Title Ektoparaziti u europskog ježa (Erinaceus europeaus)
Title (english) Ectoparasites in the European Hedgehog (Erinaceus Europeaus)
Author Jure Copić
Mentor Franjo Martinković (mentor)
Committee member Maja Lukač (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Petar Džaja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Gottstein (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety
Abstract Europski jež (Erinaceus europeaus) je mali nokturalni sisavac koji hibernira i porađa
žive mlade (4 - 6 komada) ispod granja ili u grmlju. Omnivori su (svejedi), ali hrane se
dominantno kukcima, iako se na njihovom jelovniku može naći i neka druga hrana poput,
biljaka i riba. Žive u divljini, ali i u gradovima. Nositelji su buhama, krpeljima, šugarcima i
ličinkama dvokrilaca koji parazitiraju na njihovom tijelu. Neki od navedenih ektoparazita koji
invadiraju ježa imaju vektorski potencijal jer se hrane njihovom krvlju. Također, ovi
ektoparaziti mogu pokazati ekološke interakcije. Primjerice, šugarci mogu tvoriti fenomen
komenzalnih zajednica s krpeljima i buhama koji im pomažu da se prošire među kralježnjacima,
nositeljima buha i krpelja. Međutim, šugarci katkada mogu imati i negativan utjecaj na
člankonošce u vidu otežanog kretanja, hranjena ili reprodukcije. Najveći broj krpelja i buha na
ježevima nalazimo u svibnju i lipnju, pogotovo u zemljama koje imaju topliju klimu koja
dodatno potpomaže razvoju ektoparazita. Na istraživanjima koja su provedena u Italiji i Iranu
dokazano je da je 9 od 10 ježeva bilo invadirano buhama ili krpeljima, a katkada se pojavljuje
i koinvazija (pojava kada na jednom ježu nalazimo oba navedena ektoparazita). Najčešći krpelj
kojeg nalazimo kod europskog ježa je Rhipicephalus turanicus koji je u istraživanjima
predložen kao glavni vektor Rickettsia massiliae – uzročnika pjegave groznice. Uz rikecije
krpelji mogu biti rezervoari različitih uzročnika bolesti kao što su Babesia, Coxiella, Anaplasma
spp., Erlichiae spp., nekih arbovirusa itd. Buha koju najčešće nalazimo na europskom ježu je
buha vrste Archaeopsylla erinacei koja može biti vektor Rickettsia spp. i Bartonellae henselae.
Kod ježeva kod kojih nađemo grinju Caparinia tripilis obično nalazimo i lokalne dermatitise
karakterizirane upalom kože, krastama, otpadanjem dlake, a svrab na tim dijelovima tijela
katkada dovodi i do samoozljeđivanja životinje.
Abstract (english) The European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) is a small, nocturnal mammal which
hibernate and give birth to live young (4-6 offspring) under branches or in bushes. They are
omnivores, but primarily feed on insects, although their diet can also include som eother food
such as plants and fish. They live in the wild as well as in cities. Hedgehogs are hosts for fleas,
ticks, and mites and dipteran larval stages which parasitize on their bodies. Some of the
mentioned ectoparasites have vector potential because they feed on the host's blood.
Additionally, these ectoparasites can exhibit ecological interactions. For example, mites can
create a phenomenon of commensal communities with ticks and fleas that help them spread
among vertebrates that are hosts to fleas and ticks. However, mites can sometimes have a
negative impact on arthropods by hindering their movement, feeding, or reproduction. The
highest number of ticks and fleas on hedgehogs is found in May and June, especially in
countries with warmer climates that further support the development of ectoparasites. Studies
conducted in Italy and Iran have shown that 9 out of 10 hedgehogs were infested with fleas or
ticks, and sometimes co-infestation (when both ectoparasites are found on one hedgehog)
occurs. The most common tick found on the European hedgehog is Rhipicephalus turanicus,
which has been proposed in studies as the main vector of Rickettsia massiliae, the causative
agent of spotted fever. In addition to rickettsiae, ticks can be reservoirs for Babesia, Coxiella,
Anaplasma spp., Ehrlichia spp., certain arboviruses, and more. The most common flea found
on the European hedgehog is the species Archaeopsylla erinacei, which can be a vector for
Rickettsia spp. and Bartonella henselae. Hedgehogs infested with the mite Caparinia tripilis
usually exhibit local dermatitis characterized by skin inflammation, scabs, hair loss, and itching
in these areas sometimes leads to self-injury by the animal.
europski jež
Keywords (english)
European hedgehog
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:578516
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2025-07-17
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Repository Repository of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Created on 2024-07-17 12:38:06