Title Stigmatizacija psihijatrijskog pacijenta
Title (english) Stigmatization of the Psychiatric Patient
Author Mirela Zore
Mentor Mladen Mavar (mentor)
Mentor Nataša Skitarelić (komentor)
Committee member Boris Dželalija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Mavar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Matek Sarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-12-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Stigma povezana sa psihičkim poremećajima jedna je od mnogih prepreka kvalitetnoj skrbi za psihičko zdravlje, liječenju somatskih poremećaja te boljoj kvaliteti života oboljelih. Stigmatizacija je jedan od najvećih problema s kojim se osoba mora boriti. Kada neka osoba oboli, ne samo da se treba nositi sa svojom bolešću, već i nizom drugih problema jer je to ozbiljan problem te predstavlja veliku prepreku u rehabilitaciji i reintegraciji bolesnika. Stigma vodi prema smanjenom životnom zadovoljstvu i samopoštovanju kao i ovisnostima, depresiji i suicidalnosti. Kvalitetan terapijski odnos u smislu edukacije trebao bi se provoditi na svim odjelima, a ne samo na psihijatrijskom odjelu jer takav pristup pacijentu olakšava pravilno liječenje, a samim tim omogućuje sigurnost pacijenta. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati kako se osobe s psihičkim poremećajima nose sa stigmom u svojoj okolini te kako se medicinske sestre/tehničari odnose prema pacijentima s psihičkim poremećajem kako bi se planirala edukacija prihvaćanja bolesnika s psihičkim poremećajem kao ravnopravnih osoba s njihovim pravima. Uz opterećenost vlastitom bolešću, osobe sa psihičkim poremećajem svakodnevno su suočene nositi se sa stigmom koju društvo ima prema njima. Stigma vodi prema predrasudama, a naposlijetku i diskriminaciji te odbacivanju. Najveću podršku pacijenti pronalaze u svojoj obitelji. Obitelj, prijatelji, psihijatri, psiholozi i drugi često mogu vidjeti da se pacijenti srame svoje bolesti te da ju često skrivaju. To se može vidjeti i u pogledu svakodnevnog funkcioniranja pri komunikaciji gdje otvoreno pričaju o tome. U radu ćemo se dotaknuti i teme negativnih komentara, tko ih upućuje i koji to negativni komentari najčešće pogađaju pacijente. Osobe sa psihičkim poremećajima su svjesne da ih društvo stigmatizira. Edukacija i senzibilizacija društva temelj su svake borbe protiv stigmatizacije.
Abstract (english) The stigma associated with mental disorders is one of the many obstacles to providing quality mental healthcare, treatment of somatic disorders, and better quality of life for patients. Stigmatization is one of the biggest problems that a person encounters. When a person becomes ill, he or she not only has to deal with the illness, but also with a number of other problems due to the serious nature of the problem and it represents a major obstacle in the rehabilitation and reintegration of the patient. The stigma leads to reduced life satisfaction and self-esteem, as well as addictions, depression and suicidality. A high-quality therapeutic relationship achieved through education should be implemented across all departments, not only in the psychiatric department, as such an approach facilitates proper treatment of the patient, thus ensuring the safety of patients. This paper shows how people with mental health disorders deal with the stigma in their environment and how medical nurses treat patients with mental health disorders with the aim of planning education for the acceptance of patients with mental health disorders as equal persons along with their rights. In addition to the burden of their own illness, people with mental health disorders endeavor to deal with the stigma that society has towards them on a daily basis. The stigma leads to prejudices and, eventually discrimination and rejection. Patients find the greatest support within their families. What is most often evident to family, friends, psychiatrists, psychologists and others is the shame patients have regarding their illness, often hiding it. It is visible in their daily communicationwhen they open up and talk about their condition. The paper also touches on the topic of negative comments, who makes such comments and which negative comments most affect patients. People with mental disorders are aware that society stigmatizes them. Educating and sensitizing society is the basis of combating the mentioned stigmatization.
psihički poremećaj
psihijatrijski pacijent
Keywords (english)
mental health disorder
psychiatric patient
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:040507
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: Magistar/magistra sestrinstva (Magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2023-01-13 10:25:38