Title Samopercepcija poduzetničke kompetencije ravnatelja ustanova ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja
Title (english) Self-perception of Entrepreneurial Competence among Principals of Early Childhood and Preschool Education Institutions
Author Nina Buljan
Mentor Daliborka Luketić (mentor)
Committee member Rozana Petani (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Daliborka Luketić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Matilda Karamatić Brčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Pedagogy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-10-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad temelji se na analizi poduzetničkih kompetencija ravnatelja ustanova ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja s ciljem razumijevanja njihove uloge u vođenju i upravljanju ustanovama. U okviru kvalitativnog istraživanja koristeći polustrukturirani intervju kao istraživačku metodu, rad je fokusiran na analizu i prikaz samopercepcije poduzetničke kompetencije kod ravnatelja te kakav je njezin utjecaj na njihovo vođenje i upravljanje ustanovama ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Preciznije, osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati i ukazati na načine na koje ravnatelji percipiraju vlastitu poduzetničku kompetenciju te kako ju koriste u svome upravljanju i vođenju predškolske ustanove. U svrhu realizacije temeljnog cilja, istraživanje je provedeno u lipnju 2023. godine sa ravnateljicama predškolskih ustanova na različitim područjima Republike Hrvatske, točnije u gradu Splitu, gradu Zagrebu te na otoku Braču i otoku Hvaru. Isto tako, u radu se razmatraju teorijske postavke o samoj svrsi ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja, kompetencijskom profilu i ulozi ravnatelja u ranom i predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju, te značajkama poduzetništva kao i odgoja i obrazovanja za poduzetništvo u kontekstu ranog i predškolskog obrazovnog sustava. Shodno tome, dane su teorijske postavke o poduzetničkoj kompetenciji i njeno razumijevanje u kontekstu uloge ravnatelja. Provođenjem kvalitativnog istraživanja te analiziranjem i interpretacijom njegovih dobivenih rezultata, dobiven je dublji uvid u osobne vještine, znanja, stavove i sposobnosti ravnatelja, a koje su povezane s poduzetničkom kompetencijom te se odražavaju na njihove procjene učinkovitosti vođenja ustanove. Kroz rad se važnost pridaje i izazovima i preprekama s kojima se ravnatelji susreću u svom radu te načinima na koje bi mogli unapređivati svoju poduzetničku kompetenciju u budućnosti. Ovaj diplomski rad pruža dublji uvid u ulogu ravnatelja predškolskih ustanova, te apel za podrškom državnih i lokalnih vlasti u unapređenju poduzetničkih kompetencija hrvatskih ravnatelja kako bi se poboljšala kvaliteta ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja.
Abstract (english) This master`s thesis is based on the analysis of the entrepreneurial competences among principals of early and preschool education institutions with the aim of understanding their role in the management and leadership of institutions. Within the framework of qualitative research, utilizing semi-structured interview as a research method, the study focuses on the analysis and presentation of principals` self-perception of entrepreneurial competence and what its influence on their leadership and management of early and preschool education institutions. More precisely, the primary objective of this work was to illustrate and highlight the ways in which principals perceive their own entrepreneurial competence and how they utilize it in their management and leadership of a preschool institutions. To achieve the main goal, the research was conducted in June 2023 with the principals of preschool institutions in different areas of the Republic of Croatia, specifically in the cities of Split and Zagreb, as well as on the islands of Brač and Hvar. The paper also explores theoretical concepts regarding the purpose of early and preschool education, the competence profile and role of principals in early and preschool education, and the aspects of entrepreneurship as well as entrepreneurship education in the context of the early and preschool education system. Consequently, theoretical frameworks concerning entrepreneurial competence and its understanding within the context of the director's role are presented. Through the implementation of qualitative research and the analysis and interpretation of its, a deeper insight into the personal skills, knowledge, attitudes and abilities of principal was obtained, all of which are linked to entrepreneurial competence and are reflected in their evaluations of institutional effectiveness. The thesis also emphasizes the challenges and obstacles that principals encounter in their work, as well as the ways in which they could enhance their entrepreneurial competence in the future. This master`s thesis provides a profound understanding of the role of preschool principals and advocates for the support of state and local authorities in enhancing the entrepreneurial competencies of Croatian principals, aiming to improve the quality of early and preschool education.
poduzetnička kompetencija
predškolske ustanove
vođenje i upravljanje
Keywords (english)
entrepreneurial competence
preschool institutions
leadership and management
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:380855
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra pedagogije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2023-11-27 10:00:40