pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn ffos:6730 thesis "A Study of Willingness to Communicate in Physical and Virtual EFL Classroom Using Narrative Frames" "Laslavić, Lana" ffos:6392 thesis "The Influence of L2 English on the Comprehension of L3 German" "Mazur, Andrea" ffos:6517 thesis "The Role of Grammar Learning Strategies in EFL Achievement" "Čabraja, Josipa" ffos:5787 thesis "Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Online Classes" "Rišner, Iva" ffos:5797 thesis "Writing Strategies in EFL Argumentative Essays" "Šplihal, Ivana" ffos:5093 thesis "The Use of Adjective+Noun Collocations by English Non-Native and Native Writers: A bigram-based study" "Lovrić, Benjamin" ffos:5101 thesis "Pre-service EFL Teachers' Anxiety about Teaching" "Brodar, Martina" ffos:5102 thesis "The Relationship between Oral Corrective Feedback and Learners' Motivation in EFL" "Pavić, Dora" ffos:5092 thesis "The Role of Stay Abroad in Perception of Oral Proficiency and Willingness to Communicate" "Leko, Mia" ffos:5419 thesis "A Comparative Study of Foreign Language Writing Anxiety Among Croatian Students Majoring in English and German" "Pucelj, Martina" ffos:5115 thesis "Transition Markers and Coherence in L2 English and German Argumentative Essays" "Oberling, Andreja" ffos:4682 thesis "Semiotic Analysis of Culture in EFL Textbooks for Secondary School Learners" "Gogić, Martina" ffos:4942 thesis "Teacher's Strategies for Asking Questions in EFL classroom" "Kovačević, Martina" ffos:4569 thesis "EFL learners' perception of pronunciation instruction" "Talan, Domagoj" ffos:4513 thesis "A Match or Mismatch between Teaching and Learning Styles in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at the Primary School Level" "Vukić, Sabina" ffos:4514 thesis "The Relationship between Introversion/Extroversion, Language Learning Strategies and Success in English as a Foreign Language" "Zirdum, Monika" ffos:4515 thesis "The Use of Communication Strategies and its Relationship with Willingness to Communicate and Speaking Competence in English as a Foreign Language" "Gavrić, Manda" ffos:4287 thesis """The Relationship between Writing Anxiety and Beliefs about Writing in Learners Preparing for the State School-leaving Exam in EFL""" "Marelja, Ana Marija" ffos:4285 thesis "Recognition and Use Of Phrasal Verbs by EFL Learners" "Radišić, Nikolina" ffos:4286 thesis "Teaching English Using Table-top Role-playing Games" "Farkaš, Josip" ffos:4279 thesis "The relationship between writing strategies and writing anxiety in EFL" "Đumlija, Andrea" ffos:4195 thesis "Intercultural Communicative Competence and Pragmatic Comprehension of High School EFL Learners" "Lang, Petra" ffos:4212 thesis "Attitudes towards idioms and idiom learning strategies" "Pucelj, Mirna" ffos:4214 thesis "EFL teachers' attitudes towards vocabulary learning strategies" "Feješ, Marko" ffos:4231 thesis "Development of self-regulation in EFL vocabulary learning" "Žaper, Marijana" ffos:4230 thesis "The effects of reading on incidental vocabulary acquisition in EFL" "Vila, Tomislav" ffos:743 thesis "Integrative and discrete-point tasks in EFL tests: a test analysis" "Šolaja, Antonio" ffos:2577 thesis "The Relationship Between Motivation and Exposure to EFL outside the Classroom" "Ložnjak Fabjanović, Monika" ffos:2381 thesis "Exploring Foreign Language Communication Apprehension among the English Language University Students in the English Language Classroom Setting" "Crnjak, Gabrijela" ffos:2540 thesis "Exploring the Relationship between Vocabulary Breadth and Rote Learning Strategies among High School EFL Learners" "Iličić, Sara" ffos:2419 thesis "Metacognitive awareness in EFL listening" "Eđed, Josip" ffos:2539 thesis "The Use of Narratives in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Young Learners: Teachers' Perceptions and Practices" "Bence, Petra" ffos:2418 thesis "Translated and Direct Writing in Teaching English as a Foreign Language" "Završki, Veronika" ffos:2483 thesis "The role of self-regulation in EFL vocabulary knowledge" "Vujnović, Martina" ffos:734 thesis "EFL Learners Attitudes Towards Various English Accents" "Mandarić, Iskra" ffos:735 thesis "Gender roles in reading stories in EFL textbooks" "Kostić, Dolores" ffos:653 thesis "Odnos između stilova učenja i strategija učenja vokabulara" "Ravnjak, Anja" ffos:981 thesis "Gender Representation in Elementary School EFL Textbooks" "Bilić, Ines" ffos:691 thesis "The Relationship between Readability, Reading Comprehension and Reading Strategies in EFL" "Kuterovac, Rahela" ffos:699 thesis "The Role of Aesthetic Education in Early EFL Learning" "Lukačević, Marina" ffos:375 thesis "Gender and Education" "Dolić, Nikolina" ffos:372 thesis "Pre-Service Teachers' Beliefs about Teaching English to Primary School Children" "Čordaš, Mirna" ffos:374 thesis "Reading texts in Croatian Elementary School EFL Textbooks: A Readability Analysis" "Nedić, Tijana" ffos:371 thesis "The Importance of Teaching Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom" "Brdarić, Helena" ffos:160 thesis "Beliefs and Attitudes of Primary School Learners toward Error Treatment in Foreign Language Learner Talk" "Utvić, Tanja" ffos:161 thesis "Learners’ Attitudes towards Error Correction in EFL writing" "Rotim, Ivana" ffos:1191 thesis "Relationship between Textbook Topics and Real Life Conversational Topics of EFL Students" "Lovrić, Branka" ffos:1050 thesis "Teaching English through songs" "Hrastović, Maja" ffos:1025 thesis "The Relationship Between Speaking Activities in the EFL Classroom and Croatian State School-leaving Exam" "Frančešević, Anita" ffos:1428 thesis "The Relationship between Grammar Learning Strategies and Risk-taking in EFL learners" "Vuković, Klara" ffos:1439 thesis "The Role of First Language in Learning English as a Foreign Language" "Šikloši, Beata" ffos:1425 thesis "Using Internet in Written Production in English Language Classroom" "Vukelja, Doris" ffos:1519 thesis "Etapa motivacije u nastavi hrvatskoga jezika" "Domazet, Sanja" ffos:890 thesis "Jezično izražavanje u nastavi hrvatskoga jezika" "Sofrenović, Ljiljana" ffos:1489 thesis "Comparison of Vocational and Grammar School Learners' Motivation in English as a Foreign Language" "Berka, Nives" ffos:1300 thesis "Error Analysis of Perfect Aspect With Reference to Errors Made by Croatian Secondary School EFL Learners" "Sabo, Ana" ffos:1097 thesis "Exploring the Ideal and Ought to Second Language Self in English as a Foreign Language" "Matušin, Ines" ffos:897 thesis "Oral Corrective Feedback in EFL: Teachers Techniques and Learners Attitude" "Vilček, Iva" ffos:1506 thesis "Researching Cultural Elements in Primary School Textbooks for EFL setting" "Crnojević, Sofija" ffos:970 thesis "Very Young EFL Learners’ Reactions to Different Assessing Methods" "Đurčević, Vesna" ffos:1346 thesis "Critical Evaluation of the Helen Doron Early English Method" "Rolj Kovačević, Dora" ffos:1398 thesis "Elements of Culture and Tradition in Teaching English as a Foreign Language: A Coursebook Analysis" "Vujanović, Dražena" ffos:1362 thesis "Exploring the Relationship between Teaching and Learning Styles in Teaching English as a Foreign Language" "Modic, Matea" ffos:1385 thesis "Pogreške u pisanoj proizvodnji učenika engleskoga kao stranoga jezika: analiza prijedložnih kolokacija/Errors in EFL Learners' Written Production: Analysis of Prepositional Collocations" "Valenčak, Martina" ffos:1139 thesis "Willingness to Commmunicate and Oral Proficiency in EFL" "Filipović, Mirijam" ffos:1386 thesis "Word order in EFL learners’ written production" "Pavić, Stana" ffos:1716 thesis "Analysis of Teacher Feedback on EFL Learners' Written Production" "Štajner, Renata" ffos:1124 thesis "Exploring Intercultural Competence of High School EFL Learners" "Bošković, Eva" ffos:1245 thesis "Rendering of Collocations in Simultaneous Interpretation from English into Croatian" "Kujundžija, Ivana" ffos:1275 thesis "Vocabulary Learning Strategies, Reading Habits and Vocabulary Size Test" "Mikić, Ivana" ffos:1367 thesis "Exploring some aspects of EFL learners' cultural competence" "Tokić, Ružica" ffos:1247 thesis "Exploring the Eighth Primary School Graders' Attainment in English as a Foreign Language" "Leuštek, Mia" ffos:1777 thesis "Conceptual metaphor as a basic of language change-a case of English adjectives" "Barković, Anita" ffos:1849 thesis "Motivational Strategies in Teaching Speaking" "Horvat, Valerija" ffos:1906 thesis "The relationship between extroversion/ introversion, perceptual learning styles and success in English as a foreign language" "Krišto, Snježana" ffos:1715 thesis "The relationship between listening anxiety, listening strategies and listening comprehension in English as a foreign language" "Ćupurdija, Marija" ffos:1853 thesis "EFL Learners' Beliefs about Grammar Learning" "Hrgović, Nina" ffos:3109 thesis "Einfluss der englischen Sprache im schriftlichen Ausdruck der Schüler in der 8. Klasse Grundschule und 4. Klasse Gymnasium" "Marković, Zdravka" ffos:3537 thesis "Nicht standardisierte Tests im DaF-Unterricht in der Grundschule" "Pejić, Anela" ffos:2796 thesis "Ausspracheschwierigkeiten kroatischsprachiger DaF-Lerner in der Grundschule" "Lacković, Martina" ffos:2794 thesis "Die intelligente Tafel im Deutschunterricht in Mittelschulen" "Lagetar, Marijana" ffos:2921 thesis "English Language and Literature Majors' Attitudes and Motivation" "Hajduković, Tomislav" ffos:3665 thesis "Foreign Language Learners' Perception of Classroom Practice" "Džojić, Elena" ffos:3527 thesis "Foreign Language Listening Anxiety: The Relationship between Listening Anxiety and Success in Learning English as a Foreign Language" "Bede, Lana" ffos:3579 thesis "Reading from paper versus reading from screen in EFL" "Rengel, Katarina" ffos:3663 thesis "The Development of the Speaking Skill: a textbook analysis" "Dumančić, Lada" ffos:3144 thesis "Vocabulary Learning Strategies used by Elementary School Learners of EFL: A Pseudo-Longitudinal Study" "Mešin Kaurin, Jasmina" ffos:3533 thesis "Teaching Abroad" "Bilić, Dina" ffos:2974 thesis "Strategies of Learning Idioms in English as a Foreign Language" "Škrbić, Jelena" ffos:3425 thesis "Einstellungen zum Fremdsprachenunterricht" "Lozančić, Anđela" ffos:3335 thesis "Personality Traits, Willingness to Communicate and Oral Proficiency In English as a Foreign Language (EFL)" "Požega, Dunja" ffos:2905 thesis "Literatur im DaF-Unterricht: Problemstellung und mögliche Lösungsansätze" "Šimunović, Dragana"