osoba kod kojih postoji kontraindikacija za zahvat ili isti odbijaju. Pravilan način života i zdrava prehrana jedan su od ključnih faktora kod prevencije nastanka žučnih kamenaca, dok odbijanje liječenja i neliječenje može dovesti do ozbiljnih komplikacija. Medicinska sestra/tehničar prije operacije je zadužena za psihičku i fizičku pripremu bolesnika. Nakon operacije, medicinska sestra/tehničar sudjeluje u oporavku bolesnika. Njihov zadatak je praćenje vitalnih funkcija pacijenta, previjanje kirurške rane, kontrola drena i dernažnog sadržaja (pretežito kod klasične kolecistektomije), pomoć prilikom ustajanja bolesnika. Važno je da medicinska sestra/tehničar uoči poslijeoperacijske teškoće i komplikacije koje se mogu pojaviti kod bolesnika. Također, postavlja i sestrinske dijagnoze i provodi njihovu evaluaciju da bi se bolesniku osigurala što kvalitetnija zdravstvena njega. Prilikom otpusta bolesnika iz bolnice, od iznimne važnosti predstavlja da medicinska sestra pojasni bolesniku te članovima uže obitelji pravila i važnosti žučne dijete koje se bolesnik mora pridržavati, način i vrstu konzumiranja određenih namjernica i aktivnosti koje su poželjne za provođenje. Mora biti educirana i spremna odgovoriti na svako pitanje koje postavi bolesnik.
Abstract (english) The most common diseases of the biliary system are cholelithiasis and choledocholithiasis. Cholelithiasis is a disease of the gallbladder, which affects women in particular. It appears in 10-20% of the world's population after the age of forty. Bile serves as an emulsifier for fats and oil-soluble vitamins in the digestive tract. After the cessation of bile secretion, there may be difficulties in their absorption. This condition can occur due to genetic predisposition or improper diet. Gallstones are divided into cholesterol stones (80%) and pigment stones (20%). While the stones are small, they do not pose a big problem, they can even be extracted from the body through the bile ducts and intestines. However, if the stone becomes too large, it can get stuck in the bile duct and the patient gets an attack of severe pain with nausea and vomiting. The best method for diagnosing gallstones is ultrasound, although there are a number of other tests. When treating cholelithiasis, there are several options: expectant attitude, surgical approach and non-surgical therapy. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is considered the gold standard in the treatment of gallstones and has a number of advantages over classic cholecystectomy, while the non-surgical approach is mainly used in people who have contraindications for the procedure or who refuse it. A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are a key factor in preventing the formation of gallstones, while refusing treatment and not treating it can lead to serious complications. Before surgery, the nurse/technician is responsible for the mental and physical preparation of the patient. After the operation, the nurse/technician participates in the patient's recovery. Their task is monitoring the patient's vital functions, dressing the surgical wound, controlling the drainage and drainage content (in the case of classic cholecystectomy), helping the patient get up. It is important for the nurse/technician to notice postoperative difficulties and complications that may occur in the patient. She also makes nursing diagnoses and evaluates them in order to provide the patient with the best possible health care. When the patient is discharged from the hospital, it is extremely important for the nurse to explain to the patient and his family members the rules and importance of the bile diet that the patient must adhere to, the way and type of consumption of certain foods and activities that are desirable for implementation. She must be educated and ready to answer every question asked by the patient.
žučni mjehur
žučni kamenci
laparoskopska kolecistektomija
klasična kolecistektomija
poslijeoperacijska obrada
žučna dijeta
Keywords (english)
gall bladder
laparoscopic cholecystectomy
classic cholecystectomy
postoperative treatment
bile diet
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:003333
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2022-11-14 12:21:13