Title Suvremeni trendovi na globalnom turističkom tržištu
Title (english) Modern Trends in Global Tourism Market
Author Sara Košević
Mentor Mladen Rajko (mentor)
Committee member Aleksandra Krajnović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Rajko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Zdrilić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Economics) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics General Economy
Abstract Od 1980. godine, koja se smatra začetkom suvremenog turizma, do danas, mnogo se toga promijenilo, a globalnu turstičku industriju obilježilo je nekoliko trendova, uključujući odmak od masovnog prema selektivnim turističkim oblicima, značajan utjecaj tehnologije i interneta na kreiranje turističkih proizvoda, personalizirani marketing u turizmu i utjecaj društvenih mreža na potrošače i donošenje odluka o putovanju. Izuzev toga, suvremeni turizam obilježen je i održivim razvojem i turizmom doživljaja. Cilj održivog razvoja je optimalno korištenje resursa, briga za lokalno stanovništvo i okoliš, a turizam doživljaja usmjeren je na stjecanje autentičnih iskustava u destinaciji. Turistička aktivnost u smislu broja turističkih dolazaka i potrošnje, razmatrano od 1950. do 2019. godine imala je trend pozitivnog rasta na globalnom turističkom tržištu. Međutim, 2020. godina i pandemija Covida 19 sa sobom s donijele brojne negativne utjecaje, uključujući ugrozu ljudskog zdrava te djelomično zaustavljanje gospodarske djelatnosti u svim dijelovima svijeta. Ovo se posebno negativno odrazilo na turističku industriju koja je ostvarila velike gubitke. No, pandemija Covida 19 je sa sobom donio i promjene u ponašanjima potrošača koji su postali oprezniji pri izboru destinacije, strahuju od zareze te većinom putuju u mjesta u kojima je protok ljudi nizak i gdje mogu borabiti na čistom zraku u prirodi. U ovom radu napravljeno je istraživanje trendova među Hrvatima koji putuju u sklopu međunarodnog turizma. Rezultati pokazuju kako Hrvati većinom putuju s partnerom, o destinacijskoj ponudi informiraju se samostalnim pretraživanjem interneta i posredstvom objava na društvenim mrežama, u destinacijise zadržavaju u prosjeku 6,1 dan, a najviše troše na prijevoz i smještaj. Na putovanja ih najviše motiviraju kulturna i povijesna baština te prirodne ljepote destinacije, a 95% Hrvata svije posljednje putovanje ostvarilo je u neku od država na području Europske regije.
Abstract (english) From 1980, which is considered the beginning of modern tourism, until today, a lot has changed, and the global tourism industry has been characterized by several trends, including a shift from mass to selective forms of tourism, the significant influence of technology and the Internet on the creation of tourism products, personalized marketing in tourism and the impact of social networks on consumers and travel decision-making. In addition, modern tourism is characterized by sustainable development and experience tourism. The goal of sustainable development is the optimal use of resources, care for the local population and the environment, and experience tourism is aimed at acquiring authentic experiences in the destination. Tourism activity in terms of the number of tourist arrivals and consumption, considered from 1950 to 2019, had a positive growth trend in the global tourism market. However, the year 2020 and the Covid 19 pandemic brought with it numerous negative impacts, including the threat to human health and the partial halt of economic activity in all parts of the world. This had a particularly negative impact on the tourism industry, which suffered large losses. However, Covid has also brought changes in the behavior of consumers who have become more cautious when choosing a destination, who are afraid of traffic jams and mostly travel to places where the flow of people is low and where they can enjoy the fresh air in nature. In this thesis, research was done on trends among Croats who travel as part of international tourism. The results show that Croats mostly travel with a partner, they are informed about the destination offer by independent Internet searches and through posts on social networks, they stay in the destination for an average of 6.1 days, and spend the most on transportation and accommodation. They are mostly motivated to travel by the cultural and historical heritage and natural beauty of the destination, and 95% of Croats made their last trip to one of the countries in the European region.
globalni turizam
međunarodna putovanja
Keywords (english)
global tourism
international travel
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:182721
Study programme Title: Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2022-11-16 09:10:10