@mastersthesis{unizd:1411, author = {{Lekić, Irena}}, title = {{Gender issues in E.M. Forster's novel A Room with a View and Virginia Woolf's Orlando}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:1352, author = {{Ćuže, Matej}}, title = {{Images of Jewish Characters in the History of English Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:1584, author = {{Šprljan, Šime}}, title = {{Language and Reality in David Harrower's "Knives in Hens"}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:1413, author = {{Tomić, Leona}}, title = {{Non-Linear Narration as a Surrealist Method in the Plays of Caryl Churchill}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:2385, author = {{Repić, Maja}}, title = {{The New Irish Woman in Emer Martin's Novels}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:1348, author = {{Smoljo, Katarina}}, title = {{Violence and Sarah Kane: Representation of Sexual Violence in "Blasted" and "Phaedra's Love"}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:1136, author = {{Jelinić, Ivana}}, title = {{The Role of the Setting in William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:448, author = {{Batur, Antonia}}, title = {{"Liquid Identity" in Alan Warner's "Morvern Callar" and "The Sopranos"}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:470, author = {{Skrbin, Irena}}, title = {{Female Identity and Aspects of Space}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:460, author = {{Tkalčec, Lara}}, title = {{Modernist Novel and the Idea of Progress}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:447, author = {{Tkalčec, Katarina}}, title = {{Role of Woman in 19th Century Irish Society in Kate O'Brien's "The Ante-Room" and "Without My Cloak"}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:469, author = {{Šimičević, Matea}}, title = {{The Representation of Woman in the Poetry of William Butler Yeats}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:472, author = {{Gotovac, Luka Antonio}}, title = {{The Role of Water Imagery in the Modernist Novel}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:428, author = {{Sapunarić, Nikolina}}, title = {{Images of family life in English novel}}, } @mastersthesis{unizd:5034, author = {{Burčul, Anamaria}}, title = {{Representations of Contemporary Irish Diaspora in Emer Martin's More Bread or I'll Appear and Breakfast in Babylon}}, }