Title A. Bjeli, Čudakovi zapisi: vizualni aspekt romana
Title (english) A. Bely, Notes of an eccentric: the visual aspect of the novel
Author Hilda Bednjanec
Mentor Zdenka Matek Šmit (mentor)
Committee member Adrijana Vidić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdenka Matek Šmit (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Pandžić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Russian Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Čudakovi zapisi smatraju se vrhuncem simbolizma Andreja Bjeloga jer je simboličnost teksta autor ostvario na dvije razine: onoj formalnoj i sadržajnoj. Putovanje kao glavna tema ovoga romana metafora je duhovnog putovanja glavnoga junaka, a sam tekst predstavlja za autora put pročišćenja od onodobnih zala. A. Bjeli kao poznati eksperimentator i novator na području književnosti pri pisanju ovog romana raskida s uobičajenim linearnim rasporedom teksta na stranici i izvodi čitatelja iz automatizma percepcije. Prema tome, glavni predmet ovog diplomskog rada analiza je vizualnih aspekata Čudakovih zapisa, odnosno neobičan raspored teksta na prostranstvu stranice. Dvojnost svijeta kao glavna tema romana prikazana je i na formalnom planu jer se klasičnim rečenicama suprotstavljaju one razlomljene. Cijeli tekst odlikuje se neobičnim rasporedom odlomaka i rečenica koje u potpunosti prate tok misli pripovjedača, ali i u uporabom inače neknjiževnih elemenata koji također sudjeluju u kreiranju smisla cjelokupnog djela. Neobičan raspored teksta zasnovan je na naglašavanju bjeline stranice, fragmentiranoj sintaksi, rasporedu rečenica u horizontale i vertikale, figurativnoj izgradnji teksta, upotrebi kurziva, dvostruke crtice i na posebnom rasporedu riječi koji stvara osobitu intonaciju pri čitanju. Tako izgrađen roman postaje pravi izazov za čitatelja čije pronicanje u jedinstvenu strukturu i sadržaj djela donosi nenadmašivo čitateljsko iskustvo.
Abstract (english) The Notes of an eccentric are considered to be the pinnacle of Bely's symbolism, because the author of the text realized the symbolism of the text at two levels: at the level of content and form. Journey as the main theme of this novel is a metaphor for the spiritual path of the protagonist, and the text itself represents for the author the path of purification from the vices of that time. Andrei Bely, as a well-known experimenter and innovator in the field of literature, in the novel breaks the usual linear arrangement of text on the page wich results with deautomatized reader's perception. Therefore, the main topic of this thesis is the analysis of the visual aspects of the Notes of an eccentric, or more precisely, the unusual arrangement of the text on the page. The duality of the world as the main theme of the novel is also depicted at a formal level, due to the fact that classical sentences are opposed to broken ones. The entire text is distinguished by the unusual arrangement of paragraphs and sentences that follow the narrator's train of thought, as well as the use of non-literary elements that also contribute to the creation of the meaning of the whole work. The unusual layout of the text is based on emphasizing the whiteness of the page, fragmented syntax, arrangement of sentences in horizontal and vertical lines, figurative construction of the text, use of italics, double hyphens and a special arrangement of words that creates a special intonation when reading. A novel constructed in this way becomes a real challenge for the reader, whose insight into the unique structure and content of the work brings an unsurpassed reading experience.
vizualni oblik proznog teksta
vizualano-grafički postupci izgradnje teksta
fragmentirana sintaksa
Keywords (english)
visual form of prose text
visual-graphic procedures of text construction
fragmented syntax
space or blank area
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:715766
Study programme Title: Russian Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching, Translation Course: Translation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra rusistike / sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije rusistike (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra rusistike / sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije rusistike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2024-07-05 09:15:33