Title Dialekte in deutschen und kroatischen Synchronisationen von Disneyfilmen
Title (english) Dialects in German and Croatian dubbings of Disney films
Title (croatian) Dijalekti u njemačkim i hrvatskim sinkronizacijama Disneyjevih filmova
Author Nela Habalija
Mentor Anita Pavić Pintarić (mentor)
Committee member Helga Begonja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Pavić Pintarić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zaneta Vidas Sambunjak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-10-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology German Studies
Abstract Diese Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit Dialekten in Disneyfilmen und ihrer Übersetzung bei der Synchronisation in die deutsche und kroatische Sprache. Das Ziel der Arbeit war zu analysieren, ob und welche Dialekte oder Sprachvarietäten in den Originalversionen verwendet wurden, was mit ihnen im jeweiligen Synchronisationsprozess geschehen ist und welche Strategien bei ihrer Übersetzung angewendet wurden. Dafür wurden die Lösungsstrategien von Herbst (1994) und Kolb (2006) in Betracht gezogen. Der theoretische Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit der Erläuterung des Begriffs des Dialekts, der Darstellung der deutschen und kroatischen Dialekte, dem Bereich der audiovisuellen Übersetzung, bzw. der Synchronisation, sowie mit den Herausforderungen, die bei der Übersetzung von Dialekten entstehen und den bestehenden Lösungsstrategien. Außerdem wird im theoretischen Teil ein kurzer Einblick in soziolinguistische Überlegungen von Žanić (2009) über dialektale Übersetzung gegeben. Der praktische Teil befasst sich mit der Analyse der Filme Finding Nemo (2003), Finding Dory (2016), Brother Bear (2003) und Cars (2006) und deren jeweiligen Synchronisationen. Die Analyse umfasst die Identifizierung der verwendeten Sprachvarietäten in den Originalversionen und deren jeweiligen Synchronisationen, sowie die Darstellung der Beispiele, an denen man erkennt, um welche Varietät es sich handelt. Aufgrund des Vergleichs der Originalversionen und der Synchronisationen wurde festgestellt, welche Strategien bei der Synchronisation angewendet wurden und welche Gründe dahinter stehen könnten. Schließlich wurden Entschlüsse über die Praktiken deutscher und kroatischer Synchronisationen von Animationsfilmen mit Bezug auf Dialekte gezogen und erklärt.
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj se diplomski rad bavi dijalektima u Disneyjevim filmovima i njihovim prijevodom prilikom sinkronizacije na njemački i hrvatski jezik. Cilj rada bio je analizirati jesu li u izvornim verzijama korišteni dijalekti ili jezični varijeteti, utvrditi o kojim dijalektima ili varijetetima se radi, što se s njima dogodilo u procesu sinkronizacije na spomenute jezike te koje su strategije pritom korištene. Analiza se temelji na strategijama Herbsta (1994.) i Kolba (2006.). Teorijski dio rada bavi se objašnjenjem pojma dijalekt, prikazom njemačkih i hrvatskih dijalekata, područjem audiovizualnog prevođenja, odnosno sinkronizacije, kao i izazovima koji se javljaju pri prevođenju dijalekata te postojećim strategijama za rješavanje tih izazova. Osim toga se u teoretskom dijelu daje kratki pregled Žanićevih (2009) sociolingvističkih razmišljanja o dijalektima u prijevodu. Praktični dio rada bavi se analizom filmova Finding Nemo (2003), Finding Dory (2016), Brother Bear (2003) i Cars (2006) te njihovim sinkronizacijama. Analiza uključuje identifikaciju jezičnih varijeteta i dijalekata koji su korišteni u izvornim verzijama i sinkronizacijama, kao i prikaz primjera koji otkrivaju o kojoj je varijanti riječ. Na temelju usporedbe originalnih verzija i njihovih sinkronizacija, utvrđeno je koje su strategije korištene pri sinkronizaciji te koji bi razlozi mogli stajati iza njih. Na kraju su izvedeni zaključci o praksi njemačkih i hrvatskih sinkronizacija animiranih filmova s obzirom na dijalekte.
Abstract (english) This thesis deals with dialects in Disney films and how they are transferred to German and Croatian in the process of dubbing. The aim of the work was to analyze whether and which dialects or language varieties were used in the original versions of the films, what happened to those dialects/varieties in the dubbing process and which strategies were used in their translation. This analysis is based on the strategies of Herbst (1994) and Kolb (2006). The theoretical part of the thesis consists of the explanation of the term dialect, the presentation of German and Croatian dialects, the description of the field of audiovisual translation, i.e. dubbing, as well as the presentation of challenges that arise in the translation of dialects and the existing strategies used to overcome those challenges. Furthermore, the theoretical part includes an insight into Žanić’s (2009) sociolinguistic aspects on dialectal translation. The practical part deals with the analysis of the films Finding Nemo (2003), Finding Dory (2016), Brother Bear (2003) and Cars (2006) and their Croatian and German dubbings. The analysis includes the identification of the language varieties and dialects used in the original versions and their dubbings, as well as the presentation of examples which show which variety is involved. Based on the comparison of the original versions and their dubbings, the strategies which were used in the dubbing process, as well as the possible reasons for the choice of a particular strategy were determined. Finally, conclusions were drawn about the practices of German and Croatian dubbing of animated films in relation to dialects.
audiovisuelle Übersetzung
Keywords (croatian)
audiovizualno prevođenje
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:704002
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Translation Course: Translation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra njemačkog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2023-10-16 07:12:08