Title Slikarstvo toskanskih macchiaiola
Title (english) The Tuscan Macchiaioli painting
Author Giulia Visintin
Mentor Sofija Sorić (mentor)
Committee member Ana Mišković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sofija Sorić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đurđina Lakošeljac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of History of Art) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art History and Theory of the Fine Arts, Architecture, Urbanism and Visual Communications
Abstract Sredinom 19. stoljeća, u punom jeku sukoba Risorgimenta, Firenca predstavlja slobodno mislilačko mjesto susreta umjetnika i intelektualaca čitavog Apeninskog poluotoka. Jedno od njihovih omiljenih mjesta okupljanja bio je Caffè Michelangelo, pozornica mnogih zanimljivih umjetničkih rasprava, plodonosnih kulturnih razmjena između umjetnika iz vrlo različitih dijelova zemlje (još uvijek politički i geografski neujedinjene). Lokal je često definiran kao mjesto nastanka macchiaiola, grupe mladih umjetnika koji su doveli do brojnih inovacija u već zastarjeloj akademskoj tradiciji. Jednim od osnivača i teoretičara grupe smatra se Telemaco Signorini, zajedno s Diegom Martellijem. Među najznačajnije predstavnike pokreta ubrajaju se i Giovanni Fattori te Silvestro Lega. U procesu rasta i emancipacije pejzažnog slikarstva, slikanje na otvorenom počinje biti široko rasprostranjena praksa. Za nastanak i početak aktivnosti grupe temeljna je uloga francuskih kontakata, među kojima je najvažnija Barbizonska škola. Ključnima se smatraju i posjete Vita D'Ancone, Serafina de Tivolija i drugih talijanskih umjetnika Parizu, ali i francuskih umjetnika (poput Maneta) Firenci. Macchiaioli smatraju da osnova svakog umjetničkog izražavanja treba biti „istinitost“. Veliku pažnju pridaju prenošenju osjećaja svjetlosti na platno koja se percipira kroz modulacije boja i sjena, naglašavajući činjenicu da oko zahvaća samo boje, bez obrisanih linija. Prikazuju teme uglavnom iz svakodnevnog života običnog čovjeka te prenose kronike iz ratova za neovisnost, no bez slavljeničkih akcenata na prikazane teme.
Abstract (english) In the middle of the 19th century, in the midst of the Risorgimento conflict, Florence is a freeminded meeting point for artists and intellectuals of the entire Apennine Peninsula. One of their favorite gathering places was Caffè Michelangelo, the stage of many interesting artistic debates, fruitful cultural exchanges between artists from rather different areas of the country (still politically and geographically disparate). The bar is often defined as the birthplace of the macchiaiola, a group of young artists who have led to numerous innovations in an already outdated academic tradition. Telemaco Signorini and Diego Martelli are considered to be the founders and theorists of the group. Among the most important representatives of the movement are Giovanni Fattori and Silvestro Lega. In the process of growth and emancipation of landscape painting, outdoor painting is becoming a widespread practice. For the emergence and the beginnings of the group's activities, the role of French contacts is fundamental, among which the activity of the Barbizon School is extremely important. Visits by Vito D'Ancona, Serafin de Tivoli and other Italian artists to Paris, as well as French artists (such as Manet) to the Tuscan city, are also considered as crucial ones. Macchiaioli believe that the basis of any artistic expression should be "truthfulness". They pay great attention to transmitting the feeling of light on the canvas, which is perceived through modulations of colors and shadows, emphasizing the fact that the eye only captures colors, without erased lines. They depict topics mainly from everyday life of the common man and convey chronicles from the wars of independence, ommitting celebratory accents on the presented topics.
19. stoljeće
Keywords (english)
19th century
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:129806
Study programme Title: History of Art; specializations in: Art history: General Module (double major) Course: Art history: General Module (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2023-10-13 16:34:37