@mastersthesis{acmt:234, author = {{Džanković, Leila}}, title = {{Online vs. In-Person Foreign Language Learning: Students’ Perception}}, } @mastersthesis{acmt:149, author = {{Čustović, Senko}}, title = {{EFFECTIVENESS OF LIVE MUSIC PERFORMANCES IN DUBROVNIK BASED HOTELS, BARS AND RESTAURANTS}}, } @mastersthesis{acmt:108, author = {{Popović, Katarina}}, title = {{ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP I SME SECTOR IN DUBROVNIK 1}}, } @mastersthesis{acmt:136, author = {{Lonac, Karlo}}, title = {{Experience Economy and Shift in Provision of Taxi Service in Dubrovnik}}, } @mastersthesis{acmt:81, author = {{Miloslavić, Maria}}, title = {{“The customer is not always right”: Frontline employees’ perspective and coping with illegitimate customer complaints}}, }