Title Profesionalno sagorijevanje, motivacija i materijalizam kod košarkaša i nogometaša
Title (english) Professional burnout, motivation and materialism in basketball and soccer players
Author Mia Parčina
Mentor Izabela Sorić (mentor)
Committee member Andrea Tokić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Ombla (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Izabela Sorić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-03-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Sportska psihologija postaje sve popularnija u posljednje vrijeme te zbog toga raste i interes istraživača za ispitivanjem mnogih aspekata sportske psihologije. Profesionalno, to jest sportsko sagorijevanje definira se kao psihofiziološka reakcija do koje dolazi uslijed neefektivnog truda kako bi se postigli zadani ciljevi sportskog natjecanja ili treninga. Razna istraživanja na ovu temu pokazuju kako su emocije, motivacija i sagorijevanje usko povezani. U posljednjih nekoliko godina često se proučava odnos motivacije i sportskog sagorijevanja, a rezultati istraživanja upućuju na određenu razinu povezanosti između kontrolirane i autonomne regulacije motivacije i sagorijevanja. Osim navedenih stavki, u posljednje vrijeme sve veću ulogu u sportu ima i materijalizam. Budući da su ulaganja u sport u stalnom porastu, materijalizam kod pojedinih sportaša postaje sve izraženiji konstrukt. Obzirom na navedene podatke, cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati različite oblike regulacije motivacije, profesionalno sagorijevanje te materijalizam kod profesionalnih košarkaša i nogometaša. Osim navedenih varijabli u istraživanju su također ispitane neke varijable za koje se pretpostavilo da bi mogle igrati ulogu u objašnjenju spomenutih konstrukata. To su: broj godina provedenih u profesionalnom sportu te zadovoljstvo profesionalnim ugovorom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 112 sudionika od kojih je 58 profesionalnih košarkaša koji nastupaju u Premijer ligi, te 54 profesionalna nogometaša koji nastupaju u 1. HNL. Za ispitivanje profesionalnog sagorijevanja koristila se hrvatska verzija upitnika Athlete burnout questionnaire (Raedeke i Smith, 2001). Motivacija je ispitivana hrvatskom verzijom Exercise Self-Regulation Scale (SRQ-E; Ryan i Connell, 1989), dok se za ispitivanje materijalizma koristila skraćena verzija Material Value Scale (Richins i Dawsons, 1992), adaptirana na hrvatski jezik. Utvrđena je pozitivna povezanost broja godina i negativna povezanost zadovoljstva ugovorom s razinom sagorijevanja. Također je potvrđena pozitivna povezanost kontrolirane regulacije sa stupnjem materijalizma. Nisu utvrđene razlike između nogometaša i košarkaša po pitanju razine sagorijevanje i različitih dimenzija motivacije. Ispitivanjem seta prediktora materijalizma, broja godina u sportu i zadovoljstva profesionalnim ugovorom u objašnjenju sagorijevanja i kontrolirane regulacije, utvrđen je njihov značajan doprinos. S druge strane, nije utvrđen značajan doprinos seta prediktora u objašnjenju autonomne regulacije.
Abstract (english) Sports psychology is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Professional or sports burnout is a psychophysiological reaction that is the result of an ineffective effort to achieve the set goals of a sports competition or training. Various studies on this topic show that emotions, motivation and burnout are closely related. Also very important is the relationship between motivation and sports burnout, which has been often studied by sports psychologists in recent years, and research results show that there is a connection between the level of autonomous and controlled motivational regulations and burnout. In addition to the above mentioned items, materialism has recently played an increasingly important role in sports. Since investments in sports are constantly increasing, materialism among individual athletes is becoming an increasingly pronounced construct. Considering all the above, the goal of this research was to examine different forms of motivation, professional burnout and materialism in professional basketball and soccer players. In addition to the mentioned variables, the research also examines some variables that were assumed to play a role in the explanation of the mentioned constructs. These are: the number of years spent in professional sports and satisfaction with the professional contract. 112 participants took part in the research, of which 58 are professional basketball players who play in the Premier League, and 54 professional football players who play in the 1st HNL. The Croatian version of Professional Burnout Questionnaire of Athletes was used to examine professional burnout. Motivation was examined with Croatian version of the Athlete Motivation Quality Scale, while the Croatian version Materialistic Value Scale was used to examine materialism. A positive relationship between the number of years and a negative relationship between satisfaction with the contract and the level of burnout was determined. The connection of controlled regulation with the degree of materialism was also confirmed. No differences were found between soccer players and basketball players regarding the level of burnout and different dimensions of motivation. Examining the set of predictors of materialism, number of years in sport and satisfaction with the professional contract in the explanation of controlled regulation and burnout, their significant contribution was determined. On the other hand, no significant contribution of the set of predictors in the explanation of autonomous regulation was found.
profesionalno sagorijevanje
Keywords (english)
professional burnout
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:314018
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2023-06-02 12:56:56