Abstract | Razvoj fitopatologije u Hrvatskoj započeo je pisanjem radova o biljnim bolestima. Prve radove o pronađenoj mikoflori na području današnje Hrvatske pisali su inozemni znanstvenici (botaničari, mikolozi, fitopatolozi) u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća. Poznati mikolozi Müggenburg, Thümen, Bolle i Solla prvi su počeli objavljivati radove u europski priznatim mikološkim i botaničkim časopisima s opisima novih vrsta fitopatogenih gljiva na području Slavonije, Dalmacije i Istre. U istom razdoblju, tijekom druge polovice 19. stoljeća radove, odnosno naputke objavljivali su i hrvatski autori (Antunović, Jergović, Heinz, Hržić, Jurinac) o tada aktualnim temama, najčešće o suzbijanju bolesti vinove loze, (peronospore i pepelnice), koje su tada opustošile hrvatske vinograde. Tijekom prve polovine 20. stoljeća i mnogi drugi inozemni znanstvenici (Jaap, Bubák, Sydow, Baudyš, Picbauer) na području današnje Hrvatske istražuju i objavljuju radove o pronađenoj mikoflori te su svojim istraživanjima postavili temelje za daljnji razvoj fitopatologije i rad hrvatskih fitopatologa. Paralelno s objavljivanjem radova inozemnih znanstvenika, još uvijek i početkom 20. stoljeća pojedini hrvatski stručnjaci (Cesar, Morović, Radić) objavljivali su brošure s uputama o zaštiti vinograda protiv peronospore i pepelnice. Kasnijih godina istraživanja su bila bazirana na par uzročnika biljnih bolesti, točnije na fitopatogene gljive (krumpirova plijesan, krastavost ploda jabuke, hrđe i snijeti žitarica, i dr.), pa su se sukladno tome u tom razdoblju počeli objavljivati priručnici o zaštiti voćaka, povrća, vinove loze, žitarica (Ritig, Pirnat, Babić, Kovačević). Prvom polovinom 20. stoljeća bio je osnovan institut za zaštitu bilja, a nešto kasnije i Gospodarsko-šumarski fakultet u Zagrebu te Katedra za fitopatologiju 1919. godine. Tako su započela detaljnija znanstvena istraživanja u područjima fitopatologije. Prvi istaknuti fitopatolog koji je predavao na tadašnjem Gospodarsko-šumarskom fakultetu do sredine 20. stoljeća bio je prof. dr. sc. Vladimir Škorić, a prvi fitopatološki predmet bio je ''Gospodarska fitopatologija''. Tijekom druge polovine 20. stoljeća (nakon Drugog svjetskog rata) proširila su se područja istraživanja u fitopatologiji pa su tako tadašnji istaknuti fitopatolozi bili prof. dr. sc. Milan Panjan, prof. dr. sc. Josip Kišpatić, prof. dr sc. Ivanka Milatović, prof. dr. sc. Ana Šarić. Oni su izučavali nove metode dijagnostike u fitopatologiji, nove fungicide, fitopatogene viruse, prognozne modele za pojave bolesti, važnost sjetve zdravog sjemena i dr. Svoja zapažanja i novitete u fitopatologiji objavljivali su putem znanstvenih i stručnih radova u raznim domaćim i europskim časopisima. U tom razdoblju sve više se izučavala i fitofarmacija pa su tako navedeni fitopatolozi pisali brojne priručnike, skripte, udžbenike koji su sadržajno pokrivali područja fitopatologije (bolesti biljaka) i fitofarmacije (zaštita biljaka i primjena sredstava za zaštitu biljaka). Do kraja 20. stoljeća sveukupno je objavljeno više od 500 znanstvenih i stručnih radova, raznih kategorija, od strane tadašnjih fitopatologa. U ovom radu bit će obrađeni najznačajniji fitopatolozi i drugi znanstvenici koji su djelovali u tome razdoblju a više nisu među živima. |
Abstract (english) | The development of phytopathology in Croatia began with the writting of papers on plant diseases. The first works on the found mycoflora in the area of today's Croatia were written by foreign scientists (botanists, mycologists, phytopathologists) in the second half of the 19th century. Müggenburg, Thümen, Bolle and Solla were the first to publish papers in European recognized mycological and botanical journals on the found mycoflora and on descriptions of new species of phytopathogenic fungi in the areas of Slavonia, Dalmatia and Istria. In the same period, during the second half of the 19th century, works or recomanendations for management of plant disease were published by Croatian authors (Antunović, Jergović, Heinz, Hržić, Jurinac) on current topics, more precisely on the control of diseases of vines, (downy mildew and powdery mildew), which are then devastated Croatian vineyards. During the first half of the 20th century, foreign scientists (Jaap, Bubák, Sydow, Baudyš, Picbauer) continued to research and publish works on the found mycoflora on Croatian teritory and laid the foundations for the further development of phytopathology and the work of Croatian phytopathologists. Simultaneously with the publication of works by foreign scientists, still at the beginning of the 20th century, some Croatian experts (Cesar, Morović, Radić) published brochures with instructions on the protection of vineyards against downy mildew and powdery mildew. In later years, research was based on a couple of pathogens of plant diseases, more precisely on phytopathogenic fungi (potato mildew, apple scab, rust and shed cereals, etc.) and accordingly in that period begans publishing of manuals on the protection of fruits and vegetables , vines, cereals (Ritig, Pirnat, Babić, Kovačević). In the first half of the 20th century, the Institute for Plant Protection was founded, and later the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry in Zagreb and the Department of Phytopathology in 1919, thus beginning more detailed scientific research in the fields of phytopathology. The first prominent phytopathologist who taught at Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry until the middle of the 20th century was prof. dr. sc. Vladimir Škorić, who introduced the first phytopathological course "Agricultural phytopathology". During the second half of the 20th century (after the Second World War), the fields of research in phytopathology expanded, owing to prominent phytopathologists prof. Milan Panjan, prof. Josip Kišpatić, prof. Ivanka, Milatović, prof. Ana Šarić and their research of new diagnostic methods in phytopathology, new fungicides, phytopathogenic viruses, prognostic models for disease occurrences, the importance of sowing healthy seeds, etc. They published their observations and novelties in phytopathology through scientific and professional papers in various domestic and European journals. In that period, phytopharmacy was increasingly studied, so the above phytopathologists wrote numerous manuals, scripts, textbooks that covered the areas of phytopathology (plant diseases) and phytopharmacy (plant protection and application of plant protection products). By the end of the 20th century, a total of more than 500 scientific and professional papers, of various categories, were published by phytopathologists of the time. This thesis will deal with the most important phytopathologists and other scientists who worked in that period and are no longer alive. |