Title Odnos percipiranog roditeljskog ponašanja i obiteljske klime s privrženošću kućnim ljubimcima kod srednjoškolaca
Title (english) The relationship between perceived parental behavior and family climate with attachment to pets in high school students
Author Arijana Lukačević
Mentor Jelena Ombla (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Ombla (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Macuka (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Nekić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Percipirano roditeljsko ponašanje se odnosi na način doživljavanja roditeljske emocionalnosti i kontrole od strane djeteta. Pokazalo se kako djeca koja percipiraju svoje roditelje emocionalno toplijima imaju manje simptoma anksioznosti, depresije i socijalnog stresa te kako imaju više samopouzdanja i razvijaju bliskije interpersonalne odnose. Nadalje, obiteljska klima se definira kao međusobna podrška članova obitelji, njihova kohezivnost i emocionalna povezanost, a pozitivna obiteljska klima je ključna za uspjeh cjelokupnog razvoja djeteta. Pokazalo se kako djeca koja odrastaju u pozitivnoj obiteljskoj klimi osjećaju veću privrženost prema drugim članovima obitelji. Prema rezultatima dosadašnjih istraživanja, ove dvije varijable igraju ulogu u razvoju privrženosti djeteta ne samo svojim ljudskim članovima obitelji, već i svojim kućnim ljubimcima. Privrženost je pojam koji se odnosi na trajnu emocionalnu vezu pojedinca u odnosu na jednu ili više značajnih osoba, ali i životinja. Pokazalo se kako djeca i adolescenti spontano navode svoje kućne ljubimce, specifično mačke i pse, kao bliske prijatelje i socijalnu podršku. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos percipiranog roditeljskog ponašanja i obiteljske klime s privrženošću kućnim ljubimcima kod srednjoškolaca. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 151 srednjoškolac (67 srednjoškolca, 82 srednjoškolke te 2 sudionika koji se nisu htjeli izjasniti po pitanju spola). Prosječna dob sudionika je bila 16.57. Podaci su prikupljeni putem online ankete izrađene u softveru Google Forms, a sudionici su ispunjavali Upitnik roditeljskog ponašanja URP29, Skalu obiteljske klime te Adaptiranu Lexington skalu privrženosti kućnim ljubimcima. Utvrđeno je kako su sudionici koji percipiraju roditeljsku podršku povoljnijom privrženiji svom kućnom ljubimcu. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna povezanost između privrženosti kućnom ljubimcu i popustljivosti te restriktivne kontrole roditelja. Nadalje, nije utvrđena statistički značajna povezanost između obiteljske klime i privrženosti kućnim ljubimcima. Konačno, ispitana je razlika u privrženosti srednjoškolaca mačkama i psima te se pokazalo kako su vlasnici pasa privrženiji svojim kućnim ljubimcima od vlasnika mačaka.
Abstract (english) Perceived parental behavior refers to the way of experiencing parental emotionality and control from the child's standpoint. It has been shown that children who perceive their parents as more emotionally warm exhibit fewer symptoms of anxiety, depression and social stress, have more confidence and develop closer interpersonal relationships. Family climate is defined as mutual support of the family members, their cohesiveness and emotional bond, and it is key to the success of the overall development of a child. It has been shown that children and adolescents who grow up in more favorable family climate feel stronger attachment to other family members. According to previous research, these two variables play a significant role in the development of the child's attachment not only to their human family members, but their pets as well. Attachment is a term that refers to a longterm emotional relationship of an individual with one or more significant persons, but also animals. It has been shown that children and adolescents spontaneously refer to their pets, specifically cats and dogs, as their close friends and social support. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between perceived parental behavior and family climate with attachment to pets in high school students. 151 participants took part in this research (67 male, 82 female and 2 participants who wished not to disclose their gender). Mean age of the participants was 16.57. The data was collected via an online questionnaire constructed in the software Google Forms and the subjects filled out the Parental behavior questionnaire URP29, Family climate questionnaire and the Adapted Lexington questionnaire of attachment to pets. It was found that participants who perceived their parental support more favorably formed a stronger attachment to their pets. No statistically significant relationship was found between the attachment to pets and parents' permissiveness nor between the attachment to pets and parents' restrictive control. Furthermore, no statistically significant relationship was found between the family climate and the attachment to pets. Finally, the difference between high school students' attachments to cats versus their attachments to dogs was examined and the results show that dog owners are more attached to their pets than cat owners.
percipirano roditeljsko ponašanje
obiteljska klima
privrženost kućnim ljubimcima
Keywords (english)
perceived parental behavior
family climate
attachment to pets
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:938169
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2022-11-15 13:00:14