Title Kumičićev „Jelkin bosiljak“ u metodičkom kontekstu
Title (english) Kumicic's „Jelkin bosiljak“ in a methodical context
Author Iva Marijanović
Mentor Mirela Šušić (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Knežević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirela Šušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Petešić Šušak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Croatian Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-10-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Na samom početku ovog rada predstavljena je biografija i stvaralaštvo Eugena Kumičića, hrvatskog književnika koji se istaknuo pišući po uzoru na Émilea Zolu te tako stekao titulu osnivača hrvatskog naturalizma. Jelkin Bosiljak je pripovijest objavljena 1881. godine i pripada razdoblju druge polovice 19. stoljeća u kojoj su se odvili važni povijesni događaji u Hrvatskoj. Djelo se ubraja u drugi krug Kumičićeva književnog opusa jer se bavi temom istarske sredine i života ljudi u toj sredini. Od ostalih tema pojavljuje se ljubavna tematika, odnos prema vjeri, povijesno-politička tema te socijalna tematika (odnos među stanovnicima i pridošlicama). Riječ je o temama koje su svevremene i s kojima se učenici mogu poistovjetiti. Naglasak diplomskog rada stavljen je na metodičku obradu djela Jelkin bosiljak. Budući da se djelo nalazi na CARnetovom popisu lektira za treći razred srednje škole, osmišljena je izvedba uvodnog/motivacijskog sata lektire koja za cilj ima probuditi zanimanje za čitanje lektirnog djela te pripremiti učenika za njegovu recepciju. Priprava se temelji na etapama modela sata književnosti u sustavu školske interpretacije koju je uspostavila suvremena metodika za što je zaslužan metodičar Dragutin Rosandić. Predstavljene su metode, oblici, nastavna sredstva i pomagala koja su korištena u izvedbi, ali i njihovo teorijsko značenje u kontekstu metodike. Priprava je obrađena kroz interpretativno-analitički sustav jer se smatra najprikladnijim metodičkim sustavom. Neminovno je spomenuti da se navedeni sustav bazira na analizi i interpretaciji književnog djela gdje učenik nije više samo pasivni promatrač, već postaje aktivan subjekt u nastavi. On sudjeluje u interpretaciji s nastavnikom, a književno djelo dovodi do pobuđenja estetskih doživljaja. Također, uz njega predstavljeni su i ostali metodički sustavi te su dani kraći prijedlozi na koji način se pripovijest Jelkin bosiljak može obraditi u svakom pojedinom sustavu.
Abstract (english) At the very beginning of this work, the biography and creativity of Eugen Kumicic, a Croatian writer who distinguished himself by writing on the model of Émile Zola, and thus earned the title of the founder of Croatian naturalism, is presented. Jelkin bosiljak is a novel published in 1881 and belongs to the period of the second half of the 19th century, when
important historical events took place in Croatia. The work is included in the second round of Kumičić's literary oeuvre because it deals with the subject of the Istrian environment and the life of the people in that environment. Among the other themes, there are love themes, attitudes towards religion, historical-political themes and social themes (relationships between residents and newcomers). These are topics that are timeless and that students can identify with. The emphasis of the thesis is on the methodical treatment of Jelkin bosiljak. Since the work is on CARnet's reading list for the third grade of high school, an introductory/motivational class was designed with the aim of arousing interest in reading and preparing the student for reception of a literary work. The preparation is based on the stages of the literature lesson model in the system of school interpretation established by modern methodology, for which methodologist Dragutin Rosandic is responsible. The methods, forms, teaching aids used in the performance are presented, as well as their theoretical meaning in the context of methodology. The preparation was processed through the interpretive-analytical system because it is considered the most suitable methodical system. It is inevitable to mention that the mentioned system is based on the analysis and interpretation of a literary work where the student is no longer just a passive observer, but becomes an active subject in the lesson. He participates in the interpretation with the teacher, and the literary work leads to the awakening of aesthetic experiences. Also, along with it, other methodological systems were presented, and brief suggestions were given on how the novel Jelkin bosiljak can be processed in each individual system.
Jelkin bosiljak
Eugen Kumičić
sat lektire
motivacijski sat
metodički sustavi
interpretativno-analitički sustav
Keywords (english)
Jelkin bosiljak
Eugen Kumicic
reading class
motivational class
methodological systems
interpretative-analytical system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:460895
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature; specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2022-12-09 09:15:37