Title Menadžment ljudskih resursa u multinacionalnim poduzećima IT sektora
Title (english) Human resource management in multinational companies of the IT sector
Author Ivana Klanac
Mentor Ivica Zdrilić (mentor)
Committee member Aleksandra Krajnović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Zdrilić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Rajko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Economics) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-06-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Upravljanje ljudskih resursa je neizbježan u svakoj organizaciji, te je važan za normalno funkcioniranje organizacije jer je ljudski kapital od iznimne važnosti za razvoj i opstanak organizacije. Pod definicijom upravljanja ljudskim resursima se smatra niz aktivnosti i zadaća koje su međusobno povezane i usmjerene na zapošljavanje zaposlenika, vještine i znanja koja su ključna za ostvarivanje strateških i razvojnih ciljeva poduzeća. Upravljanje ljudskih resursa se sastoji od nekih osnovnih funkcija, a to su zapošljavanje, selekcija, motivacija, procjena performansi, briga o dobrobiti i zdravlju zaposlenika. U multinacionalnim poduzećima upravljanje ljudskim resursima igra veliku ulogu jer su to velike organizacije koje su se proširile na globalnoj razini, te moraju upravljati stotinama tisuća zaposlenika i izazovima koji se javljaju usput. U radu su okarakterizirana multinacionalna poduzeća IT sektora koja imaju ubrzani rast radi razvoja tehnologije i umjetne inteligencije na kojoj svi rade. IT poduzeća koja su okarakterizirana u ovom radu su Meta Platforms, Microsoft, Twitter, Amazon i Google. Također, ljudski resursi su bitni i u IT poduzećima, a uloga upravljanja ljudskim resursima u IT sektoru je od ključne važnosti jer je to područje koje se brzo razvija i potrebni su kvalitetni i kompetentni ljudi koji će pomoći organizaciji da ostane u korak s tehnologijom, da se razvija i poboljša. Značajnu ulogu u IT sektoru imaju zaposlenici i njihov značaj i vrijednost se ne bi trebala podcjenjivati jer su oni izvor svih inovacija i snaga organizacije u rješavanju problema. O prethodno navedenim poduzećima IT sektora napravljeno je istraživanje o zadovoljstvu zaposlenika organizacijom i rukovodstvom, plaćama, beneficijama, otpuštanjima i bonusima.
Abstract (english) Human resource management is inevitable in every organization, and it is important for the normal functioning of the organization because human capital is extremely important for the development and survival of the organization. The definition of human resources management includes a series of activities and tasks that are interconnected and aimed at hiring employees, skills and knowledge that are essential for achieving the company's strategic and development goals. Human resource management consists of some basic functions, and those are recruitment, selection, motivation, performance evaluation, care for the welfare and health of employees. In multinational companies, human resource management plays a big role because these are large organizations that have expanded globally, and have to manage hundreds of thousands of employees and the challenges that arise along the way. The paper characterizes multinational companies in the IT sector that have accelerated growth due to the development of technology and artificial intelligence that they all work on. The IT companies characterized in this paper are Meta Platforms, Microsoft, Twitter, Amazon and Google. Also, human resources are important in IT companies, and the role of human resources management in the IT sector is of crucial importance because it is a rapidly developing area and requires quality and competent people who will help the organization to keep up with technology to develop and improve. Employees play a significant role in the IT sector and their importance and value should not be underestimated because they are the source of all innovations and the strength of the organization in solving problems. A survey was conducted on the before mentioned IT sector companies on employee satisfaction with the organization and management, salaries, benefits, layoffs and bonuses.
upravljanje ljudskim resursima
multinacionalna poduzeća
IT sektor
Keywords (english)
human resources management
multinational companies
IT sector
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:949386
Study programme Title: Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2023-07-20 08:03:14