Abstract | Maslina je najrasprostranjenija voćka na Mediteranu, što potkrepljuju različiti dokazi o njenom uzgoju još za vrijeme stare Grčke, a čiji se plod od davnina upotrebljava kao hrana i lijek. Areal uzgoja joj je Mediteran koji pruža povoljne agroekološke uvjete za njen uzgoj. Maslinu napada velik broj štetnika, a njih petnaestak su ekonomski značajni te ih je potrebno suzbijati. U Hrvatskoj je maslinov moljac (Prays oleae Bernard, 1788). značajan je štetnik na cijelom uzgojnom području masline, a na otocima predstavlja jednaku, a ponegdje i veću opasnost od maslinine muhe. Sorte masline međusobno se razlikuju u osjetljivosti na napad maslinovog moljca što je uglavnom povezano s krupnoćom ploda. Cilj ovog rada je bio praćenje dinamike i brojnosti populacije maslinovog moljca, koje je provedeno tijekom 2017. godine u tri nasada maslina na različitim mikrolokalitetima na otoku Hvaru. U svakom masliniku postavljena su po dva feromonska mamca tvrtke Csalomon® , a pomoću drvenog okvira veličine 1 m² zabilježen je broj otpalih plodova, te je vizualnim pregledom plodova utvrđen intenzitet napada preimaginalnih stadija ovog štetnika. Ulov maslinovog moljca značajno se razlikovao među sortama i mikrolokalitetima Na svakoj mikrolokaciji bilježila se dinamika napada. Na mikrolokalitetu „Gojdanje“ zabilježena je prisutnost od 12 % . Na lokalitetu „Pod Račić zabilježen je intenzitet napada od 72 %. Na trećoj mikrolokaciji „Sadišće“ zabilježen je ulov od od 16% Vizualnim pregledom otpalih plodova na drvenim okvirima koji je proveden u ljetnim mjesecima utvrđena je zaraza na 4 ploda sorte Oblica dok na sorti Lastovka uočena zaraza sa ličinkama na 2 ploda. Na mikrolokalitetu „Pod Račić“ utvrđena je brojnost od 5 ličinki na plodovima sorte Oblica, dok je na sorti Leccino uočeno 3 ličinke. Na mikrolokaciji „Sadišće“ uočena je brojnost od 5 ličinki na sorti Oblica dok na sorti Pendolino nije uočena zaraza. Nisku zarazu zaraženih plodova ličinkama maslinova moljca, unatoč visokoj populaciji leptira u cijelom periodu praćenja su izrazito visoke temperature i mala količina oborina u 2017. godini koji su negativno utjecali na njegov razvoj. |
Abstract (english) | The Olive is the most widespread fruit in the Mediterranean, supporting various evidence of her breeding during ancient Greece, whose fruit has been used as a food and medicine since ancient times. The areal of her breeding is Mediterranean that provides favorable agroecological conditions for her breeding. The Olive attacks a big number of pests, and fifteen of them are economically significant and need to be counteracted. The olive moth (Prays oleae Bernard, 1788). in Croatia, is a significant pest in the whole olive growing area, but on the islands it is the more, dangerous of olive fruit fly. The varieties of olives differ in their sensitivity to the attack of an olive moth, which is mainly related to coarseness of the fruit. The aim of this study was monitoring the dynamics and the number of olive moth populations, which were carried out in 2017 in three olive plantations on different microlocalities on the island Hvar. In each of olive grove were placed two pheromone bait companies of Csalomon®, and with the help a wooden frame of 1m2, number of fallen fruits was recorded, and the visual inspection of the fruits determined the intensity of the attack of the preimmaginal stages of this pest. Catch of the olive moth was differnt significantly among the varieties and microlocalities. On each microlocation, was noted the dynamics of attack. On microlocation „Gojdanje“ registred presence of 12%. At the locality "Pod Račić“ there was an intensity of 72%. On the third microlocation "Sadišće" was registred a attack 16% .By visual review of fallen fruits on wooden frames conducted during summer months, fertility was determined on 4 fruits of the Oblica cultivars, while on Lastovka cultivars were found infected on 2 fruits. On the microlocality "Pod Račić" number of 5 larvae on the fruits of the Oblica cultivar was determined, while on the variety Leccino 3 larvres were observed. On the microlocation of "Sadišće", were determined of 5 larvae on the cultivar of Oblica, while on the Penolino variety there was no infection. Low infection on infected olive fruits whith moth larves despite high population moth buterflies, in whole monitoring period were extremely high temperatures and a small amount of rainfall in 2017, were negatively influenced on development. |