@mastersthesis{fthm:2508, author = {{Zadravec, Eneja}}, title = {{Development of wellness tourism in Opatija}}, } @mastersthesis{fthm:1860, author = {{Janković, Veronika}}, title = {{Development of the Advent Days as a tourism product of the City of Zagreb}}, } @mastersthesis{fthm:1559, author = {{Hrvatin, Zara}}, title = {{Croatian Cuisine as a Part of World Cuisine}}, } @mastersthesis{fthm:1677, author = {{Smoković, Anika}}, title = {{Istria as an Enogastronomic Tourist Destination}}, } @mastersthesis{fthm:1676, author = {{Slunjski, Josip}}, title = {{Role of sport in sustainable tourism development of Croatia}}, } @mastersthesis{fthm:1493, author = {{Mišurac, Katarina}}, title = {{Rijeka kao Europska prijestolnica kulture 2020}}, } @mastersthesis{fthm:976, author = {{Dezsö, David}}, title = {{Razvoj kulturnoga turizma na području Opatije}}, } @mastersthesis{fthm:616, author = {{Radoš, Branimir}}, title = {{Emotional Appeal in Tourism Advertising}}, } @mastersthesis{fthm:534, author = {{Turkalj, Tin}}, title = {{Museums as a Part of Cultural Offer in Zagreb}}, }