Title Utjecaj mehaničkog stresa na sadržaj specijaliziranih metabolita u lisnatom povrću
Title (english) The influence of mechanical stress on specialized metabolites content of leafy vegetables
Author Paola Samirić
Mentor Jana Šic Žlabur (mentor)
Committee member Jana Šic Žlabur (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Radman (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Voća (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Department of Agricultural Technology, Storage and Transport) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Salata (Lactuca sativa L.) i radič (Cichorium intibus var. foliosum) su rasprostranjene vrste lisnatog povrća, a cilj njihova uzgoja su rozeta ili glavica lišća kod salate te listovi ili korijen kod radiča. Obje vrste lisnatog povrća mogu se uzgajati u ljetnom periodu na otvorenom te zimskom u zaštićenim prostorima. Glavno ograničenje prilikom zimskog razdoblja očituje se prvenstveno u morfološkim karakteristikama biljke, kao što je duža stabljika i manja lisna površna. Zbog smanjenog intenziteta i dužine trajanja svjetlosti, slabija je fotosinteza, dok zbog hladnoće, ali i velike vlažnosti zraka može doći do pojave biljnih bolesti i smrzavanja tla. Upravo zbog takvih uvjeta, uspješna proizvodnja lisnatog povrća tijekom zimskih mjeseci moguća je jedino u zaštićenim prostorima. Prilikom zimskog uzgoja, proizvođači se koriste različitim tehnikama, kako bi proizveli što čvršću i otporniju biljku, kao što su tehnike mehaničkog kondicioniranja. Tehnike mehaničkog kondicioniranja u biljkama izazivaju stres, što se prvenstveno očituje morfološkim promjenama, smanjivanjem rasta u visinu i razvojem deblje i čvršće stabljike. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi sadržaj specijaliziranih metabolita i antioksidacijski kapacitet salate i zelenog radiča utjecajem mehaničkog stimuliranja četkanjem.
Kod salate, postupak mehaničkog kondicioniranja četkanjem imao je pozitivan utjecaj na istraživana kemijska svojstva, odnosno kod biljaka tretiranih četkanjem utvrđen je veći sadržaj ukupne suhe tvari, topljive suhe tvari, vitamina C, ukupnih fenola, neflavonoida i flavonoida . Također, sadržaj analiziranih pigmentnih spojeva, ukupnih klorofila i karotenoida, bio je veći u biljkama koje su mehanički kondicionirane. Suprotno rezultatima utvrđenim kod salate, kod biljaka radiča četkanjem nisu utvrđene pozitivne promjene pojedinih kemijskih parametara, prilikom čega su niže vrijednosti ukupne suhe tvari, topljive suhe tvari, ukupnih fenola, neflaovnoida i flavonoida utvrđene u biljkama koje su tretirane četkanjem. No, kondicioniranje je pozitivno utjecalo na pigmentne spojeve radiča, s obzirom da su više vrijednosti ukupnih klorofila i karotanoida utvrđene u tretiranim biljkama. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata, može se zaključiti da se mehaničko kondicioniranje četkanjem može uspješno koristiti prilikom uzgoja salate u svrhu povećanja nutritvne kvalitete gotovog proizvoda.
Abstract (english) Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and chicory (Cichorium intibus var. foliosum) are widespread varieties of leafy vegetables, with the aim of growing rosette or leaf heads for lettuce and leaves or root for chicory. Both types of leafy vegetables can be grown in the summer in the open and in the winter in protected areas. The main limitation during winter growing is manifested primarily in the morphological characteristics of the plant, such as a longer stem and smaller leafy surface. Due to the reduced intensity and light length, photosynthesis rate is reduced, while low temperatures and high humidity can lead to plant diseases and soil freezing. Due to these conditions, successful production of leafy vegetables during the winter months is only possible in protected areas. During winter cultivation, manufacturers use a variety of techniques to produce as firm and resilient plant as possible, such as mechanical conditioning techniques. Mechanical conditioning techniques in plants cause stress, which is primarily manifested by morphological changes, reducing growth in height and the development of thicker and firmer stems. The aim of the study was to determine the content of specialized metabolites and the antioxidant capacity of lettuce and green chicory by influence of mechanical stimulation by brushing.
In lettuce, the mechanical conditioning by brushing had a positive effect on the chemical studied properties, while the higher content of total dry matter, soluble solids, vitamin C, total phenols, nonflavonoids and flavonoids was determined. Also, the content of analyzed pigment compounds, total chlorophylls and carotenoids, were higher in plants mechanically conditioned. Contrary to the results determined in lettuce, no positive changes in chemical parameters were detected in chicory plants, whereby lower values of total dry matter content, soluble solids, total phenols, nonflavonoids and flavonoids were found in the plants treated by brushing. But conditioning had a positive effect on the pigment compounds of chicory, since higher values of total chlorophylls and carotanoids were determined in treated plants. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that mechanical conditioning by brushing can be successfully used in the cultivation of lettuce in the purpose of increasing the nutritional quality of the finished
mehaničko kondicioniranje
vitamin C
ukupni fenoli
antioksidacijski kapacitet
Keywords (english)
mechanical conditioning
vitamin C
total phenols
antioxidant capacity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:761336
Study programme Title: Organic Agriculture with Agrotourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar / magistra inženjer/inženjerka ekološke poljoprivrede i agroturizma (magistar / magistra inženjer/inženjerka ekološke poljoprivrede i agroturizma)
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Repository Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
Created on 2019-12-02 10:25:57