@mastersthesis{mef:3889, author = {{Izhaki Kotchinsky, Yaniv}}, title = {{Biological context of CAR therapy in cancer treatment}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4542, author = {{Zaninović, Luca}}, title = {{Metode molekularne dijagnostike u prenatalnoj medicini}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3871, author = {{Orešković, Emma Grace}}, title = {{Pluripotent stem cells for regenerative medicine}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2793, author = {{Novak, Anamaria}}, title = {{Genetika i epigenetika kao izvor neplodnosti čovjeka}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2365, author = {{Rađan, Rosana}}, title = {{Epigenetički lijekovi u medicini}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2253, author = {{Martinović, Slavica}}, title = {{Analiza infracrvenih spektara krvne plazme kao personaliziranog markera u dijagnostičko-terapijskom praćenju tumora dječje dobi}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2736, author = {{Antolović, Antonija}}, title = {{Utjecaj okoliša na epigenom u trudnoći}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1919, author = {{Rac, Ivana}}, title = {{DNA metilacija gena uključenih u proces implantacije}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2122, author = {{Wilson, Damien Jonas Adolphus}}, title = {{Human folliculin delays cell cycle progression through late S and G2/M-phases: effect of phosphorylation and tumor associated mutations}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1610, author = {{Cetinić, Marija}}, title = {{Utjecaj prehrane na promjenu našeg epigenoma}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:948, author = {{Tomac, Helena}}, title = {{Epigentska osnova genomskog imprintinga: Prader - Willi i Angelman}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:577, author = {{Greguraš, Stjepan}}, title = {{Epigenetski lijekovi}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:559, author = {{Bagić, Ivan}}, title = {{Utjecaj prehrane majke na epigenom djeteta}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:503, author = {{Himelreich, Marta}}, title = {{Prezentacija zbirki nastavnih pomagala zavoda za histologiju i embriologiju Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu}}, }